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Hello friends
Iwant to install dualboot Win7 and Archlinux
CPU: intel Atom N750
Ram : 2GB
VGA : intel GMA 3150
this netbook have windows 7 strarter and working ok
******But the Freeze Display on Linux*******
tested this distros on this netbook(everything freeze display when install mode or live mode or user mode):
Archlinux 8.1 32bit and 64bit = Freeze on live mode and installing
Ubuntu 12.4 14.10 15.4 32bit and 64bit
Fedora 22 64bit
elementary freya (based on ubuntu 14.4)
kali linux 1.1
debian 6
******I've installed Intel drivers from intel-driver-linux-installer on ubuntu 14.10*****
My partitions for install linux:
20GB /
4GB Swap
Why regiment and a clutter the screen when using or installing Linux?
What is the problem?
Sorry for my bad English
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