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I prefer vanilla kernels over patched versions - just a personal foible.
Also, I have several Linux versions in a multiboot system - so I can check out any interesting news but still have a stable 'work' system available.
I went to my current kernel ( directory, copied over kconfig26 and did 'make xconfig', This quickly caused error in scripts/basic/fixdep - permission not good. So I tried it as root - still not good enough permissions!
Rebooted the machine, tried the same make xconfig (in the same directory) using another distribution - and now it worked!
What in Arch causes this strange error? Can I avoid it? Or must I use ABS and makepkg?
Moduli non sunt multiplicandi praeter necessitatem
What do you mean with "current kernel directory"?
I think that you can not use the /usr/src/linux-<foo> directory created installing the arch default kernel (it does not include a complete kernel source, only what is needed in order to install external modules and so).
If you want to compile your own kernel without abs, you have to untar the kernel source in a new directory in /usr/src... cd to that directory, give a
zcat /proc/config.gz > .config
make oldconfig
make menuconfig
make modules_install
cp arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot/vmlinuz26arch
Mortuus in anima, curam gero cutis
With 'current kernel directory' I meant the folder where I have untarred the current (for me) kernel.
Otherwise, what you describe is what I have done; but I do not use /usr/src at all but a separate partition holding software and one folder there dedicated to kernels (I use a separate partition so software can easily and safely be shared between distributions or versions).
The fstab entries are identical in all systems; that is why I am confused by the refusal of Arch to permit "make xconfig" and "make menuconfig", even for root!
Moduli non sunt multiplicandi praeter necessitatem
I'm little bit uncertain - is initrd26.img needed? I'm old Slack-user and there was no initram-disk I have compiled kernel now with abs but I think it's little bit easier to compile in that way you mentioned.
Provided you compile the kernel with the needed things inside the kernel and not as modules (the stuff required for the root filesystem, your disk and something else), no initrd is required: the initrd is required for the default arch kernel, with lots of modules.
If you derived your config file from your slack, you should not need any initrd.
Mortuus in anima, curam gero cutis
To occam: if the configuration succeeds on the same partition in another distribution, the problem could concern the permissions you have on that partition: so you should compare the relevant lines in /etc/fstab in your two distributions.
Mortuus in anima, curam gero cutis
Thanks a lot
To patrocio7: yes, there was a difference in the fstab s.
In Arch I had "noauto,user,rw" and in the other "defaults".
A change to "defaults" was all that was needed.
However, I did an pacman -Suy without excluding kernel26, and now several /usr/lib modules pertaining to nvidia and GL are "empty", and I cannot start X. Doing pacman -S nvidia in run mode 3 did not help. Oh well, I will wait a few weeks and then reload Arch and see if I can get it to work. (I know that there are kernel patches for nvidia but at the moment there is too much else to do..)
Moduli non sunt multiplicandi praeter necessitatem
For the next time, if you want to compile your own kernel without abs, you can not only put:
IgnorePkg = kernel26
in /etc/pacman.conf, but also give a different name to your own kernel. Let us say
cp arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot/kernel26occam
and then adapt you grub (or lilo) configuration. In this second way, you can also install both your own kernel and the default arch one (so, you can change kernel on the fly at boot time if something goes wrong with the other one).
Moreover, kernel26occam is a perfect name for a clean, essential kernel: it can be properly called "occamistic", since it obeys a modified version of a well-known dictum by William of Ockham:
Moduli non sunt multiplicandi praeter necessitatem
Mortuus in anima, curam gero cutis
"Moduli non sunt multiplicandi praeter necessitatem"
I like that motto-variant! It will be my signature from now on.
Moduli non sunt multiplicandi praeter necessitatem
I have found that 'strange' problems are sometimes caused by having 'current' and 'extra' repos out of synch. So, I now apply a standard solution: change pacman preferences to use the 'root' repos, and then pacman -Syu. Works for me..
It can happen that there are glitches in the packages, so I first check the forums to see if others have same/similar problems. In such cases I wait a few days, and by then the maintainers usually have resolved the problems,
Moduli non sunt multiplicandi praeter necessitatem
Which problem do you mean? That with "/etc/fstab"?
Mortuus in anima, curam gero cutis
No - I mean problems like X stops working after a system upgrade.
Moduli non sunt multiplicandi praeter necessitatem
Yeah, sorry, then I agree. However, may be there is a danger: if every user syncs directly with the main server, this server (in spite of being brand new, I guess) will suffer a bit.
Mortuus in anima, curam gero cutis
Yes I realise that. So that is done ONLY if a) there is a problem AND b) my 'local' (Australian) server is not updated by the time I need the Arch system.
Moduli non sunt multiplicandi praeter necessitatem
Yes I realise that. So that is done ONLY if a) there is a problem AND b) my 'local' (Australian) server is not updated by the time I need the Arch system.
I ditched the australian server's. Try and find another mirror. I use because I prefer to be right up to date, it gives reasonable speeds ~100KB/s so it's not too bad. Most of them are terribly out of date at best. I've put in requests to planet mirror and and neither have put a mirror up.
occam wrote:Yes I realise that. So that is done ONLY if a) there is a problem AND b) my 'local' (Australian) server is not updated by the time I need the Arch system.
I ditched the australian server's. Try and find another mirror. I use because I prefer to be right up to date, it gives reasonable speeds ~100KB/s so it's not too bad. Most of them are terribly out of date at best.
Try the mirror. I get speed of ~300kb/s and it has the packages one day after they appear on
iphitus wrote:occam wrote:Yes I realise that. So that is done ONLY if a) there is a problem AND b) my 'local' (Australian) server is not updated by the time I need the Arch system.
I ditched the australian server's. Try and find another mirror. I use because I prefer to be right up to date, it gives reasonable speeds ~100KB/s so it's not too bad. Most of them are terribly out of date at best.
Try the mirror. I get speed of ~300kb/s and it has the packages one day after they appear on
That's 300kbps in Canada. I'm in Australia.. and most of the time I get appalling speeds from the americas. Besides, I'm a dev, so I'm happy to pretend its important for me to be up to date
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