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#1 2015-10-04 13:48:50

Registered: 2013-01-21
Posts: 29

Cmus doesn't launch after fresh install


I've been using cmus for some time without any problems, on the same machine, with almost identical SW setup.
After reinstallation of the system, cmus cannot start properly.

I enter 'cmus' command and there is no error shown, the prompt becomes busy in the new line, producing no expected effect.

[adam@hal tmp]$cmus
[adam@hal tmp]$

I'm using alsa, tried launching cmus with X and without X running.
In general audio is working fine (tired vlc and youtube in firefox).

Cmus process is launched:

[adam@hal tmp]$ps aux | grep cmus
adam      7512  0.1  0.1 416824 14144 pts/2    Sl+  15:31   0:00 cmus

When the process is active, checking cmus status  also blocks the console:

[adam@hal tmp]$cmus-remote -Q
[adam@hal tmp]$

Whe the process is inactive, the status output is shown as expected:

[adam@hal tmp]$cmus-remote -Q
cmus-remote: cmus is not running

I also tried installing cmus-git from AUR - with the same results.
launching 'sudo cmus' also does not help.

Do you have any hints how to proceed?


#2 2015-10-04 16:06:16

Registered: 2009-05-06
Posts: 25,440

Re: Cmus doesn't launch after fresh install

Doesn't work for me either:


#3 2015-10-04 19:51:32

Registered: 2015-05-15
Posts: 479

Re: Cmus doesn't launch after fresh install

I do use pulseaudio and for me it works.
However I got the following when starting cmus after not having used it for some time:

cmus: Error: no such option dsp.jack.resampling_quality
cmus: Error: no such option dsp.jack.server_name
cmus: Press <enter> to continue.

Pressing enter brings up the ncurses interface as expected and everything seems to work.

Starting cmus at any later time does not reveal this issue.
Probably cmus has recognized the invalid option and removed it in some configuration file.

Might this be related?


#4 2015-10-05 17:07:06

Registered: 2013-01-21
Posts: 29

Re: Cmus doesn't launch after fresh install

Thank you both karol and respiranto for your information.

The direction suggested by respiranto was right.

I checked on different machine, with already insalled Arch - after full system upgrade, with the same version of cmus, the problem was not observed.
I copied all contents of ~/.cmus and took it to the problematic machine, which resulted in cmus launching correctly.

After trial and error, I was able to narrow the required settings to a single line in ~/.cmus/autosave file:

$cat ~/.cmus/autosave 
set output_plugin=alsa

With this file, I was able to start cmus (ncurses interface shown) but it was not fully functional (unable to go to different views, e.g. 1, 2, 3...).

I did not have time to check other lines but copying the whole autosave file from the other machine seems enough for full workaround:

$cat ~/.cmus/autosave
set aaa_mode=all
set altformat_current= %F 
set altformat_playlist= %f%= %d 
set altformat_title=%f
set altformat_trackwin= %f%= %d 
set auto_expand_albums_follow=true
set auto_expand_albums_search=true
set auto_expand_albums_selcur=true
set auto_reshuffle=true
set buffer_seconds=10
set color_cmdline_attr=default
set color_cmdline_bg=default
set color_cmdline_fg=default
set color_cur_sel_attr=default
set color_error=red
set color_info=lightyellow
set color_separator=lightgreen
set color_statusline_attr=default
set color_statusline_bg=black
set color_statusline_fg=lightyellow
set color_titleline_attr=default
set color_titleline_bg=black
set color_titleline_fg=lightyellow
set color_win_attr=default
set color_win_bg=default
set color_win_cur=cyan
set color_win_cur_sel_attr=default
set color_win_cur_sel_bg=yellow
set color_win_cur_sel_fg=white
set color_win_dir=default
set color_win_fg=default
set color_win_inactive_cur_sel_attr=default
set color_win_inactive_cur_sel_bg=default
set color_win_inactive_cur_sel_fg=cyan
set color_win_inactive_sel_attr=default
set color_win_inactive_sel_bg=default
set color_win_inactive_sel_fg=default
set color_win_sel_attr=default
set color_win_sel_bg=yellow
set color_win_sel_fg=darkgray
set color_win_title_attr=default
set color_win_title_bg=black
set color_win_title_fg=lightyellow
set confirm_run=true
set continue=true
set device=/dev/cdrom
set display_artist_sort_name=false
set dsp.alsa.device=default
set dsp.oss.device=
set follow=false
set format_current= %a - %l -%3n. %t%= %y 
set format_playlist= %-25%a %3n. %t%= %y %d 
set format_playlist_va= %-25%A %3n. %t (%a)%= %y %d 
set format_statusline= %{status} %{?show_playback_position?%{position} %{?duration?/ %{duration} }?%{?duration?%{duration} }}- %{total} %{?volume>=0?vol: %{?lvolume!=rvolume?%{lvolume},%{rvolume} ?%{volume} }}%{?stream?buf: %{buffer} }%{?show_current_bitrate & bitrate>=0? %{bitrate} kbps }%=%{?repeat_current?repeat current?%{?play_library?%{playlist_mode} from %{?play_sorted?sorted }library?playlist}} | %1{continue}%1{follow}%1{repeat}%1{shuffle} 
set format_title=%a - %l - %t (%y)
set format_trackwin=%3n. %t%= %y %d 
set format_trackwin_album= %l 
set format_trackwin_va=%3n. %t (%a)%= %y %d 
set format_treewin=  %l
set format_treewin_artist=%a
set icecast_default_charset=ISO-8859-1
set id3_default_charset=ISO-8859-1
set lib_sort=albumartist date album discnumber tracknumber title filename
set mixer.alsa.device=default
set mixer.oss.device=
set mixer.pulse.restore_volume=1
set mouse=false
set output_plugin=alsa
set passwd=
set pl_sort=
set play_library=true
set play_sorted=false
set repeat=false
set repeat_current=false
set replaygain=disabled
set replaygain_limit=true
set replaygain_preamp=0.000000
set resume=false
set rewind_offset=5
set scroll_offset=2
set set_term_title=true
set show_all_tracks=true
set show_current_bitrate=false
set show_hidden=false
set show_playback_position=true
set show_remaining_time=false
set shuffle=false
set skip_track_info=false
set smart_artist_sort=true
set softvol=false
set softvol_state=0 0
set status_display_program=
set wrap_search=true
bind browser backspace browser-up
bind browser i toggle show_hidden
bind browser space win-activate
bind browser u win-update
bind common ! push shell 
bind common + vol +10%
bind common , seek -1m
bind common - vol -10%
bind common . seek +1m
bind common 1 view tree
bind common 2 view sorted
bind common 3 view playlist
bind common 4 view queue
bind common 5 view browser
bind common 6 view filters
bind common 7 view settings
bind common = vol +10%
bind common C toggle continue
bind common D win-remove
bind common E win-add-Q
bind common F push filter 
bind common G win-bottom
bind common I echo {}
bind common L push live-filter 
bind common M toggle play_library
bind common N search-prev
bind common P win-mv-before
bind common U win-update-cache
bind common [ vol +1% +0
bind common ] vol +0 +1%
bind common ^B win-page-up
bind common ^C echo Type :quit<enter> to exit cmus.
bind common ^E win-scroll-down
bind common ^F win-page-down
bind common ^L refresh
bind common ^R toggle repeat_current
bind common ^Y win-scroll-up
bind common a win-add-l
bind common b player-next
bind common c player-pause
bind common delete win-remove
bind common down win-down
bind common e win-add-q
bind common end win-bottom
bind common enter win-activate
bind common f toggle follow
bind common g win-top
bind common h seek -5
bind common home win-top
bind common i win-sel-cur
bind common j win-down
bind common k win-up
bind common l seek +5
bind common left seek -5
bind common m toggle aaa_mode
bind common n search-next
bind common o toggle play_sorted
bind common p win-mv-after
bind common page_down win-page-down
bind common page_up win-page-up
bind common q quit -i
bind common r toggle repeat
bind common right seek +5
bind common s toggle shuffle
bind common space win-toggle
bind common t toggle show_remaining_time
bind common tab win-next
bind common u update-cache
bind common up win-up
bind common v player-stop
bind common x player-play
bind common y win-add-p
bind common z player-prev
bind common { vol -1% -0
bind common } vol -0 -1%
fset 90s=date>=1990&date<2000
fset classical=genre="Classical"
fset missing-tag=!stream&(artist=""|album=""|title=""|tracknumber=-1|date=-1)
fset mp3=filename="*.mp3"
fset ogg=filename="*.ogg"
fset ogg-or-mp3=ogg|mp3

I'll try to narrow it down to the minimum settings needed for full functionality.
Please let me know if this helps also on your machines

I hope this will help to solve the original problem, since this is just a workaround.


#5 2015-10-05 22:57:15

Registered: 2015-05-15
Posts: 479

Re: Cmus doesn't launch after fresh install

Have you tried simply removing the file and thereby forcing cmus to recreate it?


#6 2015-10-06 15:13:27

Registered: 2013-01-21
Posts: 29

Re: Cmus doesn't launch after fresh install

Yes, I tried removing the file.
The file is not regenerated when trying to launch cmus.

The settings in file are (re)generated only when cmus is launched successfully.
This happens when at least

set output_plugin=alsa

is present initially in file.
However, not all settings are regenerated (e.g. bindings are not) and as a result, cmus is not fully functional.

So far copying the file from other machine is the only workaround for me, since I still don't have time to examine the copied file line by line.


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