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I always have problems with fonts in terminal emulators, because I can never choose good one.
Now I found perfect terminal emulator, it's called Terminal.
I have Arch on three computers at home - two workstations and one server.
On one workstation I am able to use "Luxi Mono" font in Terminal.
On another workstation there is no such font available in Terminal (but it is in xfontsel), and all other fonts sux.
I found this font in /usr/share/fonts/Type1/fonts.cache-1. This file is available on both workstations and /usr/share/fonts/Type1 is in both xorg.conf.
Do you have any tips how to enable more fonts in Terminal? Do you have any favourite terminal emulator font which looks good and has iso-8859-2 encoding?
Maybe you need to enable bitmap fonts ? This should help :
ln -sf /etc/fonts/conf.d/yes-bitmaps.conf /etc/fonts/conf.d/10-bitmaps.conf
It is strange, but I changed it to "no" and now Luxi Mono works
It is strange, but I changed it to "no" and now Luxi Mono works
On my computer is strange because when I change no to yes and than again to no, "no" doesn't works anymore.