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I have played around with some binary packages lately wich won't run. I have these problems with JBuilderX and AC3D.
I get these errors:
./jbuilder: relocation error: ./jbuilder: undefined symbol: __tic
./ac3d: relocation error: ./ac3d: undefined symbol: __builtin_new
I think the problem is that they both link to wich is just a symlink to the normal libstdc++-lib.
Is now the problem that the libstdc++ in Arch-Linux is just too new for these programs (compared to Red-Hat for example...) or is there some workaround for this problem?
It is not the first time that I get some strange errors with binary-programs but normally I can live with them... (and use other programs )
I'm just wondering if I could make them work despite all that
Some sort of compat package could be useful.
i guess it would take quite some work
for instance I once tried to use some binary program which needed gcc 2.95 linked libraries i think that would be a problem
At work we use a proprietary terminal emulator that needs to have that older libstdc++ on board or it won't run right. After trying a bunch of things, we got it to work by FTP'ing the required library over from a working RH9 box, making a symlink to it with the name that the app expected, and then it worked OK.
Hope this helps ..
I've run into problems with that library myself, and in the end, put a bzipped file on my arch page. It can be gotten there]
Thanks for the tips!
I copied the file from a RedHat-Station and suddenly all worked!
I couldn't download it from your site, maybe the link is broken?!
Hrm, doesn't seem to be uploaded correctly, it was a 0 byte file.
If anyone else has problems, let me know. Actually, I'll post the exact link here. …
I've uploaded it again and tested it and this time it should work