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#1 2006-04-19 19:53:24

Registered: 2006-01-19
Posts: 22

Why beagle dosen't index MS-doc by default?

Hey! big_smile

I just wanted to know if there is a specific reason why beagle is built (I'm talking in the arch repo, of course) without .doc support? AFAIK, the wv libs that are used for MS-Word indexing are GPL'd, so there is no apperent reason why not to use them.

just made me wonder, that's all. wink

Someday, I'll be a real boy!


#2 2006-04-19 20:20:53

Registered: 2005-01-14
Posts: 268

Re: Why beagle dosen't index MS-doc by default?

Well, it could be because of the added bloat.l If you want the support you can compile beagle after you install the nessesary libs.


#3 2006-04-19 20:44:32

Registered: 2006-01-19
Posts: 22

Re: Why beagle dosen't index MS-doc by default?

WillySilly wrote:

Well, it could be because of the added bloat.l If you want the support you can compile beagle after you install the nessesary libs.

yeah, I already did that. smile

It just seems weird to me, since like it or not, MS-Word is still a very populer format. Despite the added bloat, I still think the support should be built-in by default. (but that's just my opinion)

Someday, I'll be a real boy!


#4 2006-04-19 21:37:06

From: Sweden
Registered: 2005-04-16
Posts: 647

Re: Why beagle dosen't index MS-doc by default?

The PKGBUILD doesn't explicitly disable it, does it? Otherwise, I thought it would be compiled by default. Maybe you should bug-report it at flyspray... I wouldn't quite define file type support as bloat. If it is not included, it's probably by mistake.


#5 2006-04-19 21:38:15

From: Arizona
Registered: 2006-03-20
Posts: 387

Re: Why beagle dosen't index MS-doc by default?

There are a number of optional prerequisites with Beagle, and AFAIK the only one which is included in the Arch build is evolution-sharp. This is not unlike most Arch packages in that generally the optional dependencies are left to the user to install if they so desire.



#6 2006-04-19 21:42:48

From: Arizona
Registered: 2006-03-20
Posts: 387

Re: Why beagle dosen't index MS-doc by default?

nightfrost wrote:

The PKGBUILD doesn't explicitly disable it, does it? Otherwise, I thought it would be compiled by default.

It doesn't disable the feature, but unless the correct wv package (which is maintained by willysilly in community) is present in the build environment it won't be enabled, and will therefore be lacking in the binary.



#7 2006-04-19 21:48:54

From: Sweden
Registered: 2005-04-16
Posts: 647

Re: Why beagle dosen't index MS-doc by default?

Ah, that explains a few things. Thanks.


#8 2006-04-19 22:03:45

Registered: 2003-12-03
Posts: 1,664

Re: Why beagle dosen't index MS-doc by default?

WillySilly wrote:

Well, it could be because of the added bloat.l If you want the support you can compile beagle after you install the nessesary libs.

Isn't beagle bloated by default? tongue


#9 2006-04-19 22:20:31

Registered: 2005-01-14
Posts: 268

Re: Why beagle dosen't index MS-doc by default?

JGC wrote:
WillySilly wrote:

Well, it could be because of the added bloat.l If you want the support you can compile beagle after you install the nessesary libs.

Isn't beagle bloated by default? tongue

LOL. Yeah, but I didn't want to blatantly point it out
Thanks for doing it for me tongue


#10 2006-04-20 08:06:06

From: Sweden
Registered: 2005-04-16
Posts: 647

Re: Why beagle dosen't index MS-doc by default?

aviad: did you have this problem when you recompiled beagle? Any ideas of how to circumvent it?

terXslt.cs ./FilterRPM.cs ./FilterOle.cs ./FilterPPT.cs ./FilterDOC.cs            -r:/usr/lib/mono/gmime-sharp/gmime-sharp.dll -r:/usr/lib/pkgconfig/../../lib/mono/gtk-sharp-2.0/pango-sharp.dll -r:/usr/lib/pkgconfig/../../lib/mono/gtk-sharp-2.0/atk-sharp.dll -r:/usr/lib/pkgconfig/../../lib/mono/gtk-sharp-2.0/gdk-sharp.dll -r:/usr/lib/pkgconfig/../../lib/mono/gtk-sharp-2.0/gtk-sharp.dll -r:/usr/lib/pkgconfig/../../lib/mono/gtk-sharp-2.0/glib-sharp.dll   -r:/usr/lib/mono/gtk-sharp/gsf-sharp.dll   -r:/usr/lib/pkgconfig/../../lib/mono/compat-1.0/ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll -r:Mono.Posix -r:System.Web -r:../Util/Util.dll -r:../BeagleClient/Beagle.dll -r:../beagled/BeagleDaemonPlugins.dll
./FilterTiff.cs(90,6): error CS1540: Cannot access protected member `Beagle.Filters.FilterImage.Width' via a qualifier of type `Beagle.Filters.FilterImage'; the qualifier must be of type `Beagle.Filters.FilterTiff' (or derived from it)
Compilation failed: 1 error(s), 0 warnings
make[2]: *** [Filters.dll] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/var/abs/local/repo/pkgbuilds/beagle/src/beagle-0.2.4/Filters'
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/var/abs/local/repo/pkgbuilds/beagle/src/beagle-0.2.4'
make: *** [all] Error 2


#11 2006-04-20 14:43:38

Registered: 2006-01-19
Posts: 22

Re: Why beagle dosen't index MS-doc by default?

Yeah, It happaned to me as well.
beacuse I am s-oooo very lazy, I just commented off any refrences (only 1, actually) to 'tiff' in the makefile inside the Filters dir.

This is a very, very bad solution in 99.9% of the time. But, I don't have any tiff images in my computer, and beagle seems to work OK so far.

Someday, I'll be a real boy!


#12 2006-04-20 15:26:09

From: Sweden
Registered: 2005-04-16
Posts: 647

Re: Why beagle dosen't index MS-doc by default?

haha!! man, that's an ugly fix smile

I think I'll do the same...


#13 2006-04-20 19:51:44

Registered: 2006-01-19
Posts: 22

Re: Why beagle dosen't index MS-doc by default?

After some very short googling, I no longer need that stupid solution I wrote.

You can use Abiword as an external filter, read about it here.
I guess this increases somewhat the cpu usage when indexing .doc files. but hey, if you can afford the overall cpu usage of beagle, a litle extra more won't kill you. smile

Someday, I'll be a real boy!


#14 2006-04-20 20:33:15

From: Sweden
Registered: 2005-04-16
Posts: 647

Re: Why beagle dosen't index MS-doc by default?

Interesting. Thanks.


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