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I'm trying to use gnome-packagekit, and I have the infinality repos enabled. I was getting this error
So I tried commenting out all the relevant lines in pacman.conf, and the error remained. So I ran `sudo rm -rf /var/lib/pacman/sync/*` to clear the sync databases, but the error remains. `pacman -Sy` still works as expected and all the databases say up to date, but package kit still complains about the no longer installed repo for infinality.
So does anyone know how to fix this? or even just where packagekit thinks it is reading pacman configurations from? becuase it doesn't seem to be the same place as pacman.
Last edited by justin-8 (2016-02-11 09:14:08)
Of course, here it is:
You should probably remove the relevant package(s) from that repo as well, or you'll end up with partial upgrades. Then clear your cache as it might be checking a cached package file ready for installation.
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman
I disabled it for testing, not permanently. The problem is that packagekit still complains about repos that are no longer enabled.
As I put in the original post, I also cleared /var/lib/pacman/sync which has the package databases. pacman works as expected, no extraneous databases, just packagekit complains about it.
I also tried to remove /var/cache/packagekit and it gets recreated on next run, but it doesn't seem to actually update, it continues with the same errors regardless.
So you aren't going to try my suggestions? Clearing the sync databases does not get rid of all the data about the packges. They are still installed, and they are still cached. But if you think you know what the problem is, I'll leave you to fix it.
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman
The packages being installed doesn't affect the state of the databases. But to humour the suggestion, I tried it and have the same issue. Since it is to do with the package databases, and not another package.
Package info stored in the pacman database doesn't include where it is installed from, the packages from infinality such as ttf-caladea-ib-20130214-6 have their data in /var/lib/pacman/local/ttf-caladea-ib-20130214-6, none of which describes the repository; as you would expect. Without a repo it is treated the same as any AUR package, and would not be 'partial' since they would get included when I update AUR packages instead. They would just show as an orphan package in `pacman -Qm`.
So please don't make terrible suggestions, acting like you understand the problem when you clearly do not, then get snappy when someone notices that they are useless.
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