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#1 2006-04-23 14:38:31

From: here, there, everywhere
Registered: 2005-01-25
Posts: 617

problems with xen

i'm having problems with xen. I got the xen3 source and built a kernel and everything. It boots fine, but i think there is something wrong with xend. I did sudo xend start, but when i do ps -A it doesn't show up there. when i try sudo xm create -c netbsd vmid=1 it says Using config file /etc/xen/netbsd". (111, 'Connection refused')
Error: Error connecting to xend, is xend running?

When i start xend it does give me this little message:
/usr/lib/python/xen/xend/server/ DeprecationWarning: twisted.protocols.http has moved to twisted.web.http. See
  from twisted.protocols import http

anyone know a quick fix for this?


#2 2006-04-24 00:21:57

From: here, there, everywhere
Registered: 2005-01-25
Posts: 617

Re: problems with xen

I think i figured out the problem. xend keeps dying because of missing krb libs that aren't included with heimdal. I got rid of heimdal and i'm installing krb5 now. Hopefully it will fix the problem and i will be able to install nfs again.


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