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I'm thinking in buying one of this, and i would like to know if someone has any experience with them.
There are some reviews for the Nokia 770:
And some info for the GP2X:
Both still have some issues regarding their Linux implementation and both run on ARM processors.
Both are supposed to get a community around them.
And they target a different market:
The N770 is for people on the run needing wireless
The GP2X is for gamers on the run
The GP2X is twice as fast (or so) and half the size (or so) of the N770.
I'm both kinds (a gamer and internet addict), but the thing is the GP2X is half the price of the N770 and this being dollars (or euros) I appreciate each and every one I can save.
Also, I like to play with this kind of devices, there are lots of things to do and develop, but i would like to have some sort of wifi access, i was thinking that a usb-wifi adapter would solve the issue with the GP2X, but i read that it doesn't have a USB Host enabled port, so I'm not sure (I'm asking in a forum for some experience with this) about it anymore, is there any way of getting internet through a USB cable to a PC?
What do you think of the communities that will grow around this devices? Any of them will succeed in making it a long lasting product?
A friend is traveling to Europe in a couple of months and she might buy it for me, as we don't have access to this kind of devices here, and if we have, they charge it so overpriced that i couldn't buy it anyway. So I need to decide before she goes, and i don't think there is any chance on someone getting me the other in quite a long time, so i want to make the right choice.
Leonardo Andrés Gallego || Comunidad Hispana de Arch Linux
Pages: 1