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Solution is simple, found out by trying it out:
options zfs=poolname rw
I'm testing this in a virtual machine to see if I can implement it on my main PC.
I've basically completed the entire install but I'm stuck on the 'options' line in loader/entries/arch.conf. On the systemd-boot wiki page it gives the different options, including 'root='. But on the install arhc on zfs page it says 'zfs=bootfs or zfs=zroot so the system can boot from ZFS. The root and rootfstype parameters are not needed. '
Maybe systemd-boot can't work with a root on ZFS, I'm not sure. But if it does, what are the correct options I need to include in arch.conf?
Last edited by mouseman (2016-04-11 14:11:20)
I know you've marked this as solved, but definitely check out:
$ mkinitcpio -H zfs
On the wiki page you reference, 'zroot' refers to the name of the pool that is being used, nothing more.