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Just new to Arch but I like it bigtime
I have a question, I am overlooking something probably but this is the problem.
I installed Grails (, and set the environment variables in my .bashrc:
alias ls='ls --color=auto'
PS1='[u@h W]$ '
test -n "$DISPLAY" && export TERM=xterm-color
however, when I try to start grails, I'll get:
Error: GRAILS_HOME is not defined
Please define GRAIL_HOME and start Grails again
echo $GRAILS_HOME gives the correct answer.
(it's not that GRAIL_HOME (no 'S' here) is missing I think, this is a comment error in the grails script is my guess)
very weird....
try adding export before the var assignment.....
export GRAILS_HOME=/opt/grails-0.1
the export tells bash to pass the variable on to the environment of any future run programs.
"man export" for more info.
Hope this helps.
I'm a little further, the path can now be found correctly (I installed Grails in a subdir of my HOME btw), but no I'll get this:
[alex@myhost ~]$ grails
bash: /home/alex/prg/grails-0.1/bin/grails: Permission denied
This is strange, I installed Groovy and Java in /opt, and if I call groovy (which depens on Java) as a user, everything works fine. However somewhere in the grails script it looks like a reference is made to something that is not allowed, but how can that be if I installed Grails as my average user in it's own directory.
You have to make the file executable....
chmod +x /home/alex/prg/grails-0.1/bin/grails
is it that easy? :oops:
I'll try it tonight, thanks.
-shouldn't this be executable after unpacking?-
mmm ,one step further and back again:
[alex@myhost ~]$ echo $GRAILS_HOME
[alex@myhost ~]$ grails
Error: GRAILS_HOME is not defined
Please define GRAIL_HOME and start Grails again
[alex@myhost ~]$
that's just weird according to me...