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The venerable pip2arch ( automatically generates PKGBUILDs for PyPI packages. PyPI2PKGBUILD ( is a new (Py3-only) tool with a similar functionality, but a few improvements:
- Supports wheels (if both a sdist and a wheel is available, prefer the former, except if `-w` is passed).
- Resolves dependencies via installation in a temporary virtualenv (much more reliable than via the PyPI web interface, and handles environment markers ( correctly); calls itself recursively for dependencies that are not available as official packages.
- Resolves binary (non-python) dependencies via namcap and adds them to the depends array if they are installed (thus, it is suggested to first install them as --asdeps and then let the generated PKGBUILD pick them up as dependencies).
- Automatically tries to fetch a missing license file from Github/Bitbucket, if applicable.
- Automatically builds the package and run `namcap`.
The goal is to make this tool as automated as possible: if all the information to build a package is (reasonably) accessible, this tool should be able to build it.
Patches and suggestions welcome.
Last edited by antony (2016-06-30 18:17:20)