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#1 2016-06-26 06:23:57

From: Canada
Registered: 2014-11-29
Posts: 804

Solution for teamspeak 3 side mouse buttons - Wiki worthy content??


I'm pretty excited that I found a solution to Teamspeak 3 (TS3) not recognizing my side mouse buttons. The simple solution was to use xdotool, something I have not heard of until today, in conjunction with xbindkeys and the mouse buttons wiki page to create this:

[jbs@dmb-gaming-laptop ~]$ cat .xbindkeysrc
#Mouse Events...
"xdotool keydown p"
m:0x0 + b:8

"xdotool keyup p"
m:0x0 + b:8 + release
[jbs@dmb-gaming-laptop ~]$ 

You may think this is overly simple, or something everyone should know, but the important point is: This worked for me to get TS3 side mouse buttons working flawlessly. This issue was plastered all over google with no real solution. So in the interest of free software I really wanted to share my solution. What I'm wondering now is: Should I/someone post this on the wiki?? The mouse buttons page is full of stuff that did not work specifically to TS3, yet that page does include an application specific area. Maybe that would work? I also lack any wiki experience, but today (tomorrow after sleep lol...) is just as good as any other day to learn something.

Basically, because I felt this issue was very frustrating, I wanted to share in hopes that no one else has to have this frustration. I thank you for your help and patience with a complete wiki contributing idiot. wink

EDIT: Another nice thing about this is, using my Logitech G500 Gaming mouse, I did NOT have to edit the xorg.conf. And I didn't need to change anything else regarding the logitech mice. So there's another win right there. This is simple, much like Arch Linux itself smile

Last edited by JohnBobSmith (2016-06-26 06:31:59)

I am diagnosed with bipolar disorder. As it turns out, what I thought was my greatest weakness is now my greatest strength.

Everyday, I make a conscious choice to overcome my challenges and my problems. It's not easy, but its better than the alternative...


#2 2016-06-26 17:30:45

From: Canada
Registered: 2014-11-29
Posts: 804

Re: Solution for teamspeak 3 side mouse buttons - Wiki worthy content??

Doh! I have suddenly hit a snag with this solution...

I play a lot of games on Linux. The snag is: Insurgency, using the Source Engine, actually *does* recognize my mouse buttons and thus this solution does not work when playing insurgency. However, my solution does work on the desktop. I'll look into this (getting a working, mouse based push to talk that also works inside of games) and post back once I find a more complete answer. smile

Happy gaming and VoIP-ing!

EDIT: Ack!... I found this teamspeak 3 thread: … -)-buttons stating that additional mouse buttons are unsupported. The more I try, the more I realize that even the workarounds aren't going to work right. Heres the kicker: In the linked thread, teamspeak staff repeatedly state they wont support more than 3 mouse buttons. That's a bummer....

I hope someone maybe found this useful??? I want to try and help but I feel like im not doing a very good job... Though at least now I can clearly blame TS3 for the lack of mouse button support.

Last edited by JohnBobSmith (2016-06-26 20:09:06)

I am diagnosed with bipolar disorder. As it turns out, what I thought was my greatest weakness is now my greatest strength.

Everyday, I make a conscious choice to overcome my challenges and my problems. It's not easy, but its better than the alternative...


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