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Hi all,
since some time there's an systemd hook for mkinitcpio, but it's not used by the default /etc/mkinitcpio.conf nor even mentioned.
HOOKS="base udev autodetect modconf block filesystems keyboard fsck"
There's also as claimed improved hook called mkinitcpio-systemd-ng-git in AUR.
I was interested what people use, and if they have noticed some pros/cons to each approach?
I'm still on default on my 2 machines, but I do have a virtual-machine with the systemd-ng hook and I don't see much difference.
Not a Sysadmin issue, moving to GNU/Linux discussion
I'm using systemd hook because it reads from /etc/cryttab.initramfs, which supports a remote header for LUKS. The advantage is using the systemd hook makes this somewhat less complicated than it was before.