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#1 2006-05-23 19:41:23

Registered: 2004-11-06
Posts: 20

Monitor no longer recieves video signal [Solved... w/ Fire.]

Greetings and thanks in advance for reading.  I'm thinking the problem is either Video or Processor but second opinions are always appreciated:

The problem started about a week ago when I was playing Wizardry 8 via Cedega (OpenGL accelerated Game.)  The screen mysteriously went black, the monitor turned to low power mode and the sound looped once or twice before just going dead altogether -- yet the computer was still on.  I rebooted and things worked again.

2 days ago the game thing happend while playing Unreal Tournament 2004.  Montior went black, sound looped once or twice from the past few seconds, then power stayed on but there was no video signal.  I tried rebooting this time only to find nothing happening and it's still doing nothing since.  The power turns on, no beeps or anything occur and it goes thru the same familiar clicks when checking the hard drives and CD Rom.  (The spinning still occurs as well, the keyboard blinks once and I can turn on / off the numlock.  The fans turn on inside the case, and the network adapter is recieving a current.)

I tried taking out the RAM, unplugging the hard drives and such systematicallyh only to have it do the same thing.  It boots up, doesn't beep, doesn't proceed and the monitor remains blank.  I tried swapping the monitors with no avail.  I even cleared the BIOS via popping the battery and waiting a bit (yes it was unplugged)  The only thing that produced a notable difference was when I unplugged the video card and powered it up without one.  It beeped once long, waited, beeped again long, waited, and kept doing this ad infinitum.  I should also mention the red LED indicating that the HD is being accessed is constantly on but there is no HD activity discinerable to the human ear.

My hard ware is a Gigabyte 64 Bit AMD Board (Tryton K8 I believe), GF6 6600 GT, PCIE Model 1 gig of RAM and the rest are minute details but I'll include them upon request.

I've had this machine little under a year now (actually 2 weeks from now it'l be ja year)   I haven't swapped out the video or processor since I do not have a spare one to replace it with to test it, neither do any of my friends. 

Any further questions or such, let me know.  Thanks in advance again.

(Meant PCIE, not EIDE, sorry for the confusion)


#2 2006-05-25 11:48:12

From: Netherlands, Europe
Registered: 2005-10-04
Posts: 12,824

Re: Monitor no longer recieves video signal [Solved... w/ Fire.]

The beeps you get without a videocard suggests the system does start booting and your power supply is still functioning.

Try booting without ANY ram.

If it doesn't give beeps then, there's something seriously wrong with your Motherboard.

I hope your system is still under warranty.

Disliking systemd intensely, but not satisfied with alternatives so focusing on taming systemd.

clean chroot building not flexible enough ?
Try clean chroot manager by graysky


#3 2006-05-25 12:23:19

Forum Fellow
From: Melbourne, Australia
Registered: 2004-10-09
Posts: 4,927

Re: Monitor no longer recieves video signal [Solved... w/ Fire.]

Something similar happened to a friend of mine. His laptop  (under windows) bsoded twice while playing cube. the second time, it didnt boot up again, and refused to power on, there was no sound from the hard drive, the laptop didnt boot at all.

It turned out he had busted up ram... *shrug* it's hard to say though, such symptoms could highlight a lot of things.

Make sure all the connectors in your case are fine, everything's plugged in, and if you can, test out the ram in another compy



#4 2006-05-25 21:58:36

Registered: 2004-11-06
Posts: 20

Re: Monitor no longer recieves video signal [Solved... w/ Fire.]

I would naturally assume it isn't booting up fine since it's a long beep, pause, long beep, pause, repeat ad infinitum.

My only other solution is to unplug everything and test each component plugging them in seperately to see what's going on.  Thankfully the company said they'd respect the warranty and handle that thru the manufacturer.


#5 2006-05-28 03:19:24

Registered: 2004-11-06
Posts: 20

Re: Monitor no longer recieves video signal [Solved... w/ Fire.]


Took everything out and put it back together.  Found out it was the video card.  Specifically (the tech pointed out) a part of the corner was burned.  I'm sending it back to the manufacturer and hopefully I'll get it back in a couple of months.  Can't afford another one in the mean time.

Thanks for your aid guys!


#6 2006-05-28 05:59:13

Forum Fellow
From: Melbourne, Australia
Registered: 2004-10-09
Posts: 4,927

Re: Monitor no longer recieves video signal [Solved... w/ Fire.]

Malek wrote:


Took everything out and put it back together.  Found out it was the video card.  Specifically (the tech pointed out) a part of the corner was burned.  I'm sending it back to the manufacturer and hopefully I'll get it back in a couple of months.  Can't afford another one in the mean time.

Thanks for your aid guys!

months?? that's ages! what manufacturer is that?



#7 2006-05-30 23:13:16

Registered: 2004-11-06
Posts: 20

Re: Monitor no longer recieves video signal [Solved... w/ Fire.]

EV3GA.  And that's not even the kicker, there's no guarantee that they'll even replace it... and the exact words were 6 to 8 weeks.  I got my state income tax return faster -- however now I'm having trouble getting a loaner card to display 1024x768.  (Thread here)


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