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I'm using archlinux on an embedded board (x86). The hard drive is a CF. Until now I installed arch directly using archiso method. This seems no longer valid, I can't boot up any installation DVD (don't know if the external dvd drive is the cause. It works on another machine though).
I would like to prepare an arch installation directly on a i686 Virtual machine, configure all the necessary software and then transfer it on the CF via dd or other method.
Should it be possible or is it insane?
Should be possible. Insane? We are all a bit insane here.
Probably want to use QEMU. What board is it? does it use uboot? What processor family is it? Some older processors are deprecated (aor are becoming so) in Arch
Last edited by ewaller (2016-09-26 19:57:20)
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it's an ALIX 3C3 board (like ALIX 3D3) from PCEngines.
I already was using archlinux on it in 2014. Now I just tring to upgrade the old installation to 2016 (I was working abroad and one day it didn't boot anymore, seems it was a LTS kernel problem).
I have two of them so I can do some tests on the second one.
It should easier than a true embedded device: mine has a standard bios with a VGA and I can treat it like a normal PC with low resources.