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The title says it all; I try to run 'urxvtc' as root and hey presto, a terminal appears. For non-root users though, I get a 'connection refused' error message. :shock:
I start urxvtd in my .xinitrc with just 'urxvtd&' .
.oO Komodo Dave Oo.
Wow, that's weird. Are you sure there is no way urxvtd is running as root? Other than that I don't know, urxvtd/c are things that should work hassle-free..
Wow, that's weird. Are you sure there is no way urxvtd is running as root? Other than that I don't know, urxvtd/c are things that should work hassle-free..
Huh... I rebooted a few mins ago and it's ok now. I don't think I ran it as root on top of the .xinitrc instance... tres bizarre
.oO Komodo Dave Oo.