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Hi, everyone! I've using Arch Linux for a while. And I want to contribute to the open source community, so I choose Gnome project for my first step;
Now, I am learning JHBuild according to the Gnome official manual, but I went through some problems through the process.
After I installed JHBuild from scratch according to … ed.html.en, and then run `jhbuild build`, it has 191 modules to build, but then module 'colord' build failed; here is the error message:
When I run `jhbuild build colord' it tells me this:
Here is the problem: I've already installed docbook-xml and docbook-xsl packages, why it still tells me the dependencies are not installed?
BTW, I asked the same question on Gnome IRC, but it appears that the majority of people there are using Ubuntu or Fedora and don't know how to fix this problem, now I only have this place to turn to. Can anyone help me with this? Thanks in advance.
Last edited by alaneuler (2016-12-02 01:30:12)
Are you aware there's an AUR pacakge for jhbuild, ?
Also check the troubleshooting section on
Last edited by Lone_Wolf (2016-11-21 14:49:14)
Disliking systemd intensely, but not satisfied with alternatives so focusing on taming systemd.
clean chroot building not flexible enough ?
Try clean chroot manager by graysky
I didn't check the AUR package for JHBuild.
Is there any difference between Gnome official package and AUR package?
And I didn't find solution for my problem in the troubleshooting section on
May I should try the AUR version for JHBuild?
Last edited by alaneuler (2016-11-21 15:30:02)
I've deleted all the JHBuild files according to
`$ rm -rf ~/bin/jhbuild ~/.local/bin/jhbuild ~/.local/share/jhbuild ~/.cache/jhbuild ~/.config/jhbuildrc ~/.jhbuildrc ~/jhbuild`
and then reinstalled JHBuild from AUR package for JHBuild, but I run into the same problem when it builds colord module.
Last edited by alaneuler (2016-11-22 06:14:50)
Try running "jhbuild sysdeps" to verify if everything needed is present.
Do you have docbook-sgml installed ?
Disliking systemd intensely, but not satisfied with alternatives so focusing on taming systemd.
clean chroot building not flexible enough ?
Try clean chroot manager by graysky
Sorry for the late reply, Lone_Wolf.
`jhbuild sysdeps`'s executing result seems fine, no error reported, and the result is here:
After I installed docbook-sgml, the error in seems to be resolved, because the error message changes.
Here is the new error message:
I think I am getting there, just few more errors to fix. @Lone_Wolf
Last edited by alaneuler (2016-11-28 13:14:58)
Very littlle info about what causes this error, try removing the colord build directory so everything has to be done from scratch.
Is there a specific reason why you are using jhbuild instead of abs/makepkg ?
Last edited by Lone_Wolf (2016-11-28 13:30:13)
Disliking systemd intensely, but not satisfied with alternatives so focusing on taming systemd.
clean chroot building not flexible enough ?
Try clean chroot manager by graysky
I tried to delete colord by `rm -rf colord/` in jhbuild checkout directory.
After that, I run `jhbuild buildone colord` again, but the progress still failed, the error message is:
It seems that
error : Unknown IO error
/home/alaneuler/jhbuild/checkout/colord/src/org.freedesktop.ColorManager.Device.xml:3: warning: failed to load external entity " … ospect.dtd"
" … ospect.dtd">
is the cause, but I can get it via wget, `wget` is OK, so I don't know what to do next.
I've also tried `jhbuild build colord` but the error is same.
I have no specific reason for using jhbuild just because GNOME wiki tells me to. Just as my first post says, I want to contribute to the open source world,
and this is just is my beginning. I've only used makepkg for AUR packages, and haven't used abs before.
Last edited by alaneuler (2016-11-29 01:38:26)
@alaneuler: this problem doesn't seem to be global, as I'm not able to reproduce the problem you're having.
But I notice that all this is related to DTD, docbook etc. Can you please run `pacman -Qs docbook` and paste the output?
Hi, josephg, the output of `pacman -Qs docbook` is:
[alaneuler@arch ~]$ pacman -Qs docbook
local/docbook-dsssl 1.79-5
DSSSL Stylesheets for DocBook
local/docbook-sgml 4.5-5
Document type definitions for verification of SGML data files against the
DocBook rule set.
local/docbook-sgml31 3.1-2
Legacy docbook-sgml
local/docbook-utils 0.6.14-8
Shell scripts to manage DocBook documents
local/docbook-xml 4.5-6
A widely used XML scheme for writing documentation and help
local/docbook-xml-dtd 4.4-2
Docbook DTD for XML
local/docbook-xsl 1.79.1-2
XML stylesheets for Docbook-xml transformations
Hi, josephg, the output of `pacman -Qs docbook` is:
<snip> local/docbook-xml-dtd 4.4-2 Docbook DTD for XML
As I expected...
You do not want this package! It should be avoided, as its ".install" script breaks the DTD xml file (inside /etc/docbook-xml/). My suggestion is to remove ALL docbook-* packages, run `jhbuild sysdeps` to check missing dependencies and reinstall only what is required.
I just posted another comment in this package's page, reporting this issue. I also requested its deletion it once.
P.s.: Maybe you should manually remove the /etc/docbook-xml directory after having uninstalled the packages. Not sure if needed, but there's no harm in doing it (after removing the docbook* packages ! )
Last edited by josephg (2016-12-01 13:18:43)
This finally gets it to work! Thanks for your time, josephg!
By the way, I just cannot remove the docbook-xml and docbook-xsl, because gtk-doc depends on them.
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