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So after using the defaults created by hwd for a long time I decided to edit my xorg.conf by hand. In particular, I thought it would probably be good to have my graphics card (an Intel 915GM/GMS/910GML) addressed.
So in my xorg.conf I have this:
Section "Device"
Indentifier "Card0"
Driver "xf86-video-i810"
VendorName "Intel"
BoardName "915GM"
When I try to start x, I get the following error:
(EE) Failed to load module "xf86-video-i810" (Module does not exist, 0)
(EE) No drivers available
And when I try to modprobe xf86-video-i810 (which, btw, pacman says is up to date), I get:
FATAL: Module xf86_video_i810 not found
Any ideas? Any idea why the modprobe error message gives the name of the module with underscores instead of dashes?
for the driver line, you dont need the full name, only 'i810'. the kernel module to modprobe, is 'i915'
Thanks, that seems to have cleared things up. I was wondering what this other warning I managed to get was.
(WW)I810: No matching Device section for instance (BusID PCI:0:2:1) found
I always get this warning. If you try to put a [code]
Option BusID "00:02:1"
in xorg.conf, then it complains about 00:02:0, and viceversa. Anyway, sice you have just one video output/card, these warnings are harmless.
Mortuus in anima, curam gero cutis
I think this warning can be coming from tvout but you can ignore it.
Pages: 1