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#1 2006-06-02 17:05:00

Registered: 2006-05-20
Posts: 666


Alright, I've noticed this comes up everytime I do: pacman -Suy, it conflicts with my nvidia driver that's alreayd instally(or so pacman says). Should I remove nvidia and install nvidia-utils instead?


#2 2006-06-02 17:14:12

Registered: 2006-03-28
Posts: 51

Re: Extra/Nvidia-Utils


#3 2006-06-02 17:20:23

Registered: 2006-05-20
Posts: 666

Re: Extra/Nvidia-Utils

Alright, so it's not really needed for me to install that pacage? Or should I just because it contains the new nvidia drivers?


#4 2006-06-02 17:37:42

Registered: 2006-03-28
Posts: 51

Re: Extra/Nvidia-Utils

It has no new drivers, just the way they are distributed is now a bit different I think. So i don't think you really need to install it. Not that there's a reason not to. smile


#5 2006-06-02 18:54:04

Forum Moderator
From: Netherlands, Europe
Registered: 2005-10-04
Posts: 12,272

Re: Extra/Nvidia-Utils

copied from nvidia site :

    Linux Display Driver - IA32
Version: 1.0-8762
Operating System: Linux IA32
Release Date: May 22, 2006

    Linux Display Driver - IA32
Version: 1.0-8756
Operating System: Linux IA32
Release Date: April 7, 2006

    Linux Display Driver - IA32
Version: 1.0-8178
Operating System: Linux IA32
Release Date: December 22, 2005

    Linux Display Driver - IA32
Version: 1.0-8174
Operating System: Linux IA32
Release Date: December 5, 2005

Until yesterday we used either 8174 or 8178 (not certain which it was), so the nvidia packages now have the latest drivers from nvidia.

Disliking systemd intensely, but not satisfied with alternatives so focusing on taming systemd.

(A works at time B)  && (time C > time B ) ≠  (A works at time C)


#6 2006-06-02 22:36:01

Registered: 2006-05-20
Posts: 666

Re: Extra/Nvidia-Utils

Lone_Wolf wrote:

copied from nvidia site :

    Linux Display Driver - IA32
Version: 1.0-8762
Operating System: Linux IA32
Release Date: May 22, 2006

    Linux Display Driver - IA32
Version: 1.0-8756
Operating System: Linux IA32
Release Date: April 7, 2006

    Linux Display Driver - IA32
Version: 1.0-8178
Operating System: Linux IA32
Release Date: December 22, 2005

    Linux Display Driver - IA32
Version: 1.0-8174
Operating System: Linux IA32
Release Date: December 5, 2005

Until yesterday we used either 8174 or 8178 (not certain which it was), so the nvidia packages now have the latest drivers from nvidia.

Thanks for the information Lone_wolf!


#7 2006-06-03 20:56:07

From: Rhodes, Greece
Registered: 2005-05-01
Posts: 330

Re: Extra/Nvidia-Utils

xhectorx wrote:

why are packages beeing split (nvidia, nvidia-utils, ndiswrapper, ndiswrapper-utils) i think it goes against the KISS philosophy

To provide kernel-specific compiled modules.

Some times splitting it up is the the most simple (and/or clean) way.


#8 2006-06-04 01:16:32

Forum Fellow
From: Melbourne, Australia
Registered: 2004-10-09
Posts: 4,927

Re: Extra/Nvidia-Utils

xhectorx wrote:

why are packages beeing split (nvidia, nvidia-utils, ndiswrapper, ndiswrapper-utils) i think it goes against the KISS philosophy

It's more kiss. Many people here choose to run multiple kernels from the repositories, and such, they would also like to have modules for each of those kernels installed from the repos too.

However, if the utils are included in the modules packages, then the two module packages will conflict, and they may not install both.

To the user, it shouldnt matter, you just pacman -S nvidia, and it will bring in nvidia-utils as a dependency, or pacman -S nvidia-beyond and it will bring in nvidia-utils as a dependency. And now you dont have to manually upgrade nvidia to work.



#9 2006-06-04 12:38:11

From: The Netherlands
Registered: 2004-09-20
Posts: 48

Re: Extra/Nvidia-Utils

And for people who run their own compiled kernel: The nvidia PKGBUILD has a hardcoded kernel release in the PKGBUILD, so even using abs and makepkg to compile your own will still put the nvidia kernel module in the wrong place.

Easy fix: change the _kernver= line like this:

_kernver=`uname -r`

or use this[/URL] PKGBUILD found [url=]here


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