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I've been working on what started as a wallpaper-browser, in pygtk 2, and now can be used for any command-line program which accepts a filepath: feh, and imagemagick, etc. It works quite well, and is a pleasure to use if you need such an application. It also cycles selected wallpapers. I'm still improving it, so it is in the AUR as scenic-git.
If anyone wants to contribute, I need a cool app icon, and I need help with threading (or just to have it done) so that I can show a progress indicator while it is searching for images that match your scan spec. However, it works great now, IMO.
Please look for it in the AUR as scenic-git.
Thank You,
Bob Link to full size window-shot
Last edited by balinbob (2016-12-16 16:36:36)