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I wanted to share a simple from-source prefix package manager designed for non-root usage that I've initially created as a better way to manage my own packages across a bunch of different machines (e.g. university compute clusters).
- Package manager (pkgix):
- Some documentation:
The last few years I've only been fixing bugs (and getting some colleagues to use it) and the package manager should be quite stable, but recently decided that maintaining my own packages is not very productive (if tons of distros already provide them) and a package converter would be more useful.
The package description files have a lot of similarity with ArchLinux PKGBUILDs, but there are some subtle differences which I found necessary to make it work as a from-source prefix package manager and still keep it simple.
- Converter from PKGBUILDs to pkgix (abs2pkgix):
The current status is that a good portion (the converter is not yet at 100%) of ArchLinux packages can be installed without root access (in a user selected prefix) on Arch as well as non-Arch systems (most other Linux distros; FreeBSD is technically supported by pkgix, but unsure if the converted packages work).
I won't have much time to develop this project any further in the foreseeable future (although I'm still using pkgix frequently), but hope somebody will find what is there now useful.