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I'm trying to install archboot to use on an install on a new laptop, and I've run into an issue. When I try to install it on my desktop to build the imagine, I get an error from pacman about a dependency conflict (snu-netcat vs. openbsd-netcat). I can't let it swap the two, because virt-manager depends on openbad-netcat. I was able to find a Todo about changing that dependency, and it's marked as complete, so I'm not sure what is going on.
[slackcub@Arch1 ~]$ sudo pacman -Syv archboot
Root : /
Conf File : /etc/pacman.conf
DB Path : /var/lib/pacman/
Cache Dirs: /var/cache/pacman/pkg/
Hook Dirs : /usr/share/libalpm/hooks/ /etc/pacman.d/hooks/
Lock File : /var/lib/pacman/db.lck
Log File : /var/log/pacman.log
GPG Dir : /etc/pacman.d/gnupg/
Targets : archboot
:: Synchronizing package databases...
catalyst is up to date
xorg116 is up to date
core is up to date
extra is up to date
community is up to date
multilib is up to date
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...
:: gnu-netcat and openbsd-netcat are in conflict. Remove openbsd-netcat? [y/N] y
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: virt-manager: removing openbsd-netcat breaks dependency 'openbsd-netcat'
[slackcub@Arch1 ~]$
Pages: 1