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I'm writing a dash script to bind arbitary commands to touchpad gestures. The script is inspired by Reason for writing a new tool for the same task is that I cannot adequately get pinch to zoom with libinput-gestures (it generates only one event for the whole zoom motion), and I do not understand python enough to modify bulletmarks excellent code to do so.
I'm listening to touchpad events with libinput-debug-events, piping its output to a while loop, reading it into different variables and then choosing actions with case statement.
The sample output of libinput-debug-events looks like this:
event8 GESTURE_PINCH_BEGIN +3.61s 2
event8 GESTURE_PINCH_UPDATE +3.80s 2 0.00/-0.58 ( 0.00/-1.85 unaccelerated) 0.63 @-0.19
event8 GESTURE_PINCH_END +3.84s 2
My biggest problem is: How to figure out if it is pinch in or pinch out, based on GESTURE_PINCH_UPDATE event? As far as I can tell, this is how libinput-gestures does it ( … t-gestures):
'Class to handle this type of gesture'
SUPPORTED_MOTIONS = ('in', 'out')
def begin(self, fingers):
'Initialise this gesture at the start of motion'
self.fingers = fingers = 0.0
def update(self, coords):
'Update this gesture for a motion' += 1.0 - float(coords[5])
def end(self):
'Action this gesture at the end of a motion sequence'
if != 0.0:
self.action('in' if >= 0.0 else 'out')
But I don't speak python, so I don't understand exactly what is calculated here.
Here is a sketch of the current script, with a lot of placeholder code:
libinput-debug-events | while read -r device event time finger_count coordinates leftovers; do
case $event in
GESTURE_PINCH_BEGIN) xdotool keydown Ctrl
#Get the first co-ordinate number for calculation
xdelta=$(echo "$coordinates" | cut -s --fields=1 --delimiter=/)
#Get the seconf co-ordinate number for calculation
ydelta=$(echo "$coordinates" | cut -s --fields=2 --delimiter=/ | cut -c1-4)
#Do some kind of calculation with the numbers
dir=$(awk "BEGIN {print 1 - $xdelta+$ydelta; exit}")
#Decide was the pinch in or out based on that result
if [ "$dir" -gt 0 ]; then
xdotool key plus
xdotool key minus
GESTURE_PINCH_END) xdotool keyup Ctrl
Also, if someone knows a better way to get pinch to zoom working, I'm happy with that too.
Last edited by Chrysostomus (2016-12-25 16:22:24)
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