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Hope you can help, I have built a number of Arch boxes as part of a hobby, but this is the first time I have tried to do an installation of a box behind a proxy.
I have followed the Arch wiki's instructions regarding a new installation with the exception that I have set the relevant proxy variables (via export).
All starts to go well, the pacstrap command applies all the packages to the mounted drive. The difficulty occurs when I perform a pacman -syu within the arch-chroot environment I get the following error.
"Error: failed retrieving file [..] : the requested URL returned error 407"
407 tells me that the proxy requires authentication - which is correct but I have the proxy variables set the same way I had when I performed the pacstrap command.
Does Arch-Chroot look somewhere else for the proxy settings?
Last edited by UTMonkey (2017-01-06 15:47:18)
Not a fix, just a workaround.
There's no need to be running pacman to install packages when you're in the chroot, just install them as part of the earlier pacstrap command which is working.
As a workaround you can install packages directly to /mnt with:
pacman -r /mnt --cachedir=/mnt/var/cache/pacman/pkg -S package
I'm not sure, but if you want to use the chroot way, maybe you have to set environment variables again within the chroot.
Thanks for getting back to me and yes, when I added the pacman stuff to the pacstrap it all worked and I ended up with a working build.
I have had another issue crop out, but will investigate further and raise on the forum if I don't have any joy.
Thanks again
Last edited by UTMonkey (2017-01-06 13:48:06)
Pages: 1