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I was playing with ABS yesterday. Just to see what it was all about.
I did:
srcpac -Sb dvdrip
and let that run for a bit-
It failed with the error:
Error cannot locate ImageMagick!
I looked on google and didn't have much luck finding the error message.
Is this a common problem ? Is their someething I should double check or change?
-thanks in advance.
Try running as root:
pacman -Sy imagemagick
Hmm I thought I had grabed ImageMagic before-oh well.
It seems to have done it's magic.
If I run into a simillar kind of problem I need only to run:
pacman -Sy fobar?
dvdrip is in one of the reposl.. pacman -Sy dvdrip should install it.
I saw that and thought it'd be interesting to make life interesting for me and use something from CVS
It's so boring to think: Gee this might actually work the first time.
Any was I was only playing around with srcpac to for the sake of learning about it.
I'm weird like that.
Any was I was only playing around with srcpac to for the sake of learning about it.
I'm weird like that.
Not really. Arch attracts those kinds of people, We're all weird like that.
Not everyone - some of us are strange.
I am both weird, and weird like that.
Although I think my foray into ABS came at a time when I desparately needed a package in there, but when I found abs, I think I was so excited I crapped my pants a little.
I reckon there will soon bea source based arch-like distro with only ABS. Something like gentoo. More people are taking interest in ABS nowadays
Be yourself, because you are all that you can be
hmmm.. that might be itneresting.
And on the 9th day god did roll a Epic Level create forces spell dificulty 10. He did roll a 20+ a natural 3 for a racial bonus. Oh ye, and he did take a break and shouted: "Ooooi! pass me a e a coke!". Then oh great God declared that on the eav of the 10th day: "Piece Of **ing Sh***Oi Gevalt Windows crash-who the I haven't emerged sin yet--or banished the balrogs! Who installed this!! --- Lucifer-- you are sooo fired!" and god's proclimation "Piece of *&ing sh*** windows" would go down as The Word for Windows for nothing else can quite descibe it. Hence on the 9th day he did:
Make World +use = Enlightenment... hence why He took so long to finish His work in The World.
I just found aurbuild...muuch better for doing abs stuff. By the way Does kde's window manager normally bug out sometimes for on file names? What I meen is that I have a directory where I copied over a few mp3's with retartedly long names (from my now dusty) windows drive---it causes it to crash, or could it just be that the mp3 got corrupted somehow and is causing problems?
I just found aurbuild...muuch better for doing abs stuff.
abs? How so?
Less typing.
aurbuild only installs stuff from AUR - Arch User Respiratory. Some of the stuff in AUR has packages in the "community" repo.
ABS gets the PKGBUILDs for stuff that has packages in "current" and "extra" respiratories.
In other words, srcpac/ABS and aurbuild doesn't get the same packages...
aurbuild only installs stuff from AUR - Arch User Respiratory. Some of the stuff in AUR has packages in the "community" repo.ABS gets the PKGBUILDs for stuff that has packages in "current" and "extra" respiratories.
In other words, srcpac/ABS and aurbuild doesn't get the same packages...
Thats what I meant. Their was --local switch I put in there to build stuff in $HOME/pkgname instead of looking in AUR. Since this thread was refering to ABS I was wondering if he was copying and pasting ABS files to that directory and using aurbuild --local to build them or if he meant ABS as in AUR.
Oh sorry misread your' post.
Basicly progessing up in what I thoght was increased dificulty.
First I did aurbuild --local
(Aftter following the ABS wiki):
abs mplayer and srcpac -S mplayer.
I ran into a few glitches. Double checked bugzilla etc. Basicly it was a minor glitch-related to mkv and ogm
I then exprimented with aurbuilds ability to check dependencies and missing libraries etc. It's did a commendable job-and fixed whatever was wrong. I have recently been experimenting with aur(got RealPlayer-ok but liked the old one better) - but that probably can go in a different thread.
-Mmmm black tea-
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