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anyone knows what happened to libaal & reiser4progs packages? they are missing from repositories...
they seem to be in unstable
is there any reasons they moved to [unstable]? i dont use [unstable] and i font feel like starting now...
Before being in unstable, they were in community repo. The move is probably because the beyond kernel is in extra now and that they are not stable enough to go to current or extra.
Unlike the testing repo, there's no risk (IMO) having the unstable repo enabled. The packages in there have different names than the ones in current/extra. They will not be installed unless you explicitly install them with 'pacman -S'.
thanks for the info
the issue is, that mkliveiso (Archie's script for creating live iso) has an xfce_packages list for creating the Archie xfce iso. the xfce_packages list contains libaal and reiser4progs, which now been moved to [unstable], which means mkliveiso will need to require the USERS to have [unstable] in their pacman.conf... i dont know if thats fair towards the users... i'll wait and see the user's comments about this issue. if using [unstable] will be voted against, i might consider having those packages in [archie] too...
lets hope libaal & reiser4progs will find their way soon enough into [current] or [extra]...
Previously, libaal & reiser4progs were in the community repo which is, AFAIK, not enabled by default. So you had the same problem except that most users have the community repo enabled so it wasn't noticed before.
Probably iphitus could give you more info as to why they were put in unstable and when they'll go in current/extra.
Things are in [unstable] based on their status according to their own devs (or at least that's how it used to be e.g. fluxbox-devel), so unless there is a sudden flurry of activity updates and stable releases they'll stay there indefinitely
thanks for the info
lets hope libaal & reiser4progs will find their way soon enough into [current] or [extra]...
yeah, over my dead body and all that. you'll see them in [current/extra] the day reiser4 hits vanilla......... and we're more likely to see vista before that happens.
users already need to add the [archie] repo, so adding [unstable] really isnt any extra fuss. [unstable] contains nothing that is in the other repos, so it shouldnt overwrite anything with newer unstable versions, that's what testing is for. So really, enabling [unstable] shouldnt make one squat of a difference to anyone.
users need to add [archie], [community], and now also [unstable]. maybe the best/easiest solution is use mkliveiso with my own pacman.conf (as it was on earlier versions)?
users need to add [archie], [community], and now also [unstable]. maybe the best/easiest solution is use mkliveiso with my own pacman.conf (as it was on earlier versions)?
good idea, just use your own pacman.conf, but use the user's /etc/pacman.d/ files for the mirrors, so it uses their mirrors. and if the users are anything like me and just hardcode their mirrors into their pacman.conf, bad luck (damn).