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Pages: 1
Hi there Arch Community !
I've got 2 hard drives in my computer.
I first installed Windows 7 on HDD1 (and it put the Windows Boot Partition on HDD2 )
I then installed archlinux on HDD2.
The partitioning looks like this:
/dev/sda1 Windows 7 partition
/dev/sdb1 Windows 7 loader (100MB)
/dev/sdb2 / partition
/dev/sdb3 swap partition
/dev/sdb4 /home partition
I don't know on which partition I have to set the boot flag (*) with fdisk in order to boot properly on both OS, and what to put in my syslinux.cfg which at the moment looks like this:
LABEL arch
LINUX ../vmlinuz-linux
APPEND root=/dev/sdb2 rw
INITRD ../initramfs-linux.img
LABEL windows
MENU LABEL Windows 7
COM32 chain.c32
APPEND hd1 1
Is that correct ?
Last edited by master-inferno (2017-02-16 20:20:12)
Solved by installing grub instead of syslinux.
Last edited by master-inferno (2017-02-16 20:19:49)
Pages: 1