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#1 2017-02-14 19:31:12

Registered: 2017-01-21
Posts: 5

[SOLVED] Questions about compiling and installing Arch on a VM

Hey bit of a noob here learning Arch.

Been using Arch as my primary OS for the last few months and loving it. I just joined a class at my university on Kernel Development and the first thing we need to do is compile a linux distro and install it on a VM. Since I am already somewhat familiar with Arch I wanted to use it. Also so I could learn more about it and have a chance to mess around.

My question though:
I found the guides on kernel compiling on the wiki however I am confused as to how to use them in conjunction with a VM install. I follow it until it tells me to run 'make' on the files to begin compiling. After wards it launches right into how to install. So after 'make' is there an ISO created that can be installed on a VM? Or does it start installing the newly compiled kernel right then and there and if so how can I not have this happen so I can install on VM?

Last edited by varlathass (2017-02-14 20:12:04)


#2 2017-02-14 19:40:14

From: Pasadena, CA
Registered: 2009-07-13
Posts: 20,349

Re: [SOLVED] Questions about compiling and installing Arch on a VM

Were I you, I would start with LFS (Linux from Scratch).
The gist is that you build a kernel on one system, build a file system that will be your root, install the kernel on that file system, and set up a boot loader.  For a really minimal system UEFI is nice because the kernel can be compiled as a UEFI target.  Then you mount that file system on the target and off you go.

LFS is great.  Everyone who wants to understand Linux should do it at least once.   But, if you do, don't just copy and paste commands.  Before running any of the commands in the project, understand what the command does and why you are running it.  You will build a tool chain, compile a kernel, configure an init system, the whole ball of wax.

edit s/gist/jest/

Last edited by ewaller (2017-02-15 15:16:02)

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How to Ask Questions the Smart Way


#3 2017-02-14 20:11:46

Registered: 2017-01-21
Posts: 5

Re: [SOLVED] Questions about compiling and installing Arch on a VM

Oh fantastic. Thank you. This sounds like a much better idea.


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