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I found that my wifi stops working, (though still having ip address), frequently especially when I am not close to the router. It starts working again if I restart wpa_supplicant. However If I enable systemd service I have to restart it manually everytime I loose net connection. So here is my solution.
restartwifi() {
[[ "$(pidof wpa_supplicant)" ]] && sudo killall wpa_supplicant && sleep 1
sudo wpa_supplicant -B -i wlan0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
[[ ! "$(pidof dhcpcd)" ]] && sudo dhcpcd -4 wlan0
while true; do
(ping -c 1 || restartwifi) &> /dev/null
sleep 60
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Time to step up your game, Docbroke! Get rid of the sudo calls (and supposedly the sudoers/root autorun hack), by turning this into a systemd one-shot with a timer, so you can turn this while true...wait into something reliable and debuggable.
I don't see why you'd need to restart a service any more "manually" than you do wpa_supplicant and dhcpcd. Why not restart the service in the loop? My work network is horribly crippled, and I regularly have to do something similar, but as I just use dhcpcd@<interface>.service with the wpa_supplicant hook, all I need is `systemctl restart dhcpcd@<interface>.service`. I suppose I could have something like your loop:
while true; do
ping -c 1 || systemctl restart dhcpcd@wlp3s0.service
sleep 60;
But AWebb's timer suggestion would be better. There's definitely no reason to put the check and restart in it's own subshell: you unconditionally create a new subshell every minute whether or not you are still connected. If you want to redirect the output, you can do that without a subshell. The subshell could actually cause real problems if it ever takes ~60 seconds to ping and restart the wireless as these are running in the background while "sleep 60" counts down.
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman
Awebb & Trilby thank you both for your suggestions.
@Awebb, I was connecting to wifi manually for quite a sometime, which gradually lead me to add those commands to sudoers, just to avoid entering the password everytime. Though I soon intend to cleanup my sudoers and modify my script to use with systemd.
@Trilby, In my limited experience I have found that "systemctl restart wpa_supplicant*" doesn't work as well as stop,wait ~1 second and start the service, probably systemctl tries to start the service immediately even before it has stopped completely, therefore I am using "sleep 1" before starting wpa_supplicant again.
Another point is restarting dhcpcd is mostly not needed, infact it doesn't always work as intended, (reason may be same as above), it is wpa_supplicant that needs restart. (at least in case of my wifi network)
Yes, I used subshell to redirect the output, as I was trying to avoid polluting the terminal. I will remove that subshell.
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I don't use wpa_supplicant service directly, I just use the wpa_supplicant hook of dhcpcd@.service which has worked wonderfully.
When I do need to restart it I've never had an issue with just "systemctl restart dhcpcd@wlp3s0.service". Perhaps the dhcpcd service handles this delay itself, I'm not sure: but I do know it always works for me.
On the subshell, I assume you thought that might be the way to redirect stderr as well, but there are better ways to do that:
command >/dev/null 2>&1
This directs the stdout of "command" to /dev/null and the stderr (fd 2) to stdout (fd 1) which is already going to /dev/null: so everything is silent.
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman
I removed all "sudo", removed the subshell along with redirection, removed the while loop and added the script to root's crontab to run every minute and @reboot. It appers to be working fine there. ( in other words I found creating systemd timer very confusing)
About dhcpcd, I just remembered this, in past when I start wpa_supplicant using dhcpcd hook, and I restart dhcpcd it doesn't kill wpa_supplicant, it just kills itself and starts again. So it fails to connect for me, as wpa_supplicant is not restarted. It may be possible that my wifi network needs wpa_supplicant to restart!!
Last edited by Docbroke (2017-03-13 19:23:33)
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So does mine. I'm not sure why the behavior would be different, but when I restart dhcpcd.service it does stop and restart wpa_supplicant (if the wpa_supplicant process was started by dhcpcd service).
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman
try this, wpa_supplicant still running after killing dhcpcd (and wifi is still connected)
┌─[sharad] (01:07 AM)-(Tue Mar 14) [~]
└─ $ pidof wpa_supplicant
┌─[sharad] (01:07 AM)-(Tue Mar 14) !5135! [~]
└─ $ pidof dhcpcd
┌─[sharad] (01:07 AM)-(Tue Mar 14) !5136! [~]
└─ $ sudo dhcpcd -4 wlan0
[sudo] password for sharad:
wlan0: starting wpa_supplicant
wlan0: waiting for carrier
wlan0: carrier acquired
DUID 00:01:00:01:1d:80:7d:59:80:56:f2:b7:28:0f
wlan0: IAID f2:b7:28:0f
wlan0: rebinding lease of
wlan0: leased for 3600 seconds
wlan0: adding route to
wlan0: adding default route via
forked to background, child pid 20978
┌─[sharad] (01:08 AM)-(Tue Mar 14) [~]
└─ $ sudo killall dhcpcd
┌─[sharad] (01:08 AM)-(Tue Mar 14) [~]
└─ $ pidof wpa_supplicant
┌─[sharad] (01:08 AM)-(Tue Mar 14) [~]
└─ $ pidof dhcpcd
┌─[sharad] (01:08 AM)-(Tue Mar 14) !5140! [~]
└─ $
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That test is irrelevant: you explicitly start dhcpcd (and presumably wpa_supplicant). Like I've said several times, I use the dhcpcd@.service with it's wpa_supplicant hook. The *only* service I start/enable is dhcpcd@wlp3s0 this in turn starts wpa_supplicant (thus the dhcpcd service keeps track of the wpa_supplicant process). If I were to manually kill wpa_supplicant and/or dhcpcd I suspect I'd have similar problems as you are having - but I don't do this. Again, I only restart dhcpcd@.service which takes care of everything else.
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman
It appears that dhcpcd started by systemd behaves differently. I checked the service file and couln't find the reason though. ( it starts as "dhcpcd -q -w %I"(interface) and stops as dhcpcd -x %I). I tried the same commands manually but it failed to kill wpa_supplicant.
And I didn't explicitly start wpa_supplicant in my test (as you can see pidof wpa_supplicant was absent before starting dhcpcd).
Anyway the issue of wifi is solved, time to take some sleep now. Good night.
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Splitting out as this has become its own support thread...
So here is my current setup.
root's crontab
## start and keep connected to wifi at boot ##
@reboot /home/sharad/bin/netstart
* * * * * [[ ! -f /tmp/stopwifi ]] && /home/sharad/bin/netstart
netstart script
restartwifi() {
[[ "$(pidof wpa_supplicant)" ]] && killall wpa_supplicant && sleep 1
wpa_supplicant -B -i wlan0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
[[ ! "$(pidof dhcpcd)" ]] && dhcpcd -4 wlan0
ping -c 1 || restartwifi
network script for manual use (to stop cronjob while connecting with mobile_broadband & more)
stopwifi() {
sudo killall wpa_supplicant
sudo killall dhcpcd
echo -n "
choose, what to do with network?
ww) startwifi wx) stopwifi ws) scan for wifi wn) connect to new-wifi
bb) bsnl b2) bsnl2 ps) pppstatus px) stopppp pg) ping google
uu) unblock xx) exit
#? "
read -n 2 ops
case $ops in
ww) rm /tmp/stopwifi; echo "wait for 1 min, please"; network ;;
wx) echo ""
echo "stopping cronjob for wifi connection..."
touch /tmp/stopwifi
echo -n "do you want to stop wpa_supplicant and dhcpcd too? y/n $ "
read -n 1 ANS
if [[ $ANS = y ]]; then stopwifi; else echo "ok, bye"; fi
network ;;
wn) echo ""
wpa_cli scan wlan0 && wpa_cli scan_results wlan0
echo ""
echo -n "Network essid to use? $ "
read ESSID
echo -n "Password for $ESSID? $ "
read PASS
wpa_passphrase "$ESSID" "$PASS"
echo -n "write to wpa_supplicant.conf? $ "
read ANS
case $ANS in
y|yes|true) wpa_passphrase "$ESSID" "$PASS" | sudo tee -a /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf > /dev/null && echo "successfully modified wpa_supplicant, exiting....." && sleep 1 ;;
n|no|false) echo "nothing modified, restarting..."; network ;;
uu) sudo rfkill unblock all; network ;;
bb) sudo pon bsnl ;;
px) sudo poff -a && network ;;
b2) sudo pon bsnl2 ;;
ps) grep pppd < /var/log/daemon.log; network ;;
# journalctl -b --no-pager | grep pppd ;;
x|xx) echo ""
echo "bye" && sleep 1 ;;
pg) echo ""
ping -c 1 && echo success || echo failure
network ;;
*) echo "invalid option"; network ;;
Arch is home!
Just discovered a better way. This is to use "wpa_cli reassociate" inplace of restarting wpa_supplicant or dhcpcd. This one works without sudo and it's quicker to connect.
restartwifi() {
if [[ "$(pidof wpa_supplicant)" ]]; then
wpa_cli reassociate
wpa_supplicant -B -i wlan0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
[[ ! "$(pidof dhcpcd)" ]] && dhcpcd -4 wlan0
ping -c 1 || restartwifi
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