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#1 2004-01-11 18:59:58

Forum Fellow
From: Finland
Registered: 2002-12-27
Posts: 2,298

wiki - collective username

I have a created one username "<b>wiki</b>" to help Archers to collaborate on topics requiring to summerize contributors ideas and suggestions into one place. This idea is same as the WikiWikiWeb, site where everyone can collaborate on the content.

<b>How doeas it work:</b>
Login with username: wiki (password: wiki) and post a topic you want other Archers to collaborate. Any user can then login with the same username and edit the content. Instead of "post reply" click "edit".




#2 2004-01-12 06:05:23

From: Arch Linux Forum
Registered: 2004-01-11
Posts: 4

Re: wiki - collective username

<b>1. Wiki?</b>
- to collaborate on topics requiring to summerize contributors ideas and suggestions into one place.
- to reduce lengthy threads and repeated topics thereby easier to search for support.

<b>2. Layout</b>
Thought giving hints how to make the WIKI content to look nice. It is for the future usage and reference, good to make nice looking pages  wink

In edit mode there are buttoms to create styles to a selected text. To make the style code visible for your eyes, I have here below replaced the "[ ]" with "{ }" and "< >" with "| |"

Font styles and link:
Font 18 --> {size=18} Font 18 {/size}
<b>This is bold</b> --> |b| This is bold |/b| <b>This is bold</b>
Text in red --> {color=red} Text in red {/color}
Link to Arch Linux --> {url=}Link to Arch Linux{/url}

<b>3. Hints</b>
1. <b>Make a link</b> in FAQ & LP topic for users to find the topic.

2. <b>What / How to contribute?</b> We may think contribution to a wiki topic is the subject alone or "I have to know". The contribution can also be in form of layout or spelling and grammar correction. Or a vague idea for other contributors to follow up. Mistakes are corrected and ideas evolve naturally when many minds are gathering.... wiki it like a "meeting room".

You are free to add and edit this content.
UserName: wiki
Password: wiki


#3 2004-01-12 06:50:36

Forum Fellow
From: Finland
Registered: 2002-12-27
Posts: 2,298

Re: wiki - collective username

To avoid two users to edit the same page at the same time, check if wiki is online in "Who is online" box.



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