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This computer is known to have some problems operating with linux as referenced here: … 481/page/5
Seems everyone must either use a 32 bit version of linux or boot with the "acpi=off" parameter. Later, after installing the system, we can use the grsecurity kernel and the computer will boot normally.
Every linux distribution I've tried will boot fine with acpi=off except for Arch. Only with Arch do I end up with the problem of my keyboard failing to work. I'm using latest installer "2017.03.01".
Any ideas why my keyboard doesn't work in Arch but works in every other distribution (ubuntu, opensuse, gentoo, fedora, etc)? How can I go about submitting a bug report if I can't even use my keyboard?
Haven't had a computer in over five years and would love to get back to Linux again. I only want to use Arch.
Last edited by beitme (2017-03-21 07:57:27)
Have you tried running with fallback initramfs? Could you post your mkinitcpio, kernel command line? Nothing can be done without these.
Tried with both "break=premount" and "break=postmount" - keyboard still fails to work.
So I have an Acer Chromebook 14 that uses the Braswell chipset, which is relatively new. When I first got it I also had a non functional keyboard and trackpad after boot. (it worked inside the bootloader) External USB keyboards worked though and on some other distros the internal keyboard worked. The issue was that the Arch kernel wasn't compiled with the parameter CONFIG_PINCTRL_CHERRYVIEW=y. (cherryview and braswell are apparently mostly synonymous). I recompiled the kernel with that parameter and it worked. Soon after Arch started including that parameter in it's build.
Your Acer uses a skylake chipset, which is also relatively new. Your problem sounded like mine so I did some digging and found that CONFIG_PINCTRL_SUNRISEPOINT is the parameter for the gpio drivers for Skylake. It appears that the Arch Kernel does in fact use this parameter. So this isn't the problem...
Can you use an external keyboard and get some lspci, dmesg, and dmidecode output? That might point us in the right direction. As of right now you haven't provided much to go on.
I know I haven't provided as much information as you would like. I just don't have a spare keyboard. I'm living in a hostel now and if I were to buy a keyboard it would be solely for the purpose of resolving this issue. I would then have to throw it away. I am loath to this.
I filed a bug with arch and the response was it's not their problem and that I should file a bug upstream. As for that, there is already a bug filed upstream.
Many users note that arch is presenting them with problems other distros are without. So I don't understand why the arch developers refuse to acknowledge the problem lies with this particular distro.
Anyhow, I really appreciate your taking the time to help me. I just don't have a keyboard at this time. Even if I were to buy one (which I would later throw away) there's no guarantee this issue will be resolved.
The Arch dev's response doesn't surprise me since you weren't able to provide them any evidence that the issue resides with how they are packaging and building the kernel, let alone any information about where the problem is occurring, like from dmesg output. Arch's linux package is compiled to be as generic and unpatched as possible, so there really isn't much that they are doing to the kernel to break it and not much that they would do to the kernel to fix it just for you. Other distros might apply kernel patches to fix issues for certain platforms. Arch avoids that.
In open source, things generally only move forward because a user was fed up enough with a problem to push it forward. So I wouldn't expect much response from your bug report if you aren't willing to work with the developers and do testing and provide debug output on your platform. The only way platforms get supported is by people who want to use that platform learning as much as they can about it and working with the kernel developers. It is impossible for any developer, either for a distro like Arch or for the Linux kernel, to even approach your problem if you don't do the prerequisite research and provide them some leads to go on. "X doesn't work" will never get any attention unless it comes with "Here is what I've done to research and diagnose this problem"
That's not a criticism of you not buying a keyboard. I totally understand that, and I totally understand not wanting to go through the headache and time of trying to fix this problem with this platform.
If you were to try though, you would need to provide some debug output and do your research. You would need to compare what is different between distros that work and those that don't. Are there particular kernel versions that work while others don't? Is it a kernel config parameter that is different between the distros that causes it? You would have to do tests to isolate those variables, and possibly recompile your own kernel to test them.
Regarding the external keybaord, you might also consider finding an internet cafe or a library that has work stations with usb keyboards. If the keyboards are locked you might just ask if you could borrow one. As a paying customer they might not mind. If you plan to continue learning about and using Linux, an external USB keyboard is extremely handy to have. I have had updates break my keyboard before. Having a spare allowed me to fix the issue or roll back and continue my work.
Great, thanks for all that.
I do understand the community driven aspect behind open source in general and the philosophy of arch in particular.
I'll try to get the requisite information so that others (or yourself) can possibly help out on this problem.
Thanks again,
Just in case any users are here with an Acer swift 3. Luckily I was able to install Arch with the May installation ISO. Strangely, it only booted once every three attempts. But I got in and installed the grsec kernel (just before it was discontinued). So I'm good to go for now. Unfortunately for other users, I can't provide any help. We just have to wait for upstream to fix whatever needs fixin.