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#1 2006-06-19 13:15:14

From: Lithuania, Vilnius
Registered: 2006-05-24
Posts: 319

How remove root and user passwords?

How remove root and user passwords? Windows XP do not have password after install.



#2 2006-06-19 13:17:03

From: Estonia
Registered: 2006-01-30
Posts: 22

Re: How remove root and user passwords?

passwd -d username


#3 2006-06-19 14:36:05

From: Aachen - Germany
Registered: 2005-01-03
Posts: 1,382

Re: How remove root and user passwords?

alikas wrote:

How remove root and user passwords? Windows XP do not have password after install.

a) You do not want to remove the root user
b) This is not Windows. If you want it to be Windows, then install WIndows.


#4 2006-06-19 14:39:55

Forum Fellow
From: Waterloo, ON, CA
Registered: 2005-04-08
Posts: 3,108

Re: How remove root and user passwords?

alikas wrote:

Windows XP do not have password after install.

This is one of the hugest (yes... hugest) reasons that WinXP has so many problems with spyware, viruses, and other malware - anyone and everyone can get administrator privelages without even trying, and in some cases must run with administrator privelages just to run the poorly-coded programs. sad


#5 2006-06-19 15:46:58

Gullible Jones
Registered: 2004-12-29
Posts: 4,863

Re: How remove root and user passwords?

If you want to have to keep track of only one password use this. It would probably be a good idea to leave sudo's password request enabled though.

(Remember: you want at least one good, strong password between a would-be intruder and the ability to hose your data.)


#6 2006-06-19 16:22:50

From: Lithuania, Vilnius
Registered: 2006-05-24
Posts: 319

Re: How remove root and user passwords?

Cerebral, I using Windows XP long and I not have any viruses, not need just browse in some sites and download some programs.
But why, if Windows XP have spywares work faster, than linux?
Exceptionally KDevelop first time very long building simple application, while Visual Studio 2003 much faster build simple win32 application.
Or Kwrite opening text files so long, while Notepad open text files faster.
If somebody delete my files - wonder!
I think linux work slowly because it is so "secure" and it is not compiled.
Everywhere in linux files not compiled code.
Simple example: that take less size, or word, for example, "MODULES", or byte 2?



#7 2006-06-19 17:54:18

Forum Fellow
From: Waterloo, ON, CA
Registered: 2005-04-08
Posts: 3,108

Re: How remove root and user passwords?

alikas wrote:

Cerebral, I using Windows XP long and I not have any viruses, not need just browse in some sites and download some programs.

I have WinXP on a dual-boot myself, and I never get viruses, but only because I'm careful about it.  The fact, however, is that so many successful viruses and malware do exist for Windows, and a large reason for this is Windows' necessity to run in privelaged mode to do anything productive.

alikas wrote:

But why, if Windows XP have spywares work faster, than linux?

The speed of an OS isn't dependent on the amount of spyware out there that runs on the OS.  You may be careful and observant, keeping the bad software away.  As for Windows being faster than Linux, I'd imagine that depends on the application and system.  Comparing Kdevelop vs. Visual Studio isn't a fair comparison of Windows vs. Linux - it would be fair if you compared Visual Studio on Windows vs. Visual Studio on Linux, for example.  Yes, I realize that isn't possible, but I'm making a point.

alikas wrote:

I think linux work slowly because it is so "secure" and it is not compiled.
Everywhere in linux files not compiled code.
Simple example: that take less size, or word, for example, "MODULES", or byte 2?

If you're talking about rc.conf, which is a configuration file, then no, it's not 'compiled.'  Sure, Linux uses a bunch of scripts where appropriate, but stuff like KDevelop or KWrite, to use the examples you picked out, are compiled code.  Admittedly, bash scripts will be slower than native code, but I strongly doubt that's why you find Linux slow.

In any case, this conversation has kind of gone off on a tangent.  You really should have a password on your accounts, in both windows and linux, but if, for whatever reason, you don't want them, then I believe the answer you were looking for was the first reply to this thread.


#8 2006-06-19 19:22:56

From: Lithuania, Vilnius
Registered: 2006-05-24
Posts: 319

Re: How remove root and user passwords?




#9 2006-06-19 19:59:21

From: Israel
Registered: 2004-03-29
Posts: 573


#10 2006-06-20 06:17:22

From: Lithuania, Vilnius
Registered: 2006-05-24
Posts: 319

Re: How remove root and user passwords?

Thank yuo!



#11 2006-06-20 17:30:25

From: In Front of My PC
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 253

Re: How remove root and user passwords?

ubuntu comes with no root password, but it is the least of the reasons why buntu is sick

Be yourself, because you are all that you can be


#12 2006-06-20 17:38:10

Schwag Merchant
From: Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada
Registered: 2004-01-18
Posts: 5,986

Re: How remove root and user passwords?

ScriptDevil wrote:

ubuntu comes with no root password, but it is the least of the reasons why buntu is sick

That's a security feature. They also disable root login altogether. Its impossible to log into your root account on Ubuntu, and all commands are logged through sudo. You'd do well to set up your Arch system to do the same thing... and to get your facts straight before making such sweeping statements.



#13 2006-06-20 18:38:36

Gullible Jones
Registered: 2004-12-29
Posts: 4,863

Re: How remove root and user passwords?

alikas wrote:

Cerebral, I using Windows XP long and I not have any viruses, not need just browse in some sites and download some programs.
But why, if Windows XP have spywares work faster, than linux?

Depends on what you're comparing.

Exceptionally KDevelop first time very long building simple application, while Visual Studio 2003 much faster build simple win32 application.

Probably because KDE stuff is multiplatform while VS 2003 is Win32 only, for one thing...

Or Kwrite opening text files so long, while Notepad open text files faster.

IIRC KWrite has a lot more functionality than notepad - it's a bigger program and uses more memory and system resources. A better comparison would be, say, Mousepad vs. Notepad. Or, perhaps, knowing how many featues Notepad has, XEdit vs. notepad.

If somebody delete my files - wonder!
I think linux work slowly because it is so "secure" and it is not compiled.
Everywhere in linux files not compiled code.

You'd be wrong then... The kernel devs tend to put quite a bit of emphasis on performance, and most things on Linux are compiled. The initscripts aren't, but that's the way things are supposed to be, how else would you edit them?

Simple example: that take less size, or word, for example, "MODULES", or byte 2?

If I understand what you're saying correctly I don't think it matters very much... It's true that hard drives are a bottleneck (and therefore big files can slow things down), but initscripts are already small, so it's not a big problem. Also, try comparing the boot times of Arch and Windows XP or 2000, the smallest difference I have observed is approximately a factor of 3 in favor of Arch.

(To be fair, other distros can take a while to boot, but even Linspire is on about the same level there as Windows XP.)


#14 2006-06-20 19:19:10

Registered: 2006-05-20
Posts: 666

Re: How remove root and user passwords?

brain0 wrote:
alikas wrote:

How remove root and user passwords? Windows XP do not have password after install.

a) You do not want to remove the root user
b) This is not Windows. If you want it to be Windows, then install WIndows.

I do agree alot with his post, if you want Linux to act like windows, why not just use windows? Linux wasn't ever meant to be any like windows. Sure, as alot of people have stated quite a few files on linux aren't compiled code, this was meant so people can edit their system in any way that they feel. Most of the impotant stuff is kept where normal users can't touch them incase you're worreid about someone messing with you "system" files. The onyl way to edit those files is by using a root login, or a sudo command. As long as no one has your root password, then you're in the safe zone. As for some applications opening slow, this is because linux handles ram in a different way that windows. It first buffers and cache's the ram the first time, sot hey open much quicker the 2nd time. It took me awhile to get used to it, but their really isn't a speed issue there. But as brian0 said, if you want it to be windows, then install windows.


#15 2006-06-20 19:51:07

Registered: 2005-03-01
Posts: 442

Re: How remove root and user passwords?

twiistedkaos wrote:

I do agree alot with his post, if you want Linux to act like windows, why not just use windows?

Linux is not Windows should be mandatory reading.



#16 2006-06-20 19:54:01

From: Jacksonville, FL
Registered: 2006-04-12
Posts: 158

Re: How remove root and user passwords?

I think you'll definately have speed problems if you use kde and kde apps all the time.  Try using more lightweight programs.  Then you'll notice a difference


#17 2006-06-20 20:14:41

Gullible Jones
Registered: 2004-12-29
Posts: 4,863

Re: How remove root and user passwords?

Actually KDE is very fast if you have enough (256+ MB) RAM.

twiistedkaos wrote:

The onyl way to edit those files is by using a root login, or a sudo command.

Preferably with sudo. Using the root account too much isn't very bright.

As long as no one has your root password, then you're in the safe zone.

Not quite... There are exploits that let people gain root access without knowing the root password, etc. It is of course easier to fool someone into giving up passwords in a lot of cases, but there's always some risk that you might attract the attention of an unusually competent vandal.

As for some applications opening slow, this is because linux handles ram in a different way that windows. It first buffers and cache's the ram the first time, sot hey open much quicker the 2nd time.

Caching things should not make them open slower the first time, AFIAK.

(For example: the reason that Firefox on Linux opens slower than IE on Windows is that IE is preloaded into memory, being part of the system - ignoring, of course, the fact that Firefox uses XUL, which is rather pokey... Anyway, Firefox also loads relatively slowly on Windows. If you're looking at the browser example, it would be fairer to compare IE and Konqueror, which are both preloaded (at least partially) and take the same amount of time to open. Basically, the reason for applications on Linux being slow is that the apps are slow, not that Linux is slow.)

It took me awhile to get used to it, but their really isn't a speed issue there. But as brian0 said, if you want it to be windows, then install windows.

Or Linspire. All the insecurity at an even lower cost... wink

(Linspire, FWIW, boots you up right into a root account, with no password, and XOrg, KDE, and a bunch of other stuff running. It could probably give your average sysadmin a heart attack.)


#18 2006-06-20 20:27:40

Registered: 2006-05-20
Posts: 666

Re: How remove root and user passwords?

Gullible Jones wrote:

Actually KDE is very fast if you have enough (256+ MB) RAM.

twiistedkaos wrote:

The onyl way to edit those files is by using a root login, or a sudo command.

Preferably with sudo. Using the root account too much isn't very bright.

As long as no one has your root password, then you're in the safe zone.

Not quite... There are exploits that let people gain root access without knowing the root password, etc. It is of course easier to fool someone into giving up passwords in a lot of cases, but there's always some risk that you might attract the attention of an unusually competent vandal.

As for some applications opening slow, this is because linux handles ram in a different way that windows. It first buffers and cache's the ram the first time, sot hey open much quicker the 2nd time.

Caching things should not make them open slower the first time, AFIAK.

(For example: the reason that Firefox on Linux opens slower than IE on Windows is that IE is preloaded into memory, being part of the system - ignoring, of course, the fact that Firefox uses XUL, which is rather pokey... Anyway, Firefox also loads relatively slowly on Windows. If you're looking at the browser example, it would be fairer to compare IE and Konqueror, which are both preloaded (at least partially) and take the same amount of time to open. Basically, the reason for applications on Linux being slow is that the apps are slow, not that Linux is slow.)

It took me awhile to get used to it, but their really isn't a speed issue there. But as brian0 said, if you want it to be windows, then install windows.

Or Linspire. All the insecurity at an even lower cost... wink

(Linspire, FWIW, boots you up right into a root account, with no password, and XOrg, KDE, and a bunch of other stuff running. It could probably give your average sysadmin a heart attack.)

hehe thanks for the corrections and more information smile.


#19 2006-06-20 21:19:59

From: Greece
Registered: 2004-11-18
Posts: 715

Re: How remove root and user passwords?

KDE under Arch under a moderately "modern" puter (say PIV- 2G with some 512M RAM) is smoking fast... or at least this is whaat I get.

Microshaft delenda est


#20 2006-06-20 21:48:16

Registered: 2005-03-01
Posts: 442

Re: How remove root and user passwords?

scarecrow wrote:

KDE under Arch under a moderately "modern" puter (say PIV- 2G with some 512M RAM) is smoking fast... or at least this is whaat I get.

Same here.


#21 2006-06-20 22:37:08

Gullible Jones
Registered: 2004-12-29
Posts: 4,863

Re: How remove root and user passwords?

Same here, 312-360 MB of RAM depending on the BIOS configuration, and KDE is quite speedy.


#22 2006-06-21 18:18:40

Gullible Jones
Registered: 2004-12-29
Posts: 4,863

Re: How remove root and user passwords?

Somehow I think that wouldn't pan out lol


#23 2006-06-22 05:03:55

From: In Front of My PC
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 253

Re: How remove root and user passwords?

[quote = Dusty]ScriptDevil wrote:
ubuntu comes with no root password, but it is the least of the reasons why buntu is sick

That's a security feature. They also disable root login altogether. Its impossible to log into your root account on Ubuntu, and all commands are logged through sudo. You'd do well to set up your Arch system to do the same thing... and to get your facts straight before making such sweeping statements.


You can enable a root login in Ubuntu. Also I said, it is the least of the reasons why ubuntu issick. I hate everything in it from synaptic to the repos, to havinbg to install gcc using apt-get and no packages selection

Be yourself, because you are all that you can be


#24 2006-06-22 13:43:43

Gullible Jones
Registered: 2004-12-29
Posts: 4,863

Re: How remove root and user passwords?

I understand why you hate all the other crap, but why is a security feature "sick" when it does not interfere with your use of the OS?

(And you can reenable root, use passwd -u...)

Edit: fixed stupid mistake, should have been "passwd -u" not "passwd -l". "passwd -l root"  locks the root account.


#25 2006-06-23 10:37:55

From: Lithuania, Vilnius
Registered: 2006-05-24
Posts: 319

Re: How remove root and user passwords?


Gullible Jones wrote:

You'd be wrong then... The kernel devs tend to put quite a bit of emphasis on performance, and most things on Linux are compiled. The initscripts aren't, but that's the way things are supposed to be, how else would you edit them?

How on Windows without this, possible play music, browse internet?
For example for internet is file, that save only numbers, IP address, mask and so on, to edit in window.
It file can look that:

Were first line is IP address, second is mask and threed is DNS server.
And possible that in place numbers be Hex code, for example:

And user can edit this numbers truoght special program, like is on Windows.
Were "getway" is writed in static control.
And when do not need write coments in files, how make something, can be in help or html document.
So computer do not need load coments, spaces, words and not compiled code.
If user do not known, that is IP address can read help.
And people say: that is simple is geniuos.
So were difficult is not true.
I make, that say in this link: … o_password
And now can not login.
How add password to root or user, I have instaled other linux, so can edit files?



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