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This is an unofficial solution to the now-8-yr-old bug -- FS#13441 - {archweb} Display new packages somewhere in the website.
I have created an AUR package called apw-git. It can track package changes in repositories.
Recommended Setup
1. Install "apw-git" from AUR
2. Execute "apw init", this will start a systemd user timer which updates from your local pacman database every hour. Thus apw depends on you to run "pacman -Sy" regularly to function.
3. Add the following lines in your ".bashrc" or ".zshrc" file:
if [[ $- == *i* ]]
4. When you see the changes, run "apw dismiss" to dismiss them.
apw is not retroactive. For a list of recent changes before you installed apw, go to
Last edited by Xinkai (2017-05-05 20:45:05)
Thanks, I'm sure many people will find this useful. One thing I noticed: … an.conf#L5
dbpath = ./ # expac only recognizes lower case 'dbpath'
Perhaps you should file a bug to expac about this?
Last edited by Alad (2017-05-01 22:04:29)
Mods are just community members who have the occasionally necessary option to move threads around and edit posts. -- Trilby
Thanks, I'm sure many people will find this useful. One thing I noticed: … an.conf#L5
dbpath = ./ # expac only recognizes lower case 'dbpath'
Perhaps you should file a bug to expac about this?
Thanks for the kind word.
That line has been removed. I was being stupid, expac does honor case sensitivity.