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Hey all -
I've just delurked to ask my first question. Arch has been working that well for me it's been running fine on 2 systems for about 6 months.
Anyway, on one machine I can't install anything with pacman. I do "pacman -Sy netselect" and it just stalls while trying to connect to the current repository. I tried different repos in /etc/pacman.d/current and no change. I have internet access from the gui and can ping from the terminal. I just installed this package on another Arch box and it connect and downloaded just fine, so I don't think it's a server problem.
Pacman just seems stuck. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. TIA.
Hey all -
I've just delurked to ask my first question. Arch has been working that well for me it's been running fine on 2 systems for about 6 months.
Anyway, on one machine I can't install anything with pacman. I do "pacman -Sy netselect" and it just stalls while trying to connect to the current repository. I tried different repos in /etc/pacman.d/current and no change. I have internet access from the gui and can ping from the terminal. I just installed this package on another Arch box and it connect and downloaded just fine, so I don't think it's a server problem.
Pacman just seems stuck. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. TIA.
Try copying the working pacman configuration files from the working computer. /etc/pacman.conf and /et/pacman.d/* files.
You could also uncomment the XferCommand line in pacman.conf to use wget instead of pacman's internal downloader. Wget might work better.
I did all of the above suggetions and no luck. It still sticks at synchronizing package databases.
Now my other machine is doing the same thing! This is what I get when I do pacman -Sy packagename
:: Synchronizing package databases...
current [ ] 0% 0K 0.0K/s 00:00:00
It just sits there and does nothing. If anyone can help, I'd be very appreciative. Thanks!
Did you tried with different mirrors? Maybe the mirror you were using doesn't respond anymore.
Yeah, as I mentioned in my first post, I tried several different repos and no change.
Sorry I keep bumping my own thread here, but I am trying to figure this out. Here is a further clue: I can't ftp into any /0.7.2/os/i686 directory in any of the arch mirrors. If I can't ftp in, I'm sure that's why pacman can't connect. I fire up gftp, go to, then navigate to /0.7.2/os/i686 and I never get a directory listing.
Why on earth would I not be able to ftp in?
Do you have problems doing ordinary surfing as well? I encountered some similar problems after the big update last week; when syncing pacman's database to the mirrors, pacman just got stuck after a few percent. But also I had troubles surfing at work - at home everything was as usual. Really strange.
Yesterday, I found a thread here on this forum, which helped me solve the problem. Don't know if it is the same problem that you have, but the 2.6.17 kernel has different default settings for the TCP window scaling; this has been discussed on
Anyway, try doing
echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_window_scaling
and see if that fixes anything.
Bebo, THANK YOU! Yes, that did it! Geez, I _never_ would have figured that out by myself. I will add it to /etc/sysctl.conf as mentioned in the other thread and hopefully that will take care of it.
Thanks again, Bebo, for pointing out that thread.
You're welcome - glad I could help I've actually had this TCP window scaling problem before, one or two years ago, but I had forgotten the "symptoms". Anyway, cheers!