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#1 2017-06-24 13:51:42

Registered: 2017-06-01
Posts: 16

[SOLVED] Libreoffice Writer crashes

For some reason libreoffice-still 5.2.7-1 Writer crashes when I try to open any of my documents (.odt, .doc, any file type).
Calc opens documents as it should... and I haven't tried anything with Impress.
When I try to start Writer via terminal, after the crash there is no error output.

This started happening today.
Packages that were updated before this issue are lua, python-ptyprocess, gtkmm and glibmm.
They don't seem connected with LO... And I'm not sure what is going on. I haven't found anything useful online yet ( only this really similar report with ubuntu … s-on-start )
Has anyone else had this kind of experience and does anyone have the idea how to solve it?

Btw, I'm on xfce desktop.

Last edited by shadowphoton (2017-06-25 09:18:55)


#2 2017-06-24 14:46:16

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 60,812

Re: [SOLVED] Libreoffice Writer crashes

man coredumpctl


#3 2017-06-24 15:23:20

Registered: 2017-06-01
Posts: 16

Re: [SOLVED] Libreoffice Writer crashes

In the mean time I've tried libreoffice-fresh and the same issue occured.

HOWEVER, when I've tried LINUX-LTS kernel everything was working fine!!! There was no issue.  hmm

With coredumpctl, on kernel linux 4.11.6-3 I got:

       Storage: /var/lib/systemd/coredump/core.soffice\x2ebin.1000.58a96ea340934d2ca97952d92e83add5.1927.1498316535000000000000.lz4
       Message: Process 1927 (soffice.bin) of user 1000 dumped core.
                Stack trace of thread 1927:
                #0  0x00000000a63b58c9 n/a (
                #1  0x00000000a63b7d19 n/a (
                #2  0x00000000a63c222b n/a (
                #3  0x00000000a6501d17 n/a (
                #4  0x00000000a61bc34d JNI_CreateJavaVM (
                #5  0x00000000b3d1e9e1 n/a (
                #6  0x00000000b3d30c94 _Z11jfw_startVMPK8JavaInfoP12JavaVMOptionlPP7JavaVM_PP7JNIEnv_ (
                #7  0x00000000a6bf914a n/a (
                #8  0x00000000a6c0d973 n/a (
                #9  0x00000000a6c0f82f n/a (
                #10 0x00000000b6eab9a8 n/a (
                #11 0x00000000b6eadbc4 n/a (
                #12 0x00000000b6eadcf5 n/a (
                #13 0x00000000b6ea98d7 n/a (
                #14 0x00000000a9e911d5 n/a (
                #15 0x00000000a9e93b6a n/a (
                #16 0x00000000a9e95769 n/a (
                #17 0x00000000a7f3e266 n/a (
                #18 0x00000000a9e96c55 n/a (
                #19 0x00000000a9f45387 n/a (
                #20 0x00000000a9fe4a12 n/a (
                #21 0x00000000b4de5229 _ZN4Menu8ActivateEv (
                #22 0x00000000b4de886d _ZNK4Menu23HandleMenuActivateEventEPS_ (
                #23 0x00000000ad84ffa5 n/a (
                #24 0x00000000ad84ffb0 n/a (
                #25 0x00000000ad850132 n/a (
                #26 0x00000000b4dec340 n/a (
                #27 0x00000000b4e228c3 _ZN12SystemWindow10SetMenuBarEP7MenuBar (
                #28 0x00000000a9eeba19 n/a (
                #29 0x00000000b663180f n/a (
                #30 0x00000000b6634d78 n/a (
                #31 0x00000000b68cdcc4 n/a (
                #32 0x00000000b68ceec4 _ZN17SfxBaseController11attachFrameERKN3com3sun4star3uno9ReferenceINS2_5frame6XFrameEEE (
                #33 0x00000000b68bbed3 n/a (
                #34 0x00000000a9f16330 n/a (
                #35 0x00000000a9f17029 n/a (
                #36 0x00000000a9e9b4a8 n/a (
                #37 0x00000000a9e9c4cb n/a (
                #38 0x00000000b7052282 _ZN10comphelper19SynchronousDispatch8dispatchERKN3com3sun4star3uno9ReferenceINS4_10XInterfaceEEERKN3rtl8OUStringESD_lRKNS4_8SequenceINS3_5beans13PropertyValueEEE (
                #39 0x00000000b76e75b7 n/a (
                #40 0x00000000b76f6033 n/a (
                #41 0x00000000b76cca9f n/a (
                #42 0x00000000b76cef8a n/a (
                #43 0x00000000b76cfc57 n/a (
                #44 0x00000000b4e5d3c3 n/a (
                #45 0x00000000b512b82f _ZN17SalGenericDisplay21DispatchInternalEventEv (
                #46 0x00000000ad8116ec n/a (
                #47 0x00000000ad81179e n/a (
                #48 0x00000000b2db95e4 g_main_context_dispatch (
                #49 0x00000000b2db99e9 n/a (
                #50 0x00000000b2db9a94 g_main_context_iteration (
                #51 0x00000000ad810c6a n/a (
                #52 0x00000000ad8123d0 n/a (
                #53 0x00000000b507d0b6 _ZN11Application5YieldEv (
                #54 0x00000000b507fae8 _ZN11Application7ExecuteEv (
                #55 0x00000000b76d12fd n/a (
                #56 0x00000000b5083986 n/a (
                #57 0x00000000b5083ab9 _Z6SVMainv (
                #58 0x00000000b76ffb73 soffice_main (
                #59 0x000000000804850d n/a (soffice.bin)
                #60 0x00000000b74dd253 __libc_start_main (
                #61 0x0000000008048545 n/a (soffice.bin)


#4 2017-06-24 16:20:19

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 60,812

Re: [SOLVED] Libreoffice Writer crashes

Cause is likely … e73247afe1 can you try with 4.11.6-1?
Which jre do you use?


#5 2017-06-24 16:29:38

Registered: 2017-06-01
Posts: 16

Re: [SOLVED] Libreoffice Writer crashes

I'm using jre8-openjdk.
I'm not comfortable with downgrading my kernel at this moment...


#6 2017-06-25 00:15:16

Registered: 2017-06-01
Posts: 16

Re: [SOLVED] Libreoffice Writer crashes

It has something to do with kernel!

With LTS kernel everything was working smoothly until the latest update to 4.9.34.
Again Libreoffice Writer stopped working.

So, I've downgraded the linux-lts to previous version (4.9.33) and now Libreoffice Writer works like a charm again.
This is not a solution at all.
For the time being, I have to put linux-lts and linux-lts-headers on Ignore list.

I don't know what to do.
Am I left to hope that the next kernel update will fix this issue?
When can I hope that will happen?


#7 2017-06-25 06:25:52

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 60,812

Re: [SOLVED] Libreoffice Writer crashes

"Never" - it's unlikely that the page guard fix is reverted so from all I can say the problem is likely in openjdk or libreoffice (increasing the stack size).
There's a recent update to libreoffice-fresh, but I don't know whether it covers this.

Edit: found
Try adding "-Xss1280k" there, in doubt increase the value (not using libreoffice I can't say at hand how much stack it will require)

Last edited by seth (2017-06-25 06:32:06)


#8 2017-06-25 08:58:43

Registered: 2017-06-01
Posts: 16

Re: [SOLVED] Libreoffice Writer crashes

Thank you seth so much.
I've used your suggestion and the link you provided... and it helped!

I've turned off java in Libreoffice. This prevents LO Writer from further crashing.
For anyone else that might have similar issue, here's how I've solved it:
Start Libreoffice, click on Tools, click on options and under Libreoffice section click on Advanced.
And instead of changing parameteres, considering I don't use java in Libreoffice, I've simply deselected "Use a Java runtime environment".

I still don't know how can a kernel update trigger something like this, but from the point of Arch linux I consider this issue solved.
Again, thank you seth very much. You've been most helpful.

Last edited by shadowphoton (2017-06-25 09:22:03)


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