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I'm not sure what the right category for my problem is. (EDIT: Probably kernel & hardware would have been better)
I have two Yubikey Neos at home which have one slot configured to emit a 64-byte static password that I (want to) use as the keyphrase for my laptop and my netbook's encrypted lvm. This works without issues on my Debian Stretch netbook, but I have a problem with my (more important) Arch laptop.
Firstly, I had to add a udev rule to as described in the wiki to enable the Yubikey being detected as an input keyboard.
Secondly, I rebuild my kernel image via mkinitcpio and it worked as expected (insert the Yubikey, hold the button, wait until the lvm is unlocked).
Then, some days ago, I ran an update, and since then it is not working anymore during boot (I guess the Yubikey is no longer recognized as a keyboard).
As it was still working after boot, I thought it might have to do with the udev rule not being part of the boot kernel image anymore, so I added my rule file to FILES in the mkinitcpio config and rebuild the image, but it did not work.
Does anybody know what I might be doing wrong here?
Both the udev and the keyboard hook are before the encrypt hook.
Last edited by jtb (2017-06-27 11:32:08)
Pages: 1