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#1 2017-07-03 21:48:31

Registered: 2016-05-02
Posts: 12

Terminator failing to launch. dbusError File not found /run/usr/0/bus

I just updated the packages, then after rebooting my pc I found out this issue. Is anyone experiencing the same problem?


#2 2017-07-03 21:55:35

Forum Moderator
Registered: 2012-10-16
Posts: 21,660

Re: Terminator failing to launch. dbusError File not found /run/usr/0/bus

That's because DBUS sessions aren't created automatically for root shells. Why are you trying to run "the terminal emulator" as root?

Last edited by V1del (2017-07-03 21:56:26)


#3 2017-07-04 00:30:33

Registered: 2016-05-02
Posts: 12

Re: Terminator failing to launch. dbusError File not found /run/usr/0/bus

I logged in with my other user and the problem persists. Everytime I want to launch


the output is:

No such file or directory /run/user/1000/bus

Then after checking the directory /run/user I see it is empty.

Last edited by pinkfloyd92 (2017-07-04 00:50:26)


#4 2017-07-04 07:33:41

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 51,042

Re: Terminator failing to launch. dbusError File not found /run/usr/0/bus

How do you login / start the session?


#5 2017-07-05 03:19:46

Registered: 2016-05-02
Posts: 12

Re: Terminator failing to launch. dbusError File not found /run/usr/0/bus

I am using CDM as my display manager and launching i3 when I start.
I am still having problems with that dbus... I have to put dbus-launch before some apps to launch them. Also pulseaudio does not start...
This is my i3 config file.

set $mod Mod4

# font pango:monospace 8
font pango:DejaVu Sans Mono 8

set $tag1 "1 "
set $tag2 "2 "
set $tag3 "3 "
set $tag4 "4 "
set $tag5 "5 "
set $tag6 "6 "
set $tag7 "7 "
set $tag8 "8 "
set $tag9 "9 "
set $tag0 "Zero "

# Use Mouse+$mod to drag floating windows to their wanted position
floating_modifier $mod

# start a terminal
bindsym $mod+Return exec dbus-launch terminator

# kill focused window
bindsym $mod+Shift+q kill

#start rofi
bindsym $mod+d exec rofi -show run -modi run -location 1 -width 100 -lines 2 -line-margin 0 -line-padding 1 -separator-style none -font "mono 10" -columns 9 -bw 0 -hide-srollbar 

#bindsym $mod+d exec rofi -show run -modi run -location 1 -width 100 \ -lines 2 -line-margin 0 -line-padding 1 \ -separator-style none -font "mono 10" -columns 9 -bw 0 \ -disable-history \ -hide-scrollbar \ -color-window "#222222, #222222, #b1b4b3" \ -color-normal "#222222, #b1b4b3, #222222, #005577, #b1b4b3" \ -color-active "#222222, #b1b4b3, #222222, #007763, #b1b4b3" \ -color-urgent "#222222, #b1b4b3, #222222, #77003d, #b1b4b3" \ -kb-row-select "Tab" -kb-row-tab ""

# There also is the (new) i3-dmenu-desktop which only displays applications
# shipping a .desktop file. It is a wrapper around dmenu, so you need that
# installed.
# bindsym $mod+d exec --no-startup-id i3-dmenu-desktop

# change focus
bindsym $mod+h focus left
bindsym $mod+j focus down
bindsym $mod+k focus up
bindsym $mod+l focus right

# alternatively, you can use the cursor keys:
bindsym $mod+Left focus left
bindsym $mod+Down focus down
bindsym $mod+Up focus up
bindsym $mod+Right focus right

# move focused window
bindsym $mod+Shift+h move left
bindsym $mod+Shift+j move down
bindsym $mod+Shift+k move up
bindsym $mod+Shift+l move right

# alternatively, you can use the cursor keys:
bindsym $mod+Shift+Left move left
bindsym $mod+Shift+Down move down
bindsym $mod+Shift+Up move up
bindsym $mod+Shift+Right move right

# split in horizontal orientation
bindsym $mod+Alt+h split h

# split in vertical orientation
bindsym $mod+v split v

# enter fullscreen mode for the focused container
bindsym $mod+f fullscreen toggle

# change container layout (stacked, tabbed, toggle split)
# Keyboard backlight shortcuts
bindsym XF86KbdBrightnessUp exec "file=/sys/class/leds/asus::kbd_backlight/brightness; val=`cat $file`; if [ $val -lt 3 ]; then echo `expr $val + 1` | sudo tee $file; fi"
bindsym XF86KbdBrightnessDown exec "file=/sys/class/leds/asus::kbd_backlight/brightness; val=`cat $file`; if [ $val -gt 0 ]; then echo `expr $val - 1` | sudo tee $file; fi"
bindsym $mod+s layout stacking
bindsym $mod+w layout tabbed
bindsym $mod+e layout toggle split

# toggle tiling / floating
bindsym $mod+Shift+space floating toggle

# change focus between tiling / floating windows
bindsym $mod+space focus mode_toggle

# focus the parent container
bindsym $mod+a focus parent

# focus the child container
bindsym $mod+c focus child

# switch to workspace
bindsym $mod+1 workspace $tag1
bindsym $mod+2 workspace $tag2
bindsym $mod+3 workspace $tag3
bindsym $mod+4 workspace $tag4
bindsym $mod+5 workspace $tag5
bindsym $mod+6 workspace $tag6
bindsym $mod+7 workspace $tag7
bindsym $mod+8 workspace $tag8
bindsym $mod+9 workspace $tag9
bindsym $mod+0 workspace $tag0

# move focused container to workspace
bindsym $mod+Shift+1 move container to workspace $tag1
bindsym $mod+Shift+2 move container to workspace $tag2
bindsym $mod+Shift+3 move container to workspace $tag3
bindsym $mod+Shift+4 move container to workspace $tag4
bindsym $mod+Shift+5 move container to workspace $tag5
bindsym $mod+Shift+6 move container to workspace $tag6
bindsym $mod+Shift+7 move container to workspace $tag7
bindsym $mod+Shift+8 move container to workspace $tag8
bindsym $mod+Shift+9 move container to workspace $tag9
bindsym $mod+Shift+0 move container to workspace $tag0

exec --no-startup-id nitrogen --restore
#exec --no-startup-id export $(dbus-launch)

# reload the configuration file
bindsym $mod+Shift+c reload
# restart i3 inplace (preserves your layout/session, can be used to upgrade i3)
bindsym $mod+Shift+r restart
# exit i3 (logs you out of your X session)
bindsym $mod+Shift+e exec "i3-nagbar -t warning -m 'You pressed the exit shortcut. Do you really want to exit i3? This will end your X session.' -b 'Yes, exit i3' 'i3-msg exit'"
# emacsclient
bindsym $mod+Shift+o exec "emacsclient -nc"
bindsym $mod+Shift+m exec "poweroff"

# resize window (you can also use the mouse for that)
mode "resize" {
        # These bindings trigger as soon as you enter the resize mode

        # Pressing left will shrink the window’s width.
        # Pressing right will grow the window’s width.
        # Pressing up will shrink the window’s height.
        # Pressing down will grow the window’s height.
        bindsym j resize shrink width 10 px or 10 ppt

        bindsym k resize grow height 10 px or 10 ppt
        bindsym l resize shrink height 10 px or 10 ppt
        bindsym semicolon resize grow width 10 px or 10 ppt

        # same bindings, but for the arrow keys
        bindsym Left resize shrink width 10 px or 10 ppt
        bindsym Down resize grow height 10 px or 10 ppt
        bindsym Up resize shrink height 10 px or 10 ppt
        bindsym Right resize grow width 10 px or 10 ppt

        # back to normal: Enter or Escape
        bindsym Return mode "default"
        bindsym Escape mode "default"

bindsym $mod+r mode "resize"

# Start i3bar to display a workspace bar (plus the system information i3status
# finds out, if available)
# Keyboard backlight shortcuts
#bindsym XF86KbdBrightnessUp exec "file=/sys/class/leds/asus::kbd_backlight/brightness; val=`cat $file`; if [ $val -lt 3 ]; then echo `expr $val + 1` | sudo tee $file; fi"
#bindsym XF86KbdBrightnessDown exec "file=/sys/class/leds/asus::kbd_backlight/brightness; val=`cat $file`; if [ $val -gt 0 ]; then echo `expr $val - 1` | sudo tee $file; fi"

bar {
	status_command i3status -c ~/.config/i3/bin/i3status.conf
	position bottom
	font -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--13-120-75-75-C-70-iso10646-1
	tray_output eDP1
    	font pango:DejaVu Sans Mono, FontAwesome 8
        status_command i3status
colors {
		background #202020
		separator #202020
		statusline #ffffff
		focused_workspace  #AAAAAA #000000 #DDDDDD
		active_workspace   #000000 #808080 #336633
		inactive_workspace #606060 #808080 #000000
		urgent_workspace  #AAAAAA #e60000 #ffffff

# define color
set $bg     #2c2c2e
set $fg     #9f9f9f
set $hi     #efef8f
set $ac     #116655
set $tx     #f1f1f1
set $ia     #8f8f8f
set $be     #8faf9f
set $yw     #f8f893
set $gn     #88b090
set $rd     #e89393
set $id     #1c4a1c
set $ce #ceecee

# set some nice colors      border  background  text    indicator
client.focused              $id     $ac        $tx     $id
client.unfocused            $bg     $bg         $ia     $id
client.focused_inactive     $bg     $bg         $ac     $id
#client.urgent $yw $yw $tx $id

exec --nostartup-id xinput set-prop "Elan Touchpad" "libinput Tapping Enabled" 1

# Pulse Audio controls
bindsym XF86AudioRaiseVolume exec --no-startup-id pactl set-sink-volume 0 +5% #increase sound volume
bindsym XF86AudioLowerVolume exec --no-startup-id pactl set-sink-volume 0 -5% #decrease sound volume
bindsym XF86AudioMute exec --no-startup-id pactl set-sink-mute 0 toggle # mute sound

bindsym XF86MonBrightnessUp exec xbacklight -inc 5 # increase screen brightness
bindsym XF86MonBrightnessDown exec xbacklight -dec 5 # decrease screen brightness

# Touchpad controls
bindsym $mod+Control+y exec ~/.config/i3/bin/ # toggle touchpad
bindsym $mod+Control+u exec setxkbmap us
bindsym $mod+Control+e exec setxkbmap es

# Media player controls
bindsym XF86AudioPlay exec playerctl play
bindsym XF86AudioPause exec playerctl pause
bindsym XF86AudioNext exec playerctl next
bindsym XF86AudioPrev exec playerctl previous
bindsym Mod1+Control+l exec ~/.config/i3/bin/
bindsym $mod+Control+k exec keepass

exec --no-startup-id nm-applet
exec --not-startup-id volumeicon
exec --no-startup-id terminator -m
exec --no-startup-id compton -b
exec --no-startup-id firefox
exec --no-startup-id pidgin
exec --no-startup-id telegram-desktop
exec --no-startup-id spotify
exec --no-startup-id Whatsapp

for_window [instance="terminator"] move scratchpad, scratchpad show;
bindsym Control+F1  [instance="terminator"] scratchpad show,resize set 1900 px 1000 px, move position center
exec --no-startup-id setxkbmap -option caps:swapescape 
exec --no-startup-id xkbcomp -I$HOME/.xkb ~/.xkb/keymap/mykbd $DISPLAY    
# exec --no-startup-id xautolock -time 5 -locker '~/.config/i3/bin/'

# Assign workspace
#assign [class="Firefox"] $tag1
assign [class="Pidgin"] $tag0
#assign [class="Emacs"] $tag1
assign [class="Steam"] $tag9
assign [class="Telegram"] $tag8
assign [class="Spotify"] $tag7
assign [class="Whatsapp"] $tag7

I can launch terminator when I put dbus-launch terminator, pulseaudio too. This all began since I updated arch yesterday.
When I launch this I can use pulseaudio again, dbus-launch --exit-with-session gnome-session   
This is my dmesg output:

[    0.000000] microcode: microcode updated early to revision 0xba, date = 2017-04-09
[    0.000000] Linux version 4.11.7-1-ARCH (builduser@tobias) (gcc version 7.1.1 20170621 (GCC) ) #1 SMP PREEMPT Sat Jun 24 09:07:09 CEST 2017
[    0.000000] Command line: BOOT_IMAGE=/vmlinuz-linux root=UUID=0417114a-7c1d-4147-9c18-1047f351a2d6 rw usbcore.old_scheme_first=1 drm_kms_helper.poll=0 acpi_backlight=vendor i915.i915_enable_rc6=0
[    0.000000] x86/fpu: Supporting XSAVE feature 0x001: 'x87 floating point registers'
[    0.000000] x86/fpu: Supporting XSAVE feature 0x002: 'SSE registers'
[    0.000000] x86/fpu: Supporting XSAVE feature 0x004: 'AVX registers'
[    0.000000] x86/fpu: Supporting XSAVE feature 0x008: 'MPX bounds registers'
[    0.000000] x86/fpu: Supporting XSAVE feature 0x010: 'MPX CSR'
[    0.000000] x86/fpu: xstate_offset[2]:  576, xstate_sizes[2]:  256
[    0.000000] x86/fpu: xstate_offset[3]:  832, xstate_sizes[3]:   64
[    0.000000] x86/fpu: xstate_offset[4]:  896, xstate_sizes[4]:   64
[    0.000000] x86/fpu: Enabled xstate features 0x1f, context size is 960 bytes, using 'compacted' format.
[    0.000000] e820: BIOS-provided physical RAM map:
[    0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000057fff] usable
[    0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x0000000000058000-0x0000000000058fff] reserved
[    0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x0000000000059000-0x000000000009ffff] usable
[    0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x0000000000100000-0x0000000071e9cfff] usable
[    0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x0000000071e9d000-0x0000000071e9dfff] ACPI NVS
[    0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x0000000071e9e000-0x0000000071ec7fff] reserved
[    0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x0000000071ec8000-0x0000000075213fff] usable
[    0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x0000000075214000-0x0000000075ef0fff] reserved
[    0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x0000000075ef1000-0x000000007628afff] usable
[    0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x000000007628b000-0x0000000077127fff] ACPI NVS
[    0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x0000000077128000-0x0000000077f87fff] reserved
[    0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x0000000077f88000-0x0000000077ffdfff] type 20
[    0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x0000000077ffe000-0x0000000077ffefff] usable
[    0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x0000000078000000-0x00000000780fffff] reserved
[    0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000e0000000-0x00000000efffffff] reserved
[    0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000fe000000-0x00000000fe010fff] reserved
[    0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000fec00000-0x00000000fec00fff] reserved
[    0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000fee00000-0x00000000fee00fff] reserved
[    0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000ff000000-0x00000000ffffffff] reserved
[    0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x0000000100000000-0x0000000383ffffff] usable
[    0.000000] NX (Execute Disable) protection: active
[    0.000000] efi: EFI v2.40 by American Megatrends
[    0.000000] efi:  ESRT=0x77ec7e18  ACPI=0x7638f000  ACPI 2.0=0x7638f000  SMBIOS=0xf05e0  SMBIOS 3.0=0xf0600  MPS=0xfca60 
[    0.000000] SMBIOS 3.0.0 present.
[    0.000000] DMI: ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC. Q553UB/Q553UB, BIOS Q553UB.202 11/16/2015
[    0.000000] e820: update [mem 0x00000000-0x00000fff] usable ==> reserved
[    0.000000] e820: remove [mem 0x000a0000-0x000fffff] usable
[    0.000000] e820: last_pfn = 0x384000 max_arch_pfn = 0x400000000
[    0.000000] MTRR default type: write-back
[    0.000000] MTRR fixed ranges enabled:
[    0.000000]   00000-9FFFF write-back
[    0.000000]   A0000-BFFFF uncachable
[    0.000000]   C0000-FFFFF write-protect
[    0.000000] MTRR variable ranges enabled:
[    0.000000]   0 base 0080000000 mask 7F80000000 uncachable
[    0.000000]   1 base 007C000000 mask 7FFC000000 uncachable
[    0.000000]   2 base 007A000000 mask 7FFE000000 uncachable
[    0.000000]   3 base 0079000000 mask 7FFF000000 uncachable
[    0.000000]   4 base 0078800000 mask 7FFF800000 uncachable
[    0.000000]   5 disabled
[    0.000000]   6 disabled
[    0.000000]   7 disabled
[    0.000000]   8 disabled
[    0.000000]   9 disabled
[    0.000000] x86/PAT: Configuration [0-7]: WB  WC  UC- UC  WB  WC  UC- WT  
[    0.000000] e820: last_pfn = 0x77fff max_arch_pfn = 0x400000000
[    0.000000] found SMP MP-table at [mem 0x000fccb0-0x000fccbf] mapped at [ffff8800000fccb0]
[    0.000000] esrt: Reserving ESRT space from 0x0000000077ec7e18 to 0x0000000077ec7e50.
[    0.000000] Scanning 1 areas for low memory corruption
[    0.000000] Base memory trampoline at [ffff880000095000] 95000 size 24576
[    0.000000] Using GB pages for direct mapping
[    0.000000] BRK [0x02d42000, 0x02d42fff] PGTABLE
[    0.000000] BRK [0x02d43000, 0x02d43fff] PGTABLE
[    0.000000] BRK [0x02d44000, 0x02d44fff] PGTABLE
[    0.000000] BRK [0x02d45000, 0x02d45fff] PGTABLE
[    0.000000] BRK [0x02d46000, 0x02d46fff] PGTABLE
[    0.000000] BRK [0x02d47000, 0x02d47fff] PGTABLE
[    0.000000] Secure boot could not be determined
[    0.000000] RAMDISK: [mem 0x37226000-0x3790afff]
[    0.000000] ACPI: Early table checksum verification disabled
[    0.000000] ACPI: RSDP 0x000000007638F000 000024 (v02 _ASUS_)
[    0.000000] ACPI: XSDT 0x000000007638F0A8 0000D4 (v01 _ASUS_ Notebook 01072009 AMI  00010013)
[    0.000000] ACPI: FACP 0x00000000763B42D8 00010C (v05 _ASUS_ Notebook 01072009 AMI  00010013)
[    0.000000] ACPI: DSDT 0x000000007638F210 0250C4 (v02 _ASUS_ Notebook 01072009 INTL 20120913)
[    0.000000] ACPI: FACS 0x0000000077126F80 000040
[    0.000000] ACPI: APIC 0x00000000763B43E8 000084 (v03 _ASUS_ Notebook 01072009 AMI  00010013)
[    0.000000] ACPI: FPDT 0x00000000763B4470 000044 (v01 _ASUS_ Notebook 01072009 AMI  00010013)
[    0.000000] ACPI: FIDT 0x00000000763B44B8 00009C (v01 _ASUS_ Notebook 01072009 AMI  00010013)
[    0.000000] ACPI: MCFG 0x00000000763B4558 00003C (v01 _ASUS_ Notebook 01072009 MSFT 00000097)
[    0.000000] ACPI: HPET 0x00000000763B4598 000038 (v01 _ASUS_ Notebook 01072009 AMI. 0005000B)
[    0.000000] ACPI: SSDT 0x00000000763B45D0 000315 (v01 SataRe SataTabl 00001000 INTL 20120913)
[    0.000000] ACPI: ECDT 0x00000000763B48E8 0000C1 (v01 _ASUS_ Notebook 01072009 AMI. 00000005)
[    0.000000] ACPI: LPIT 0x00000000763B49B0 000094 (v01 INTEL  SKL-ULT  00000000 MSFT 0000005F)
[    0.000000] ACPI: SSDT 0x00000000763B4A48 000248 (v02 INTEL  sensrhub 00000000 INTL 20120913)
[    0.000000] ACPI: DBGP 0x00000000763B4C90 000034 (v01 INTEL           00000000 MSFT 0000005F)
[    0.000000] ACPI: DBG2 0x00000000763B4CC8 000054 (v00 INTEL           00000000 MSFT 0000005F)
[    0.000000] ACPI: SSDT 0x00000000763B4D20 003F45 (v02 DptfTa DptfTabl 00001000 INTL 20120913)
[    0.000000] ACPI: SSDT 0x00000000763B8C68 005862 (v02 SaSsdt SaSsdt   00003000 INTL 20120913)
[    0.000000] ACPI: UEFI 0x00000000763BE4D0 000042 (v01                 00000000      00000000)
[    0.000000] ACPI: SSDT 0x00000000763BE518 000E58 (v02 CpuRef CpuSsdt  00003000 INTL 20120913)
[    0.000000] ACPI: BGRT 0x00000000763BF370 000038 (v01 _ASUS_ Notebook 01072009 AMI  00010013)
[    0.000000] ACPI: SSDT 0x00000000763BF3A8 0007AE (v02 SgRef  SgPch    00001000 INTL 20120913)
[    0.000000] ACPI: DMAR 0x00000000763BFB58 0000F0 (v01 INTEL  SKL      00000001 INTL 00000001)
[    0.000000] ACPI: TPM2 0x00000000763BFC48 000034 (v03        Tpm2Tabl 00000001 AMI  00000000)
[    0.000000] ACPI: SSDT 0x00000000763BFC80 001A88 (v01 OptRef OptTabl  00001000 INTL 20120913)
[    0.000000] ACPI: MSDM 0x0000000075CB2F18 000055 (v03 _ASUS_ Notebook 00000000 ASUS 00000001)
[    0.000000] ACPI: Local APIC address 0xfee00000
[    0.000000] No NUMA configuration found
[    0.000000] Faking a node at [mem 0x0000000000000000-0x0000000383ffffff]
[    0.000000] NODE_DATA(0) allocated [mem 0x383ff7000-0x383ffbfff]
[    0.000000] Zone ranges:
[    0.000000]   DMA      [mem 0x0000000000001000-0x0000000000ffffff]
[    0.000000]   DMA32    [mem 0x0000000001000000-0x00000000ffffffff]
[    0.000000]   Normal   [mem 0x0000000100000000-0x0000000383ffffff]
[    0.000000]   Device   empty
[    0.000000] Movable zone start for each node
[    0.000000] Early memory node ranges
[    0.000000]   node   0: [mem 0x0000000000001000-0x0000000000057fff]
[    0.000000]   node   0: [mem 0x0000000000059000-0x000000000009ffff]
[    0.000000]   node   0: [mem 0x0000000000100000-0x0000000071e9cfff]
[    0.000000]   node   0: [mem 0x0000000071ec8000-0x0000000075213fff]
[    0.000000]   node   0: [mem 0x0000000075ef1000-0x000000007628afff]
[    0.000000]   node   0: [mem 0x0000000077ffe000-0x0000000077ffefff]
[    0.000000]   node   0: [mem 0x0000000100000000-0x0000000383ffffff]
[    0.000000] Initmem setup node 0 [mem 0x0000000000001000-0x0000000383ffffff]
[    0.000000] On node 0 totalpages: 3118370
[    0.000000]   DMA zone: 64 pages used for memmap
[    0.000000]   DMA zone: 29 pages reserved
[    0.000000]   DMA zone: 3998 pages, LIFO batch:0
[    0.000000]   DMA32 zone: 7447 pages used for memmap
[    0.000000]   DMA32 zone: 476548 pages, LIFO batch:31
[    0.000000]   Normal zone: 41216 pages used for memmap
[    0.000000]   Normal zone: 2637824 pages, LIFO batch:31
[    0.000000] Reserving Intel graphics memory at 0x0000000079000000-0x000000007affffff
[    0.000000] ACPI: PM-Timer IO Port: 0x1808
[    0.000000] ACPI: Local APIC address 0xfee00000
[    0.000000] ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x01] high edge lint[0x1])
[    0.000000] ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x02] high edge lint[0x1])
[    0.000000] ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x03] high edge lint[0x1])
[    0.000000] ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x04] high edge lint[0x1])
[    0.000000] IOAPIC[0]: apic_id 2, version 32, address 0xfec00000, GSI 0-119
[    0.000000] ACPI: INT_SRC_OVR (bus 0 bus_irq 0 global_irq 2 dfl dfl)
[    0.000000] ACPI: INT_SRC_OVR (bus 0 bus_irq 9 global_irq 9 high level)
[    0.000000] ACPI: IRQ0 used by override.
[    0.000000] ACPI: IRQ9 used by override.
[    0.000000] Using ACPI (MADT) for SMP configuration information
[    0.000000] ACPI: HPET id: 0x8086a701 base: 0xfed00000
[    0.000000] smpboot: Allowing 4 CPUs, 0 hotplug CPUs
[    0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0x00000000-0x00000fff]
[    0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0x00058000-0x00058fff]
[    0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0x000a0000-0x000fffff]
[    0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0x71e9d000-0x71e9dfff]
[    0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0x71e9e000-0x71ec7fff]
[    0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0x75214000-0x75ef0fff]
[    0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0x7628b000-0x77127fff]
[    0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0x77128000-0x77f87fff]
[    0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0x77f88000-0x77ffdfff]
[    0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0x77fff000-0x77ffffff]
[    0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0x78000000-0x780fffff]
[    0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0x78100000-0x78ffffff]
[    0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0x79000000-0x7affffff]
[    0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0x7b000000-0xdfffffff]
[    0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0xe0000000-0xefffffff]
[    0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0xf0000000-0xfdffffff]
[    0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0xfe000000-0xfe010fff]
[    0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0xfe011000-0xfebfffff]
[    0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0xfec00000-0xfec00fff]
[    0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0xfec01000-0xfedfffff]
[    0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0xfee00000-0xfee00fff]
[    0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0xfee01000-0xfeffffff]
[    0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0xff000000-0xffffffff]
[    0.000000] e820: [mem 0x7b000000-0xdfffffff] available for PCI devices
[    0.000000] Booting paravirtualized kernel on bare hardware
[    0.000000] clocksource: refined-jiffies: mask: 0xffffffff max_cycles: 0xffffffff, max_idle_ns: 6370452778343963 ns
[    0.000000] setup_percpu: NR_CPUS:128 nr_cpumask_bits:128 nr_cpu_ids:4 nr_node_ids:1
[    0.000000] percpu: Embedded 35 pages/cpu @ffff880383c00000 s103256 r8192 d31912 u524288
[    0.000000] pcpu-alloc: s103256 r8192 d31912 u524288 alloc=1*2097152
[    0.000000] pcpu-alloc: [0] 0 1 2 3 
[    0.000000] Built 1 zonelists in Node order, mobility grouping on.  Total pages: 3069614
[    0.000000] Policy zone: Normal
[    0.000000] Kernel command line: BOOT_IMAGE=/vmlinuz-linux root=UUID=0417114a-7c1d-4147-9c18-1047f351a2d6 rw usbcore.old_scheme_first=1 drm_kms_helper.poll=0 acpi_backlight=vendor i915.i915_enable_rc6=0
[    0.000000] PID hash table entries: 4096 (order: 3, 32768 bytes)
[    0.000000] Calgary: detecting Calgary via BIOS EBDA area
[    0.000000] Calgary: Unable to locate Rio Grande table in EBDA - bailing!
[    0.000000] Memory: 12141284K/12473480K available (6484K kernel code, 1091K rwdata, 2020K rodata, 1304K init, 904K bss, 332196K reserved, 0K cma-reserved)
[    0.000000] SLUB: HWalign=64, Order=0-3, MinObjects=0, CPUs=4, Nodes=1
[    0.000000] Preemptible hierarchical RCU implementation.
[    0.000000] 	Build-time adjustment of leaf fanout to 64.
[    0.000000] 	RCU restricting CPUs from NR_CPUS=128 to nr_cpu_ids=4.
[    0.000000] RCU: Adjusting geometry for rcu_fanout_leaf=64, nr_cpu_ids=4
[    0.000000] NR_IRQS:8448 nr_irqs:1024 16
[    0.000000] Console: colour dummy device 80x25
[    0.000000] console [tty0] enabled
[    0.000000] clocksource: hpet: mask: 0xffffffff max_cycles: 0xffffffff, max_idle_ns: 79635855245 ns
[    0.000000] hpet clockevent registered
[    0.003333] tsc: Detected 2600.000 MHz processor
[    0.003333] Calibrating delay loop (skipped), value calculated using timer frequency.. 5186.00 BogoMIPS (lpj=8640000)
[    0.003333] pid_max: default: 32768 minimum: 301
[    0.003333] ACPI: Core revision 20170119
[    0.036129] ACPI: 8 ACPI AML tables successfully acquired and loaded
[    0.036694] Security Framework initialized
[    0.036695] Yama: becoming mindful.
[    0.037301] Dentry cache hash table entries: 2097152 (order: 12, 16777216 bytes)
[    0.040582] Inode-cache hash table entries: 1048576 (order: 11, 8388608 bytes)
[    0.041780] Mount-cache hash table entries: 32768 (order: 6, 262144 bytes)
[    0.041791] Mountpoint-cache hash table entries: 32768 (order: 6, 262144 bytes)
[    0.042010] CPU: Physical Processor ID: 0
[    0.042011] CPU: Processor Core ID: 0
[    0.042015] ENERGY_PERF_BIAS: Set to 'normal', was 'performance'
[    0.042015] ENERGY_PERF_BIAS: View and update with x86_energy_perf_policy(8)
[    0.042020] mce: CPU supports 8 MCE banks
[    0.042027] CPU0: Thermal monitoring enabled (TM1)
[    0.042040] process: using mwait in idle threads
[    0.042042] Last level iTLB entries: 4KB 64, 2MB 8, 4MB 8
[    0.042043] Last level dTLB entries: 4KB 64, 2MB 0, 4MB 0, 1GB 4
[    0.042128] Freeing SMP alternatives memory: 24K
[    0.044263] ftrace: allocating 25552 entries in 100 pages
[    0.050054] smpboot: Max logical packages: 2
[    0.050058] DMAR: Host address width 39
[    0.050059] DMAR: DRHD base: 0x000000fed90000 flags: 0x0
[    0.050067] DMAR: dmar0: reg_base_addr fed90000 ver 1:0 cap 1c0000c40660462 ecap 7e3ff0505e
[    0.050068] DMAR: DRHD base: 0x000000fed91000 flags: 0x1
[    0.050071] DMAR: dmar1: reg_base_addr fed91000 ver 1:0 cap d2008c40660462 ecap f050da
[    0.050072] DMAR: RMRR base: 0x00000075c92000 end: 0x00000075cb1fff
[    0.050073] DMAR: RMRR base: 0x00000078800000 end: 0x0000007affffff
[    0.050074] DMAR: ANDD device: 1 name: \_SB.PCI0.I2C0
[    0.050074] DMAR: ANDD device: 2 name: \_SB.PCI0.I2C1
[    0.050075] DMAR-IR: IOAPIC id 2 under DRHD base  0xfed91000 IOMMU 1
[    0.050076] DMAR-IR: HPET id 0 under DRHD base 0xfed91000
[    0.050077] DMAR-IR: x2apic is disabled because BIOS sets x2apic opt out bit.
[    0.050077] DMAR-IR: Use 'intremap=no_x2apic_optout' to override the BIOS setting.
[    0.051538] DMAR-IR: Enabled IRQ remapping in xapic mode
[    0.051539] x2apic: IRQ remapping doesn't support X2APIC mode
[    0.056244] ..TIMER: vector=0x30 apic1=0 pin1=2 apic2=-1 pin2=-1
[    0.089281] TSC deadline timer enabled
[    0.089286] smpboot: CPU0: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6500U CPU @ 2.50GHz (family: 0x6, model: 0x4e, stepping: 0x3)
[    0.100045] Performance Events: PEBS fmt3+, Skylake events, 32-deep LBR, full-width counters, Intel PMU driver.
[    0.100069] ... version:                4
[    0.100069] ... bit width:              48
[    0.100070] ... generic registers:      4
[    0.100070] ... value mask:             0000ffffffffffff
[    0.100071] ... max period:             00007fffffffffff
[    0.100071] ... fixed-purpose events:   3
[    0.100071] ... event mask:             000000070000000f
[    0.120106] NMI watchdog: enabled on all CPUs, permanently consumes one hw-PMU counter.
[    0.126676] smp: Bringing up secondary CPUs ...
[    0.153382] x86: Booting SMP configuration:
[    0.153383] .... node  #0, CPUs:      #1 #2 #3
[    0.456701] smp: Brought up 1 node, 4 CPUs
[    0.456701] smpboot: Total of 4 processors activated (20747.73 BogoMIPS)
[    0.460110] sched_clock: Marking stable (459999954, 0)->(463132515, -3132561)
[    0.460467] devtmpfs: initialized
[    0.460504] x86/mm: Memory block size: 128MB
[    0.462949] PM: Registering ACPI NVS region [mem 0x71e9d000-0x71e9dfff] (4096 bytes)
[    0.462950] PM: Registering ACPI NVS region [mem 0x7628b000-0x77127fff] (15323136 bytes)
[    0.463142] clocksource: jiffies: mask: 0xffffffff max_cycles: 0xffffffff, max_idle_ns: 6370867519511994 ns
[    0.463147] futex hash table entries: 1024 (order: 4, 65536 bytes)
[    0.463198] pinctrl core: initialized pinctrl subsystem
[    0.463300] RTC time: 23:49:37, date: 07/04/17
[    0.464160] NET: Registered protocol family 16
[    0.464305] cpuidle: using governor ladder
[    0.464330] cpuidle: using governor menu
[    0.464331] PCCT header not found.
[    0.464366] ACPI FADT declares the system doesn't support PCIe ASPM, so disable it
[    0.464368] ACPI: bus type PCI registered
[    0.464369] acpiphp: ACPI Hot Plug PCI Controller Driver version: 0.5
[    0.464417] PCI: MMCONFIG for domain 0000 [bus 00-ff] at [mem 0xe0000000-0xefffffff] (base 0xe0000000)
[    0.464418] PCI: MMCONFIG at [mem 0xe0000000-0xefffffff] reserved in E820
[    0.464441] PCI: Using configuration type 1 for base access
[    0.465020] HugeTLB registered 1 GB page size, pre-allocated 0 pages
[    0.465021] HugeTLB registered 2 MB page size, pre-allocated 0 pages
[    0.465175] ACPI: Added _OSI(Module Device)
[    0.465176] ACPI: Added _OSI(Processor Device)
[    0.465177] ACPI: Added _OSI(3.0 _SCP Extensions)
[    0.465177] ACPI: Added _OSI(Processor Aggregator Device)
[    0.465179] ACPI : EC: EC started
[    0.465180] ACPI : EC: interrupt blocked
[    0.466732] ACPI: \: Used as first EC
[    0.466733] ACPI: \: GPE=0x50, EC_CMD/EC_SC=0x66, EC_DATA=0x62
[    0.466734] ACPI: \: Used as boot ECDT EC to handle transactions
[    0.467584] ACPI Error: [_SB_.PCI0.RP01.PXSX] Namespace lookup failure, AE_NOT_FOUND (20170119/psargs-363)
[    0.467591] ACPI Error: Method parse/execution failed [\] (Node ffffffff81d25ca0), AE_NOT_FOUND (20170119/psparse-543)
[    0.467596] ACPI: Executed 23 blocks of module-level executable AML code
[    0.476402] ACPI: [Firmware Bug]: BIOS _OSI(Linux) query ignored
[    0.482657] ACPI: Dynamic OEM Table Load:
[    0.482665] ACPI: SSDT 0xFFFF8803752B9000 000660 (v02 PmRef  Cpu0Ist  00003000 INTL 20120913)
[    0.482883] ACPI: \_PR_.CPU0: _OSC native thermal LVT Acked
[    0.484110] ACPI: Dynamic OEM Table Load:
[    0.484114] ACPI: SSDT 0xFFFF880374CD3800 00037F (v02 PmRef  Cpu0Cst  00003001 INTL 20120913)
[    0.484329] ACPI: Dynamic OEM Table Load:
[    0.484332] ACPI: SSDT 0xFFFF880374D783C0 00008E (v02 PmRef  Cpu0Hwp  00003000 INTL 20120913)
[    0.484476] ACPI: Dynamic OEM Table Load:
[    0.484479] ACPI: SSDT 0xFFFF880374CC7E00 000130 (v02 PmRef  HwpLvt   00003000 INTL 20120913)
[    0.485255] ACPI: Dynamic OEM Table Load:
[    0.485259] ACPI: SSDT 0xFFFF8803752BC800 0005AA (v02 PmRef  ApIst    00003000 INTL 20120913)
[    0.485619] ACPI: Dynamic OEM Table Load:
[    0.485622] ACPI: SSDT 0xFFFF880374DABE00 000119 (v02 PmRef  ApHwp    00003000 INTL 20120913)
[    0.485835] ACPI: Dynamic OEM Table Load:
[    0.485838] ACPI: SSDT 0xFFFF880374DAA800 000119 (v02 PmRef  ApCst    00003000 INTL 20120913)
[    0.487941] ACPI : EC: EC stopped
[    0.487942] ACPI : EC: EC started
[    0.487942] ACPI : EC: interrupt blocked
[    0.488058] ACPI: \_SB_.PCI0.LPCB.EC0_: Used as first EC
[    0.488059] ACPI: \_SB_.PCI0.LPCB.EC0_: GPE=0x50, EC_CMD/EC_SC=0x66, EC_DATA=0x62
[    0.488060] ACPI: \_SB_.PCI0.LPCB.EC0_: Used as boot DSDT EC to handle transactions
[    0.488060] ACPI: Interpreter enabled
[    0.488093] ACPI: (supports S0 S3 S4 S5)
[    0.488093] ACPI: Using IOAPIC for interrupt routing
[    0.488120] PCI: Using host bridge windows from ACPI; if necessary, use "pci=nocrs" and report a bug
[    0.490770] ACPI: Power Resource [WRST] (off)
[    0.490887] ACPI: Power Resource [WRST] (off)
[    0.491001] ACPI: Power Resource [WRST] (off)
[    0.491115] ACPI: Power Resource [WRST] (off)
[    0.491232] ACPI: Power Resource [WRST] (off)
[    0.491269] ACPI: Power Resource [PC09] (on)
[    0.491998] ACPI: Power Resource [WRST] (off)
[    0.492114] ACPI: Power Resource [WRST] (off)
[    0.492227] ACPI: Power Resource [WRST] (off)
[    0.492344] ACPI: Power Resource [WRST] (off)
[    0.492672] ACPI: Power Resource [WRST] (off)
[    0.492804] ACPI: Power Resource [WRST] (off)
[    0.492917] ACPI: Power Resource [WRST] (off)
[    0.493031] ACPI: Power Resource [WRST] (off)
[    0.493144] ACPI: Power Resource [WRST] (off)
[    0.493261] ACPI: Power Resource [WRST] (off)
[    0.493374] ACPI: Power Resource [WRST] (off)
[    0.493488] ACPI: Power Resource [WRST] (off)
[    0.493601] ACPI: Power Resource [WRST] (off)
[    0.493718] ACPI: Power Resource [WRST] (off)
[    0.500137] ACPI: PCI Root Bridge [PCI0] (domain 0000 [bus 00-fe])
[    0.500142] acpi PNP0A08:00: _OSC: OS supports [ExtendedConfig ASPM ClockPM Segments MSI]
[    0.501387] acpi PNP0A08:00: _OSC: OS now controls [PCIeHotplug PME AER PCIeCapability]
[    0.501387] acpi PNP0A08:00: FADT indicates ASPM is unsupported, using BIOS configuration
[    0.501916] PCI host bridge to bus 0000:00
[    0.501917] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [io  0x0000-0x0cf7 window]
[    0.501918] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [io  0x0d00-0xffff window]
[    0.501919] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [mem 0x000a0000-0x000bffff window]
[    0.501920] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [mem 0x7b000000-0xdfffffff window]
[    0.501920] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [mem 0xfd000000-0xfe7fffff window]
[    0.501921] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [bus 00-fe]
[    0.501927] pci 0000:00:00.0: [8086:1904] type 00 class 0x060000
[    0.502020] pci 0000:00:02.0: [8086:1916] type 00 class 0x030000
[    0.502034] pci 0000:00:02.0: reg 0x10: [mem 0xdd000000-0xddffffff 64bit]
[    0.502039] pci 0000:00:02.0: reg 0x18: [mem 0xb0000000-0xbfffffff 64bit pref]
[    0.502043] pci 0000:00:02.0: reg 0x20: [io  0xf000-0xf03f]
[    0.502147] pci 0000:00:04.0: [8086:1903] type 00 class 0x118000
[    0.502158] pci 0000:00:04.0: reg 0x10: [mem 0xdf320000-0xdf327fff 64bit]
[    0.502331] pci 0000:00:13.0: [8086:9d35] type 00 class 0x000000
[    0.502351] pci 0000:00:13.0: reg 0x10: [mem 0xdf339000-0xdf339fff 64bit]
[    0.502506] pci 0000:00:14.0: [8086:9d2f] type 00 class 0x0c0330
[    0.502524] pci 0000:00:14.0: reg 0x10: [mem 0xdf310000-0xdf31ffff 64bit]
[    0.502592] pci 0000:00:14.0: PME# supported from D3hot D3cold
[    0.502672] pci 0000:00:14.0: System wakeup disabled by ACPI
[    0.502699] pci 0000:00:14.2: [8086:9d31] type 00 class 0x118000
[    0.502716] pci 0000:00:14.2: reg 0x10: [mem 0xdf338000-0xdf338fff 64bit]
[    0.502941] pci 0000:00:15.0: [8086:9d60] type 00 class 0x118000
[    0.503149] pci 0000:00:15.0: reg 0x10: [mem 0xdf337000-0xdf337fff 64bit]
[    0.504083] pci 0000:00:15.1: [8086:9d61] type 00 class 0x118000
[    0.504291] pci 0000:00:15.1: reg 0x10: [mem 0xdf336000-0xdf336fff 64bit]
[    0.505159] pci 0000:00:16.0: [8086:9d3a] type 00 class 0x078000
[    0.505180] pci 0000:00:16.0: reg 0x10: [mem 0xdf335000-0xdf335fff 64bit]
[    0.505256] pci 0000:00:16.0: PME# supported from D3hot
[    0.505366] pci 0000:00:17.0: [8086:9d03] type 00 class 0x010601
[    0.505381] pci 0000:00:17.0: reg 0x10: [mem 0xdf330000-0xdf331fff]
[    0.505388] pci 0000:00:17.0: reg 0x14: [mem 0xdf334000-0xdf3340ff]
[    0.505395] pci 0000:00:17.0: reg 0x18: [io  0xf090-0xf097]
[    0.505402] pci 0000:00:17.0: reg 0x1c: [io  0xf080-0xf083]
[    0.505410] pci 0000:00:17.0: reg 0x20: [io  0xf060-0xf07f]
[    0.505417] pci 0000:00:17.0: reg 0x24: [mem 0xdf333000-0xdf3337ff]
[    0.505459] pci 0000:00:17.0: PME# supported from D3hot
[    0.505569] pci 0000:00:1c.0: [8086:9d10] type 01 class 0x060400
[    0.505633] pci 0000:00:1c.0: PME# supported from D0 D3hot D3cold
[    0.505730] pci 0000:00:1c.0: System wakeup disabled by ACPI
[    0.505761] pci 0000:00:1c.4: [8086:9d14] type 01 class 0x060400
[    0.505824] pci 0000:00:1c.4: PME# supported from D0 D3hot D3cold
[    0.505938] pci 0000:00:1c.5: [8086:9d15] type 01 class 0x060400
[    0.506001] pci 0000:00:1c.5: PME# supported from D0 D3hot D3cold
[    0.506131] pci 0000:00:1f.0: [8086:9d48] type 00 class 0x060100
[    0.506328] pci 0000:00:1f.2: [8086:9d21] type 00 class 0x058000
[    0.506339] pci 0000:00:1f.2: reg 0x10: [mem 0xdf32c000-0xdf32ffff]
[    0.506484] pci 0000:00:1f.3: [8086:9d70] type 00 class 0x040300
[    0.506508] pci 0000:00:1f.3: reg 0x10: [mem 0xdf328000-0xdf32bfff 64bit]
[    0.506541] pci 0000:00:1f.3: reg 0x20: [mem 0xdf300000-0xdf30ffff 64bit]
[    0.506592] pci 0000:00:1f.3: PME# supported from D3hot D3cold
[    0.506720] pci 0000:00:1f.3: System wakeup disabled by ACPI
[    0.506748] pci 0000:00:1f.4: [8086:9d23] type 00 class 0x0c0500
[    0.506796] pci 0000:00:1f.4: reg 0x10: [mem 0xdf332000-0xdf3320ff 64bit]
[    0.506867] pci 0000:00:1f.4: reg 0x20: [io  0xf040-0xf05f]
[    0.507078] pci 0000:01:00.0: [10de:1347] type 00 class 0x030200
[    0.507091] pci 0000:01:00.0: reg 0x10: [mem 0xde000000-0xdeffffff]
[    0.507105] pci 0000:01:00.0: reg 0x14: [mem 0xc0000000-0xcfffffff 64bit pref]
[    0.507117] pci 0000:01:00.0: reg 0x1c: [mem 0xd0000000-0xd1ffffff 64bit pref]
[    0.507125] pci 0000:01:00.0: reg 0x24: [io  0xe000-0xe07f]
[    0.507133] pci 0000:01:00.0: reg 0x30: [mem 0xdf000000-0xdf07ffff pref]
[    0.507256] pci 0000:01:00.0: System wakeup disabled by ACPI
[    0.517183] pci 0000:00:1c.0: PCI bridge to [bus 01]
[    0.517185] pci 0000:00:1c.0:   bridge window [io  0xe000-0xefff]
[    0.517187] pci 0000:00:1c.0:   bridge window [mem 0xde000000-0xdf0fffff]
[    0.517191] pci 0000:00:1c.0:   bridge window [mem 0xc0000000-0xd1ffffff 64bit pref]
[    0.517253] pci 0000:02:00.0: [10ec:8168] type 00 class 0x020000
[    0.517272] pci 0000:02:00.0: reg 0x10: [io  0xd000-0xd0ff]
[    0.517298] pci 0000:02:00.0: reg 0x18: [mem 0xdf204000-0xdf204fff 64bit]
[    0.517315] pci 0000:02:00.0: reg 0x20: [mem 0xdf200000-0xdf203fff 64bit]
[    0.517412] pci 0000:02:00.0: supports D1 D2
[    0.517412] pci 0000:02:00.0: PME# supported from D0 D1 D2 D3hot D3cold
[    0.527208] pci 0000:00:1c.4: PCI bridge to [bus 02]
[    0.527211] pci 0000:00:1c.4:   bridge window [io  0xd000-0xdfff]
[    0.527213] pci 0000:00:1c.4:   bridge window [mem 0xdf200000-0xdf2fffff]
[    0.527486] pci 0000:03:00.0: [8086:095a] type 00 class 0x028000
[    0.527569] pci 0000:03:00.0: reg 0x10: [mem 0xdf100000-0xdf101fff 64bit]
[    0.527855] pci 0000:03:00.0: PME# supported from D0 D3hot D3cold
[    0.537386] pci 0000:00:1c.5: PCI bridge to [bus 03]
[    0.537390] pci 0000:00:1c.5:   bridge window [mem 0xdf100000-0xdf1fffff]
[    0.539362] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKA] (IRQs 3 4 5 6 10 *11 12 14 15)
[    0.539406] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKB] (IRQs 3 4 5 6 *10 11 12 14 15)
[    0.539448] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKC] (IRQs 3 4 5 6 10 *11 12 14 15)
[    0.539489] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKD] (IRQs 3 4 5 6 10 *11 12 14 15)
[    0.539530] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKE] (IRQs 3 4 5 6 10 *11 12 14 15)
[    0.539572] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKF] (IRQs 3 4 5 6 10 *11 12 14 15)
[    0.539613] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKG] (IRQs 3 4 5 6 10 *11 12 14 15)
[    0.539654] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKH] (IRQs 3 4 5 6 10 *11 12 14 15)
[    0.540093] ACPI: Enabled 6 GPEs in block 00 to 7F
[    0.540235] ACPI : EC: interrupt unblocked
[    0.540249] ACPI : EC: event unblocked
[    0.540262] ACPI: \_SB_.PCI0.LPCB.EC0_: GPE=0x50, EC_CMD/EC_SC=0x66, EC_DATA=0x62
[    0.540264] ACPI: \_SB_.PCI0.LPCB.EC0_: Used as boot DSDT EC to handle transactions and events
[    0.540324] pci 0000:00:02.0: vgaarb: setting as boot VGA device
[    0.540325] pci 0000:00:02.0: vgaarb: VGA device added: decodes=io+mem,owns=io+mem,locks=none
[    0.540328] pci 0000:00:02.0: vgaarb: bridge control possible
[    0.540329] vgaarb: loaded
[    0.540357] Registered efivars operations
[    0.544420] PCI: Using ACPI for IRQ routing
[    0.573139] PCI: pci_cache_line_size set to 64 bytes
[    0.573528] e820: reserve RAM buffer [mem 0x00058000-0x0005ffff]
[    0.573529] e820: reserve RAM buffer [mem 0x71e9d000-0x73ffffff]
[    0.573529] e820: reserve RAM buffer [mem 0x75214000-0x77ffffff]
[    0.573530] e820: reserve RAM buffer [mem 0x7628b000-0x77ffffff]
[    0.573531] e820: reserve RAM buffer [mem 0x77fff000-0x77ffffff]
[    0.573590] NetLabel: Initializing
[    0.573590] NetLabel:  domain hash size = 128
[    0.573591] NetLabel:  protocols = UNLABELED CIPSOv4 CALIPSO
[    0.573600] NetLabel:  unlabeled traffic allowed by default
[    0.573872] hpet0: at MMIO 0xfed00000, IRQs 2, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
[    0.573876] hpet0: 8 comparators, 64-bit 24.000000 MHz counter
[    0.575919] clocksource: Switched to clocksource hpet
[    0.582244] VFS: Disk quotas dquot_6.6.0
[    0.582258] VFS: Dquot-cache hash table entries: 512 (order 0, 4096 bytes)
[    0.582305] pnp: PnP ACPI init
[    0.582545] system 00:00: [io  0x0680-0x069f] has been reserved
[    0.582546] system 00:00: [io  0xffff] has been reserved
[    0.582547] system 00:00: [io  0xffff] has been reserved
[    0.582548] system 00:00: [io  0xffff] has been reserved
[    0.582549] system 00:00: [io  0x1800-0x18fe] has been reserved
[    0.582549] system 00:00: [io  0x164e-0x164f] has been reserved
[    0.582552] system 00:00: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0c02 (active)
[    0.582649] pnp 00:01: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0b00 (active)
[    0.582676] system 00:02: [io  0x1854-0x1857] has been reserved
[    0.582677] system 00:02: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs INT3f0d PNP0c02 (active)
[    0.582773] system 00:03: [io  0x0240-0x0259] has been reserved
[    0.582774] system 00:03: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0c02 (active)
[    0.582819] pnp 00:04: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs ATK3001 PNP030b (active)
[    0.582944] system 00:05: [mem 0xfed10000-0xfed17fff] has been reserved
[    0.582944] system 00:05: [mem 0xfed18000-0xfed18fff] has been reserved
[    0.582945] system 00:05: [mem 0xfed19000-0xfed19fff] has been reserved
[    0.582946] system 00:05: [mem 0xe0000000-0xefffffff] has been reserved
[    0.582947] system 00:05: [mem 0xfed20000-0xfed3ffff] has been reserved
[    0.582948] system 00:05: [mem 0xfed90000-0xfed93fff] could not be reserved
[    0.582949] system 00:05: [mem 0xfed45000-0xfed8ffff] has been reserved
[    0.582950] system 00:05: [mem 0xff000000-0xffffffff] has been reserved
[    0.582951] system 00:05: [mem 0xfee00000-0xfeefffff] could not be reserved
[    0.582952] system 00:05: [mem 0xdffe0000-0xdfffffff] has been reserved
[    0.582953] system 00:05: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0c02 (active)
[    0.582981] system 00:06: [mem 0xfd000000-0xfdabffff] has been reserved
[    0.582983] system 00:06: [mem 0xfdad0000-0xfdadffff] has been reserved
[    0.582984] system 00:06: [mem 0xfdb00000-0xfdffffff] has been reserved
[    0.582985] system 00:06: [mem 0xfe000000-0xfe01ffff] could not be reserved
[    0.582985] system 00:06: [mem 0xfe036000-0xfe03bfff] has been reserved
[    0.582986] system 00:06: [mem 0xfe03d000-0xfe3fffff] has been reserved
[    0.582987] system 00:06: [mem 0xfe410000-0xfe7fffff] has been reserved
[    0.582988] system 00:06: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0c02 (active)
[    0.583247] system 00:07: [io  0xff00-0xfffe] has been reserved
[    0.583248] system 00:07: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0c02 (active)
[    0.584133] system 00:08: [mem 0xfdaf0000-0xfdafffff] has been reserved
[    0.584133] system 00:08: [mem 0xfdae0000-0xfdaeffff] has been reserved
[    0.584134] system 00:08: [mem 0xfdac0000-0xfdacffff] has been reserved
[    0.584136] system 00:08: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0c02 (active)
[    0.584819] pnp: PnP ACPI: found 9 devices
[    0.592502] clocksource: acpi_pm: mask: 0xffffff max_cycles: 0xffffff, max_idle_ns: 2085701024 ns
[    0.592522] pci 0000:00:1c.0: PCI bridge to [bus 01]
[    0.592524] pci 0000:00:1c.0:   bridge window [io  0xe000-0xefff]
[    0.592527] pci 0000:00:1c.0:   bridge window [mem 0xde000000-0xdf0fffff]
[    0.592529] pci 0000:00:1c.0:   bridge window [mem 0xc0000000-0xd1ffffff 64bit pref]
[    0.592533] pci 0000:00:1c.4: PCI bridge to [bus 02]
[    0.592534] pci 0000:00:1c.4:   bridge window [io  0xd000-0xdfff]
[    0.592537] pci 0000:00:1c.4:   bridge window [mem 0xdf200000-0xdf2fffff]
[    0.592543] pci 0000:00:1c.5: PCI bridge to [bus 03]
[    0.592545] pci 0000:00:1c.5:   bridge window [mem 0xdf100000-0xdf1fffff]
[    0.592551] pci_bus 0000:00: resource 4 [io  0x0000-0x0cf7 window]
[    0.592552] pci_bus 0000:00: resource 5 [io  0x0d00-0xffff window]
[    0.592553] pci_bus 0000:00: resource 6 [mem 0x000a0000-0x000bffff window]
[    0.592554] pci_bus 0000:00: resource 7 [mem 0x7b000000-0xdfffffff window]
[    0.592554] pci_bus 0000:00: resource 8 [mem 0xfd000000-0xfe7fffff window]
[    0.592555] pci_bus 0000:01: resource 0 [io  0xe000-0xefff]
[    0.592556] pci_bus 0000:01: resource 1 [mem 0xde000000-0xdf0fffff]
[    0.592557] pci_bus 0000:01: resource 2 [mem 0xc0000000-0xd1ffffff 64bit pref]
[    0.592557] pci_bus 0000:02: resource 0 [io  0xd000-0xdfff]
[    0.592558] pci_bus 0000:02: resource 1 [mem 0xdf200000-0xdf2fffff]
[    0.592559] pci_bus 0000:03: resource 1 [mem 0xdf100000-0xdf1fffff]
[    0.592685] NET: Registered protocol family 2
[    0.592800] TCP established hash table entries: 131072 (order: 8, 1048576 bytes)
[    0.592954] TCP bind hash table entries: 65536 (order: 8, 1048576 bytes)
[    0.593091] TCP: Hash tables configured (established 131072 bind 65536)
[    0.593118] UDP hash table entries: 8192 (order: 6, 262144 bytes)
[    0.593158] UDP-Lite hash table entries: 8192 (order: 6, 262144 bytes)
[    0.593214] NET: Registered protocol family 1
[    0.593223] pci 0000:00:02.0: Video device with shadowed ROM at [mem 0x000c0000-0x000dffff]
[    0.594137] PCI: CLS 0 bytes, default 64
[    0.594166] Unpacking initramfs...
[    0.670925] Freeing initrd memory: 7060K
[    0.670982] DMAR: ACPI device "device:6b" under DMAR at fed91000 as 00:15.0
[    0.670984] DMAR: ACPI device "device:6c" under DMAR at fed91000 as 00:15.1
[    0.670997] PCI-DMA: Using software bounce buffering for IO (SWIOTLB)
[    0.670998] software IO TLB [mem 0x6ce79000-0x70e79000] (64MB) mapped at [ffff88006ce79000-ffff880070e78fff]
[    0.671174] clocksource: tsc: mask: 0xffffffffffffffff max_cycles: 0x255cb6cc5db, max_idle_ns: 440795203504 ns
[    0.671308] Scanning for low memory corruption every 60 seconds
[    0.671743] Initialise system trusted keyrings
[    0.671821] workingset: timestamp_bits=40 max_order=22 bucket_order=0
[    0.672554] zbud: loaded
[    0.673876] Key type asymmetric registered
[    0.673885] Block layer SCSI generic (bsg) driver version 0.4 loaded (major 249)
[    0.673977] io scheduler noop registered
[    0.673978] io scheduler deadline registered
[    0.673998] io scheduler cfq registered (default)
[    0.673999] io scheduler mq-deadline registered
[    0.674697] pcieport 0000:00:1c.0: AER enabled with IRQ 122
[    0.674712] pcieport 0000:00:1c.4: AER enabled with IRQ 123
[    0.674726] pcieport 0000:00:1c.5: AER enabled with IRQ 124
[    0.674736] pcieport 0000:00:1c.0: Signaling PME with IRQ 122
[    0.674742] pcieport 0000:00:1c.4: Signaling PME with IRQ 123
[    0.674751] pcieport 0000:00:1c.5: Signaling PME with IRQ 124
[    0.674766] efifb: probing for efifb
[    0.674774] efifb: framebuffer at 0xb0000000, using 3072k, total 3072k
[    0.674774] efifb: mode is 1024x768x32, linelength=4096, pages=1
[    0.674775] efifb: scrolling: redraw
[    0.674775] efifb: Truecolor: size=8:8:8:8, shift=24:16:8:0
[    0.676031] Console: switching to colour frame buffer device 128x48
[    0.677159] fb0: EFI VGA frame buffer device
[    0.677163] intel_idle: MWAIT substates: 0x11142120
[    0.677164] intel_idle: v0.4.1 model 0x4E
[    0.677379] intel_idle: lapic_timer_reliable_states 0xffffffff
[    0.677856] GHES: HEST is not enabled!
[    0.677926] Serial: 8250/16550 driver, 4 ports, IRQ sharing enabled
[    0.678353] Linux agpgart interface v0.103
[    0.678604] rtc_cmos 00:01: RTC can wake from S4
[    0.699057] rtc_cmos 00:01: rtc core: registered rtc_cmos as rtc0
[    0.699138] rtc_cmos 00:01: alarms up to one year, y3k, 242 bytes nvram, hpet irqs
[    0.699143] intel_pstate: Intel P-state driver initializing
[    0.699622] intel_pstate: HWP enabled
[    0.699835] ledtrig-cpu: registered to indicate activity on CPUs
[    0.700020] NET: Registered protocol family 10
[    0.702682] Segment Routing with IPv6
[    0.702694] NET: Registered protocol family 17
[    0.703026] microcode: sig=0x406e3, pf=0x80, revision=0xba
[    0.703220] microcode: Microcode Update Driver: v2.2.
[    0.703462] registered taskstats version 1
[    0.703469] Loading compiled-in X.509 certificates
[    0.703478] zswap: loaded using pool lzo/zbud
[    0.704740]   Magic number: 9:534:857
[    0.704938] rtc_cmos 00:01: setting system clock to 2017-07-04 23:49:38 UTC (1499212178)
[    0.704968] PM: Hibernation image not present or could not be loaded.
[    0.705719] Freeing unused kernel memory: 1304K
[    0.705720] Write protecting the kernel read-only data: 10240k
[    0.706042] Freeing unused kernel memory: 1692K
[    0.706103] Freeing unused kernel memory: 28K
[    0.721356] random: systemd-tmpfile: uninitialized urandom read (16 bytes read)
[    0.722714] random: systemd-udevd: uninitialized urandom read (16 bytes read)
[    0.722747] random: systemd-udevd: uninitialized urandom read (16 bytes read)
[    0.723296] random: udevadm: uninitialized urandom read (16 bytes read)
[    0.723308] random: udevadm: uninitialized urandom read (16 bytes read)
[    0.724906] random: systemd-udevd: uninitialized urandom read (16 bytes read)
[    0.724917] random: systemd-udevd: uninitialized urandom read (16 bytes read)
[    0.724921] random: systemd-udevd: uninitialized urandom read (16 bytes read)
[    0.725105] random: systemd-udevd: uninitialized urandom read (16 bytes read)
[    0.725115] random: systemd-udevd: uninitialized urandom read (16 bytes read)
[    0.758577] i8042: PNP: PS/2 Controller [PNP030b:PS2K] at 0x60,0x64 irq 1
[    0.758578] i8042: PNP: PS/2 appears to have AUX port disabled, if this is incorrect please boot with i8042.nopnp
[    0.759855] serio: i8042 KBD port at 0x60,0x64 irq 1
[    0.766767] SCSI subsystem initialized
[    0.766791] ACPI: bus type USB registered
[    0.766817] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbfs
[    0.766824] usbcore: registered new interface driver hub
[    0.766843] usbcore: registered new device driver usb
[    0.767934] libata version 3.00 loaded.
[    0.768250] xhci_hcd 0000:00:14.0: xHCI Host Controller
[    0.768256] xhci_hcd 0000:00:14.0: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1
[    0.769395] xhci_hcd 0000:00:14.0: hcc params 0x200077c1 hci version 0x100 quirks 0x00109810
[    0.769407] xhci_hcd 0000:00:14.0: cache line size of 64 is not supported
[    0.769644] hub 1-0:1.0: USB hub found
[    0.769680] hub 1-0:1.0: 12 ports detected
[    0.770832] xhci_hcd 0000:00:14.0: xHCI Host Controller
[    0.770837] xhci_hcd 0000:00:14.0: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 2
[    0.771002] hub 2-0:1.0: USB hub found
[    0.771028] hub 2-0:1.0: 6 ports detected
[    0.771412] usb: port power management may be unreliable
[    0.771760] ahci 0000:00:17.0: version 3.0
[    0.771990] ahci 0000:00:17.0: AHCI 0001.0301 32 slots 2 ports 6 Gbps 0x3 impl SATA mode
[    0.771992] ahci 0000:00:17.0: flags: 64bit ncq pm led clo only pio slum part deso sadm sds apst 
[    0.772297] scsi host0: ahci
[    0.772509] scsi host1: ahci
[    0.772545] ata1: SATA max UDMA/133 abar m2048@0xdf333000 port 0xdf333100 irq 126
[    0.772549] ata2: SATA max UDMA/133 abar m2048@0xdf333000 port 0xdf333180 irq 126
[    0.828332] input: AT Translated Set 2 keyboard as /devices/platform/i8042/serio0/input/input0
[    1.085384] ata2: SATA link up 1.5 Gbps (SStatus 113 SControl 300)
[    1.085426] ata1: SATA link up 6.0 Gbps (SStatus 133 SControl 300)
[    1.088089] ata2.00: ATAPI: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GUE1N, AS00, max UDMA/133
[    1.092205] ata2.00: configured for UDMA/133
[    1.092357] ata1.00: ATA-8: ST2000LM003 HN-M201RAD, 2BE10001, max UDMA/133
[    1.092361] ata1.00: 3907029168 sectors, multi 16: LBA48 NCQ (depth 31/32), AA
[    1.099429] ata1.00: configured for UDMA/133
[    1.099986] scsi 0:0:0:0: Direct-Access     ATA      ST2000LM003 HN-M 0001 PQ: 0 ANSI: 5
[    1.140667] scsi 1:0:0:0: CD-ROM            HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GUE1N     AS00 PQ: 0 ANSI: 5
[    1.146053] usb 1-4: new high-speed USB device number 2 using xhci_hcd
[    1.163088] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] 3907029168 512-byte logical blocks: (2.00 TB/1.82 TiB)
[    1.163094] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] 4096-byte physical blocks
[    1.163154] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Write Protect is off
[    1.163159] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Mode Sense: 00 3a 00 00
[    1.163231] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Write cache: enabled, read cache: enabled, doesn't support DPO or FUA
[    1.168144] usbcore: registered new interface driver rtsx_usb
[    1.180255] sr 1:0:0:0: [sr0] scsi3-mmc drive: 24x/24x writer dvd-ram cd/rw xa/form2 cdda tray
[    1.180258] cdrom: Uniform CD-ROM driver Revision: 3.20
[    1.180468] sr 1:0:0:0: Attached scsi CD-ROM sr0
[    1.214572]  sda: sda1 sda5 sda6
[    1.216209] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Attached SCSI disk
[    1.332838] usb 1-5: new high-speed USB device number 3 using xhci_hcd
[    1.592857] usb 1-8: new full-speed USB device number 4 using xhci_hcd
[    1.682869] clocksource: Switched to clocksource tsc
[    1.777694] random: fast init done
[    1.847976] EXT4-fs (sda5): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts: (null)
[    3.053628] random: crng init done
[    3.137584] ip_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team
[    3.171513] systemd[1]: systemd 233 running in system mode. (+PAM -AUDIT -SELINUX -IMA -APPARMOR +SMACK -SYSVINIT +UTMP +LIBCRYPTSETUP +GCRYPT +GNUTLS +ACL +XZ +LZ4 +SECCOMP +BLKID +ELFUTILS +KMOD +IDN default-hierarchy=hybrid)
[    3.171839] systemd[1]: Detected architecture x86-64.
[    3.232794] systemd[1]: Set hostname to <sebas>.
[    6.046845] systemd[1]: Started Dispatch Password Requests to Console Directory Watch.
[    6.046948] systemd[1]: Started Forward Password Requests to Wall Directory Watch.
[    6.047255] systemd[1]: Created slice User and Session Slice.
[    6.047321] systemd[1]: Listening on Device-mapper event daemon FIFOs.
[    6.047491] systemd[1]: Set up automount Arbitrary Executable File Formats File System Automount Point.
[    6.047566] systemd[1]: Listening on LVM2 metadata daemon socket.
[    6.048242] systemd[1]: Listening on Process Core Dump Socket.
[    6.412070] sd 0:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg0 type 0
[    6.412134] sr 1:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg1 type 5
[    6.502118] loop: module loaded
[    6.586034] vboxdrv: loading out-of-tree module taints kernel.
[    6.587213] vboxdrv: Found 4 processor cores
[    6.606025] vboxdrv: TSC mode is Invariant, tentative frequency 2591997562 Hz
[    6.606026] vboxdrv: Successfully loaded version 5.1.22 (interface 0x00280000)
[    6.627899] VBoxPciLinuxInit
[    6.646370] EXT4-fs (sda5): re-mounted. Opts: data=ordered
[    6.666145] vboxpci: IOMMU not found (not registered)
[    6.697292] VBoxNetAdp: Successfully started.
[    6.741528] VBoxNetFlt: Successfully started.
[    6.814431] systemd-journald[159]: Received request to flush runtime journal from PID 1
[   11.270182] (NULL device *): hwmon_device_register() is deprecated. Please convert the driver to use hwmon_device_register_with_info().
[   11.270858] intel-lpss 0000:00:15.0: enabling device (0000 -> 0002)
[   11.287601] ACPI: AC Adapter [AC0] (off-line)
[   11.306869] idma64 idma64.0: Found Intel integrated DMA 64-bit
[   11.307212] intel-lpss 0000:00:15.1: enabling device (0000 -> 0002)
[   11.307436] idma64 idma64.1: Found Intel integrated DMA 64-bit
[   11.354921] mei_me 0000:00:16.0: enabling device (0000 -> 0002)
[   11.389946] shpchp: Standard Hot Plug PCI Controller Driver version: 0.4
[   11.426282] input: Asus Wireless Radio Control as /devices/LNXSYSTM:00/LNXSYBUS:00/ATK4002:00/input/input1
[   11.428320] wmi: Mapper loaded
[   11.437569] input: Lid Switch as /devices/LNXSYSTM:00/LNXSYBUS:00/PNP0C0D:00/input/input2
[   11.439118] ACPI: Lid Switch [LID]
[   11.439155] ACPI: Battery Slot [BAT0] (battery present)
[   11.439165] input: Sleep Button as /devices/LNXSYSTM:00/LNXSYBUS:00/PNP0C0E:00/input/input3
[   11.439167] ACPI: Sleep Button [SLPB]
[   11.439207] input: Power Button as /devices/LNXSYSTM:00/LNXPWRBN:00/input/input4
[   11.439210] ACPI: Power Button [PWRF]
[   11.586296] i801_smbus 0000:00:1f.4: SPD Write Disable is set
[   11.586336] i801_smbus 0000:00:1f.4: SMBus using PCI interrupt
[   11.681458] Bluetooth: Core ver 2.22
[   11.681488] NET: Registered protocol family 31
[   11.681490] Bluetooth: HCI device and connection manager initialized
[   11.681495] Bluetooth: HCI socket layer initialized
[   11.681499] Bluetooth: L2CAP socket layer initialized
[   11.681508] Bluetooth: SCO socket layer initialized
[   11.687453] hidraw: raw HID events driver (C) Jiri Kosina
[   11.689849] (NULL device *): hwmon_device_register() is deprecated. Please convert the driver to use hwmon_device_register_with_info().
[   11.690568] thermal LNXTHERM:00: registered as thermal_zone7
[   11.690571] ACPI: Thermal Zone [THRM] (35 C)
[   11.769863] input: PC Speaker as /devices/platform/pcspkr/input/input5
[   12.024365] Bluetooth: HCI UART driver ver 2.3
[   12.024369] Bluetooth: HCI UART protocol H4 registered
[   12.024371] Bluetooth: HCI UART protocol BCSP registered
[   12.024373] Bluetooth: HCI UART protocol LL registered
[   12.024375] Bluetooth: HCI UART protocol ATH3K registered
[   12.024377] Bluetooth: HCI UART protocol Three-wire (H5) registered
[   12.024435] Bluetooth: HCI UART protocol Intel registered
[   12.024469] Bluetooth: HCI UART protocol Broadcom registered
[   12.024471] Bluetooth: HCI UART protocol QCA registered
[   12.024473] Bluetooth: HCI UART protocol AG6XX registered
[   12.024475] Bluetooth: HCI UART protocol Marvell registered
[   12.066672] r8169 Gigabit Ethernet driver 2.3LK-NAPI loaded
[   12.066681] r8169 0000:02:00.0: can't disable ASPM; OS doesn't have ASPM control
[   12.076879] r8169 0000:02:00.0 eth0: RTL8168g/8111g at 0xffffc90001a31000, 9c:5c:8e:36:2d:27, XID 10900800 IRQ 128
[   12.076881] r8169 0000:02:00.0 eth0: jumbo features [frames: 9200 bytes, tx checksumming: ko]
[   12.221587] RAPL PMU: API unit is 2^-32 Joules, 5 fixed counters, 655360 ms ovfl timer
[   12.221591] RAPL PMU: hw unit of domain pp0-core 2^-14 Joules
[   12.221594] RAPL PMU: hw unit of domain package 2^-14 Joules
[   12.221596] RAPL PMU: hw unit of domain dram 2^-14 Joules
[   12.221598] RAPL PMU: hw unit of domain pp1-gpu 2^-14 Joules
[   12.221599] RAPL PMU: hw unit of domain psys 2^-14 Joules
[   12.308346] Intel(R) Wireless WiFi driver for Linux
[   12.308349] Copyright(c) 2003- 2015 Intel Corporation
[   12.400890] iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0: Direct firmware load for iwlwifi-7265D-28.ucode failed with error -2
[   12.449771] iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0: capa flags index 3 larger than supported by driver
[   12.452388] iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0: loaded firmware version 27.455470.0 op_mode iwlmvm
[   12.703328] Setting dangerous option enable_rc6 - tainting kernel
[   12.703330] Setting dangerous option enable_fbc - tainting kernel
[   12.703331] Setting dangerous option semaphores - tainting kernel
[   12.703333] i915: unknown parameter 'i915_enable_rc6' ignored
[   12.800905] [drm] Memory usable by graphics device = 4096M
[   12.800912] checking generic (b0000000 300000) vs hw (b0000000 10000000)
[   12.800914] fb: switching to inteldrmfb from EFI VGA
[   12.800965] Console: switching to colour dummy device 80x25
[   12.801183] [drm] Replacing VGA console driver
[   12.806806] [drm] Supports vblank timestamp caching Rev 2 (21.10.2013).
[   12.806809] [drm] Driver supports precise vblank timestamp query.
[   12.812366] i915 0000:00:02.0: vgaarb: changed VGA decodes: olddecodes=io+mem,decodes=io+mem:owns=io+mem
[   12.929488] [drm] GuC firmware load skipped
[   12.930159] [drm] Initialized i915 1.6.0 20170123 for 0000:00:02.0 on minor 0
[   12.937004] ACPI: Video Device [GFX0] (multi-head: yes  rom: no  post: no)
[   12.947398] input: Video Bus as /devices/LNXSYSTM:00/LNXSYBUS:00/PNP0A08:00/LNXVIDEO:00/input/input6
[   12.947603] ACPI: Video Device [PEGP] (multi-head: no  rom: yes  post: no)
[   12.947681] input: Video Bus as /devices/LNXSYSTM:00/LNXSYBUS:00/PNP0A08:00/device:22/LNXVIDEO:01/input/input7
[   12.957049] fbcon: inteldrmfb (fb0) is primary device
[   12.966720] asus_wmi: ASUS WMI generic driver loaded
[   12.988047] asus_wmi: Initialization: 0x1
[   12.988131] asus_wmi: BIOS WMI version: 7.9
[   12.988216] asus_wmi: SFUN value: 0xa0065
[   12.991215] input: Asus WMI hotkeys as /devices/platform/asus-nb-wmi/input/input8
[   12.994354] asus_wmi: Number of fans: 1
[   13.222074] iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0: Detected Intel(R) Dual Band Wireless AC 7265, REV=0x210
[   13.224411] iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0: L1 Enabled - LTR Enabled
[   13.224882] iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0: L1 Enabled - LTR Enabled
[   13.431953] AVX2 version of gcm_enc/dec engaged.
[   13.431955] AES CTR mode by8 optimization enabled
[   13.605021] elan_i2c i2c-ELAN0100:00: Elan Touchpad: Module ID: 0x0005, Firmware: 0x0004, Sample: 0x000d, IAP: 0x000e
[   13.605382] input: Elan Touchpad as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:15.1/i2c_designware.1/i2c-6/i2c-ELAN0100:00/input/input9
[   13.632819] iTCO_vendor_support: vendor-support=0
[   13.634768] iTCO_wdt: Intel TCO WatchDog Timer Driver v1.11
[   13.635019] iTCO_wdt: Found a Intel PCH TCO device (Version=4, TCOBASE=0x0400)
[   13.635367] iTCO_wdt: initialized. heartbeat=30 sec (nowayout=0)
[   13.651815] ieee80211 phy0: Selected rate control algorithm 'iwl-mvm-rs'
[   13.652955] (NULL device *): hwmon_device_register() is deprecated. Please convert the driver to use hwmon_device_register_with_info().
[   13.653039] thermal thermal_zone8: failed to read out thermal zone (-5)
[   13.779376] [drm] Finished loading DMC firmware i915/skl_dmc_ver1_26.bin (v1.26)
[   14.058805] Console: switching to colour frame buffer device 240x67
[   14.075662] snd_hda_intel 0000:00:1f.3: bound 0000:00:02.0 (ops i915_audio_component_bind_ops [i915])
[   14.091960] i915 0000:00:02.0: fb0: inteldrmfb frame buffer device
[   14.212434] r8169 0000:02:00.0 enp2s0: renamed from eth0
[   14.296750] ish-hid {33AECD58-B679-4E54-9BD9-A04D34F0C226}: [hid-ish]: enum_devices_done OK, num_hid_devices=2
[   14.372974] [drm] RC6 on
[   15.190958] intel_rapl: Found RAPL domain package
[   15.190965] intel_rapl: Found RAPL domain core
[   15.190969] intel_rapl: Found RAPL domain uncore
[   15.190973] intel_rapl: Found RAPL domain dram
[   15.291298] snd_hda_codec_realtek hdaudioC0D0: autoconfig for ALC255: line_outs=1 (0x14/0x0/0x0/0x0/0x0) type:speaker
[   15.291305] snd_hda_codec_realtek hdaudioC0D0:    speaker_outs=0 (0x0/0x0/0x0/0x0/0x0)
[   15.291309] snd_hda_codec_realtek hdaudioC0D0:    hp_outs=1 (0x21/0x0/0x0/0x0/0x0)
[   15.291313] snd_hda_codec_realtek hdaudioC0D0:    mono: mono_out=0x0
[   15.291316] snd_hda_codec_realtek hdaudioC0D0:    inputs:
[   15.291320] snd_hda_codec_realtek hdaudioC0D0:      Mic=0x12
[   15.326261] mousedev: PS/2 mouse device common for all mice
[   15.406822] iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0 wlp3s0: renamed from wlan0
[   15.950107] input: HDA Intel PCH Headphone as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.3/sound/card0/input10
[   15.950379] input: HDA Intel PCH HDMI/DP,pcm=3 as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.3/sound/card0/input11
[   15.950588] input: HDA Intel PCH HDMI/DP,pcm=7 as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.3/sound/card0/input12
[   15.950791] input: HDA Intel PCH HDMI/DP,pcm=8 as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.3/sound/card0/input13
[   15.950997] input: HDA Intel PCH HDMI/DP,pcm=9 as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.3/sound/card0/input14
[   15.951219] input: HDA Intel PCH HDMI/DP,pcm=10 as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.3/sound/card0/input15
[   16.003829] Adding 11596796k swap on /dev/sda6.  Priority:-1 extents:1 across:11596796k FS
[   17.673014] usbcore: registered new interface driver btusb
[   17.688976] Bluetooth: hci0: read Intel version: 370810011003110e00
[   17.736784] Bluetooth: hci0: Intel Bluetooth firmware file: intel/ibt-hw-37.8.10-fw-
[   18.057013] Bluetooth: hci0: Intel Bluetooth firmware patch completed and activated
[   18.129248] media: Linux media interface: v0.10
[   18.216453] Linux video capture interface: v2.00
[   18.482687] uvcvideo: Found UVC 1.00 device USB2.0 HD UVC WebCam (04f2:b3fd)
[   18.486884] uvcvideo 1-5:1.0: Entity type for entity Extension 4 was not initialized!
[   18.486886] uvcvideo 1-5:1.0: Entity type for entity Processing 2 was not initialized!
[   18.486887] uvcvideo 1-5:1.0: Entity type for entity Camera 1 was not initialized!
[   18.486940] input: USB2.0 HD UVC WebCam as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:14.0/usb1/1-5/1-5:1.0/input/input16
[   18.486984] usbcore: registered new interface driver uvcvideo
[   18.486984] USB Video Class driver (1.1.1)
[   21.972396] Bluetooth: BNEP (Ethernet Emulation) ver 1.3
[   21.972400] Bluetooth: BNEP filters: protocol multicast
[   21.972406] Bluetooth: BNEP socket layer initialized
[   30.037858] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): enp2s0: link is not ready
[   30.078021] r8169 0000:02:00.0 enp2s0: link down
[   30.078100] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): enp2s0: link is not ready
[   30.319358] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlp3s0: link is not ready
[   30.321833] iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0: L1 Enabled - LTR Enabled
[   30.322423] iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0: L1 Enabled - LTR Enabled
[   30.388991] iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0: L1 Enabled - LTR Enabled
[   30.389780] iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0: L1 Enabled - LTR Enabled
[   30.417848] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlp3s0: link is not ready
[   30.427720] iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0: L1 Enabled - LTR Enabled
[   30.428317] iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0: L1 Enabled - LTR Enabled
[   30.495069] iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0: L1 Enabled - LTR Enabled
[   30.495649] iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0: L1 Enabled - LTR Enabled
[   30.517163] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlp3s0: link is not ready
[   32.500640] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlp3s0: link is not ready
[   36.267069] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlp3s0: link is not ready
[   37.706208] wlp3s0: authenticate with 20:3d:b2:01:5f:40
[   37.711339] wlp3s0: send auth to 20:3d:b2:01:5f:40 (try 1/3)
[   37.713943] wlp3s0: authenticated
[   37.715836] wlp3s0: associate with 20:3d:b2:01:5f:40 (try 1/3)
[   37.719426] wlp3s0: RX AssocResp from 20:3d:b2:01:5f:40 (capab=0x1411 status=0 aid=2)
[   37.724381] wlp3s0: associated
[   37.724432] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): wlp3s0: link becomes ready
[   38.149327] wlp3s0: Limiting TX power to 30 (30 - 0) dBm as advertised by 20:3d:b2:01:5f:40
[  102.436131] Bluetooth: RFCOMM TTY layer initialized
[  102.436140] Bluetooth: RFCOMM socket layer initialized
[  102.436147] Bluetooth: RFCOMM ver 1.11
[  103.542163] fuse init (API version 7.26)
[  105.355532] gnome-session-f[1017]: segfault at 0 ip 00007f81c06704a9 sp 00007fff672818a0 error 4 in[7f81c038c000+6eb000]
[  130.743809] asus_wmi: Unknown key cf pressed
[  153.865064] usb 1-3: new full-speed USB device number 5 using xhci_hcd
[  154.152630] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbhid
[  154.152631] usbhid: USB HID core driver
[  154.172644] input: Logitech USB Receiver as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:14.0/usb1/1-3/1-3:1.0/0003:046D:C52F.0003/input/input17
[  154.172740] hid-generic 0003:046D:C52F.0003: input,hidraw0: USB HID v1.11 Mouse [Logitech USB Receiver] on usb-0000:00:14.0-3/input0
[  154.173451] input: Logitech USB Receiver as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:14.0/usb1/1-3/1-3:1.1/0003:046D:C52F.0004/input/input18
[  154.228624] hid-generic 0003:046D:C52F.0004: input,hiddev0,hidraw1: USB HID v1.11 Device [Logitech USB Receiver] on usb-0000:00:14.0-3/input1
[ 2290.740528] perf: interrupt took too long (2528 > 2500), lowering kernel.perf_event_max_sample_rate to 78900
[ 2849.096275] gnome-session-f[3775]: segfault at 0 ip 00007f90c35e84a9 sp 00007ffea92c5160 error 4 in[7f90c3304000+6eb000]
[ 3435.753577] snd_hda_intel 0000:00:1f.3: IRQ timing workaround is activated for card #0. Suggest a bigger bdl_pos_adj.
[ 3548.650019] perf: interrupt took too long (3228 > 3160), lowering kernel.perf_event_max_sample_rate to 61800
[ 4342.720358] asus_wmi: Unknown key cf pressed
[ 4756.534945] snd_hda_intel 0000:00:1f.3: Unstable LPIB (131072 >= 8192); disabling LPIB delay counting
[ 4948.148345] perf: interrupt took too long (4049 > 4035), lowering kernel.perf_event_max_sample_rate to 49200
[10297.434759] perf: interrupt took too long (5080 > 5061), lowering kernel.perf_event_max_sample_rate to 39300
[12341.782059] gnome-session-f[11867]: segfault at 0 ip 00007f6d985384a9 sp 00007fff4aa2b6a0 error 4 in[7f6d98254000+6eb000]

Last edited by pinkfloyd92 (2017-07-05 03:20:26)


#6 2017-07-05 03:30:11

From: .nz
Registered: 2009-05-09
Posts: 30,424

Re: Terminator failing to launch. dbusError File not found /run/usr/0/bus

And if you remove CDM from the equation?

Arch + dwm   •   Mercurial repos  •   Surfraw

Registered Linux User #482438


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