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Kernel: linux-lts.
I had recently performed full system upgrade and to do so I issued command
sudo pacman -Syu
and after successful installation of update, I rebooted my machine and after reboot I am only seeing black screen and also I am not able to access terminal (if display manager had broken). How to fix?
Laptop name : Asus zenbook UX305UA (dual booted with windows 10).
Configuration: i5, 8GB RAM, 256GB SSD, Intel graphic card.
Update: I tried to boot live arch Linux (2017.08.01) black screen after boot
Last edited by vaibhavsingh97 (2017-08-05 11:31:57)
after reboot I am only seeing black screen
Unusual for that to be needed after an LTS update though
Jin, Jîyan, Azadî
Can you switch tty with alt+ctrl+(F1,F2,F3..)?
Can you switch tty with alt+ctrl+(F1,F2,F3..)?
No, I am not able to
vaibhavsingh97 wrote:after reboot I am only seeing black screen
Unusual for that to be needed after an LTS update though
I tried but problem remains the same
When exactly does the screen go black?
Evil channel op and general support dude.
. files on github, Screenshots, Random pics and the rest
after reboot I am only seeing black screen
- At what stage in particular?
Do you get the boot menu? Boot messages (disable "quiet" booting)? A Desktop manager?
- Can you boot into the, see … _boot_into ?
- Can you ping the machine? Ssh into it?
after reboot I am only seeing black screen
- At what stage in particular?
Do you get the boot menu? Boot messages (disable "quiet" booting)? A Desktop manager?
- Can you boot into the, see … _boot_into ?
- Can you ping the machine? Ssh into it?
Getting grub menu and after selecting the arch getting message
loading linux-lts
after that black screen and when I press the power button, my machine simply shutdown
Last edited by vaibhavsingh97 (2017-08-05 11:13:57)
vaibhavsingh97 wrote:after reboot I am only seeing black screen
Unusual for that to be needed after an LTS update though
I installed fresh and still the problem is same so i added
then I am able to to permanently fix?
Without modesetting, you cannot run X11 or wayland, but I guess the problem is in starting the displayserver or display manager or desktop session anyway, so start by looking into the journal of the previous boot(s) to figure what actually failed.
Without modesetting, you cannot run X11 or wayland, but I guess the problem is in starting the displayserver or display manager or desktop session anyway, so start by looking into the journal of the previous boot(s) to figure what actually failed.
I found an issue which I think it's similar to me.
Laptop configuration mentioned in a bug is also same.
Did you see the suggestion to disable CSM?
Did you see the suggestion to disable CSM?
CSM is already disabled in BIOS. I tried to boot antergos, manjaro but problem is smae black screen so i installed ubuntu temporary.
As soon i will get solution, will sift to arch <3
Then you're probably not facing the same bug.
Quoting mysefl:
Can you ping the machine? Ssh into it?
Then you're probably not facing the same bug.
Quoting mysefl:Can you ping the machine? Ssh into it?
I am not able to access terminal. I have to connect and enter credentials in order to access internet so ssh is not possible
Last edited by vaibhavsingh97 (2017-08-06 21:15:51)
Internet?? You'd just use another system in the same subnet.
Anyway: since you can boot w/o modeset and the other bug is recorded in the journal, lookup the journal from a previous ("failing") boot.
Internet?? You'd just use another system in the same subnet.
Anyway: since you can boot w/o modeset and the other bug is recorded in the journal, lookup the journal from a previous ("failing") boot.
I had gone with unbuntu for now, will wait for bug fix and will switch to Arch. As I redownloaded arch, antergos and manjaro but none of them boot, getting black screen after booting.
Last edited by vaibhavsingh97 (2017-08-07 13:26:11)
Bugs don't get magically fixed.
If this is a kernel regression, prepare to be hit by it as soon as ubuntu catches up...
Bugs don't get magically fixed.
If this is a kernel regression, prepare to be hit by it as soon as ubuntu catches up...
I am using arch since 3 years but first time my system is broken like this and i have to wait for next release to test
Without knowing the kernel version that last worked. The kernel version that the issue first occurred with.
The journal for the boot with blank screen if any is recorded I am not sure what additional help can be provided.
I've the same issue too... Ctrl + alt + f1/f2/f3 don't work... Pressing power button instantly turns off PC... It gives few boot logs with all [OK] on the side and suddenly goes blank after like 2sec... These issues started arising after I updated my windows(I'm triple booting my system with windows, ubuntu and arch) and grub disappeared... I used ubuntu live usb to get back grub but this happened after that... When secure boot was enabled it gave "bad shim signature. you need to load kernel first"... Disabling secure boot gave the blank screen problem..
Please don't necro-bump, there's no chance you're hitting this very same problem after 5 years.
See the 3rd link below, open a new thread and post a system jorunal from a failing boot.
If you've an nvidia system, chances are you might have to add "ibt=off" to the kernel parameters.
If you are able to get in a terminal shell with ctrl + alt + F2 or ctrl + alt + F6
mkinitcpio -P
and then reboot with
I sometimes have that issue when I upgrade my nvidia drivers.
If you are able to get in a terminal shell with ctrl + alt + F2 or ctrl + alt + F6
Ctrl + alt + f1/f2/f3 don't work...
Please don't necro-bump, there's no chance you're hitting this very same problem after 5 years.
See the 3rd link below, open a new thread and post a system jorunal from a failing boot.
Closing this old thread.
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