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hallo everybody
I searched a tool for only viewing powerpoint presentations. Now I found it:
here you can download the 'tonicponit' ppt/pps-viewer
and here get some more information … iewer.html
to start this program type
java -jar tonicpoint.jar
I hope, some of you like it too
Thanks, I didn't want to install OOo for pps viewing (I use abiword & gnumeric), now I have this little program.
Does anyone know a similar program written with GTK+ ?
Mustang's swing takes advantage of the native GTK rendering engine
Thanks, I didn't want to install OOo for pps viewing (I use abiword & gnumeric), now I have this little program.
exactly the same situation for me
Does anyone know a similar program written with GTK+ ?
as mentioned in the blog, tonicpoint seems to be the one and only
greetz ToLo