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To install arch on macbook I need wifi driver broadcom-wl because I dont have ethernet adapter ($$$) or android phone. Recently I used second usb to install `linux` and `linux-headers` packages as dependencies and then the driver itself. But now this method doesnt work. Now in Downloads tab there is only iso with 4.12.8 kernel. After typing in installation console `pacman -U linux.pkg` and `pacman -U linux-headers.pkg` (both 4.12.12 version) I try `depmod -a` but I see the error `no directory ARCH-4.12.8`. It seems that installing packages of later versions makes trouble. So I have some questions: 1) is it correct to install packages of later versions on more older kenel? If no, can u explain what exactly wrong with it. 2) Is there a way to download packages `linux` and `linux-headers` of 4.12.8 version? I searched in "View changes" section but choosing there shows some git info with download of tar archive which holds files for tarball (my speculation). I made `makepkg` there but it fails with error "One or more GPG signatures couldnt be verified". P.S: couldn't find a link for right text formatting at forum. Please leave it here if u know it!
Last edited by usipusi (2017-09-12 22:26:42)
2) Is there a way to download packages `linux` and `linux-headers` of 4.12.8 version? I searched in "View changes" section but choosing there shows some git info with download of tar archive which holds files for tarball (my speculation). I made `makepkg` there but it fails with error "One or more GPG signatures couldnt be verified".
Why are you downloading and installing the linux package? It's already present on the installation media.
You only need the linux-headers package that matches the current running kernel.
Why are you downloading and installing the linux package? It's already present on the installation media.
You only need the linux-headers package that matches the current running kernel.
Thanks a lot! Why there is the package with .sig ending? Is it PGP signature? Should I download it too and if yes what should I do with it?
Last edited by usipusi (2017-09-12 22:34:21)
The .sig file is a PGP signature of the package, which pacman will automatically use when installing a package via pacman -U … pkg.tar.xz
pacman will not verify these when downloading the package via your browser, transferring the package files via usb, and installing them with pacman -U /mnt/secondusbdrive/packagefile-1.0-1-any.pkg.tar.xz
See `man 5 pacman.conf` and the Sigevel, LocalFileSigLevel, and RemoteFileSigLevel options for more details.
Usually, when you install from a repository via `pacman -Syu`, pacman checks these via the signatures embedded in the sync database. You can always verify them by hand using pacman-key.
Managing AUR repos The Right Way -- aurpublish (now a standalone tool)
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