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Is there any way to make firefox handle certain media types with external applications?
For example, I want PDF files to open in adobe reader outside of firefox, or to just be downoaded directly. I want all video files, even embedded ones, to play in VLC or Mplayer (not mplayer plugin or xine plugin) or to be downloaded. Etc.
If you have mplayer-plugin installed add noembed=1 to your ~/.mplayer/mplayerplug-in.conf file and it will open all embedded videos in an separate mplayer window.
wow. there are a lot of good options there:
I used to have problems with video caching so I also increased the size of that. Thanks for the heads-up.
For PDFs I just renamed to and now the save/open dialog pops up.
For flash I installed the flashblock plugin and set it up so I have to click to play any flash.
All is well in firefox land.
how come some filetypes won't allow you to open, only save? there must be a way to override that.
i wish i could provide an example, but i'm lazy.
Well, you already solved the problem, but i would also suggest pdf download and videodownloader extensions for Firefox.
All your base are belong to us
how come some filetypes won't allow you to open, only save? there must be a way to override that.
i wish i could provide an example, but i'm lazy.
it's cause there isn't a set app to open it with
paranoos wrote:how come some filetypes won't allow you to open, only save? there must be a way to override that.
i wish i could provide an example, but i'm lazy.
it's cause there isn't a set app to open it with
i mean the open option is disabled, i can't select an app. i find it's usually with files with uppercase file extensions. i think.