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I am trying to install arch via wifi (No wired option here).
So far I've made attemps with...
Dlink DWA-552 pci card -> FAILED!
DWA-171 usb -> FAILED!
TP-Link TL-WN823N usb -> FAILED!
Is there a working wifi option?
I'm willing to purchase another wifi card/dongle but need to know
what works. (for install)
Nearly any wifi card will work if you configure it. What exactly does "FAILED!" mean, that's not an error message.
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All 3 of those can be made to work, what was the problem with them?
Support for the DWA-552 has been in the kernel for years.
The AUR contains support for many chipsets as well. You just need to know which one you have and search for it. For example:
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Thanks for the replies.
Nearly any wifi card will work if you configure it. What exactly does "FAILED!" mean, that's not an error message
The DWA-171 is not recognized at all.
Arch see's the TP-Link TL-WN823N and I can scan available networks however all signals are very week (-90 range)
The led on the usb dongle will not light. Seems like it is under powered (normally brightly lit for any activity).
It will not connect to network (connection failed)
The pci card DWA-552 scans networks, gets full signal but will not connect. This card seems to be a problem
child with any linux distro from everything I've read.
I have used both wifi-menu and directions from Arch Wiki (wpa_supplicant etc)
Anyway I will check out Graysky's links, but optimism is low at this point.
I was able to install Antergos Arch via their live cd
which contains the necessary files to build/install wifi drivers,
Personally this is my biggest beef with linux distro's, very few
come with this ability. Classic chicken/egg scenario for us wifi users.
Anyway I feel like I've made it to first base lol and should be able
to transfer my driver to the Arch install.
I guess I had misread post #5. I took that to be an indication that you had researched those cards and had, in fact, found they did not work. I see that was in error as you proved in #6 that they do work.
In retrospect, this is a different issue that I had thought. When (and if) you do install Arch Linux, there are a few ways to handle this. One is to download the needed files and use them at install time. Another is to do the install from a Wired connection and install the drivers, firmware, etc... from the on-line repositories. If a wired connection is not available, one can always USB tether a phone for the purposes of the install. The interface they provide looks and acts like a wired connection; all you need to do do use them is run dhcpcd.
Last edited by ewaller (2017-09-25 14:51:13)
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