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I have been using nuvolaplayer/runtime since it supported google play music.
Aur maintenance has died for it a long time ago. But I have been making my own PKGBUILDS. So I decided to see if I could automaticly update the PKGBUILDS with the latest updates and checksums when they are released. I have done so and have them upload automatically to a github repo.
I am also now working on building, signing, and uploading the packages to a custom repo located here
I would like help verifying I did this right. This is the first time I have used gpg keys
sudo pacman-key -r AD949B51
sudo pacman-key --lsign-key AD949B51
add to /etc/pacman.conf
Server =$repo
Visit for updates on the repo(s) and PKGBUILDS
Last edited by laramy2020 (2017-09-27 15:26:23)
Hi there!
This is a pretty solid idea. Have you considered adopting the AUR package as well and keeping it up-to-date for those that don't want to inherently trust your server?
All the best,
Yes I have. But i don't know how to go about requesting access.
I left a comment on the primary aur package requesting maintainer accesses.
Submit an orphan request via the AUR web interface, if you've previously tried contacting the maintainer with no response this should be granted.
Once orphaned you can take the package over.
Thanks for the orphan request tip.
I think i will also start by submitting the non-existent nuvola-apps.
As the creator changed the name from nuvolaplayer to nuvolaruntime. would it be ok to upload a new PKG with the nuvolaruntime name?
Last edited by laramy2020 (2017-09-25 19:33:53)
Yes, this is reasonable assuming the new name is the name people will search for and not just the name of the repository -- I am unfamiliar with the software and am not sure which one it is, though the homepage and README seem to refer to Nuvola Player.
You would then submit a request to have the package merged into your new package.
Managing AUR repos The Right Way -- aurpublish (now a standalone tool)
It is a little weird.
On the apps homepage
it says Nuvola-Apps. When you click it. It says in the url NuvolaPlayer. When you go to the github of the project it says nuvolaruntime
So nuvolaruntime is the engine, and nuvola-apps is the code that nuvolaruntime executes. Making nuvolaplayer the umbrella name?
So nuvolaruntime is the engine, and nuvola-apps is the code that nuvolaruntime executes. Making nuvolaplayer the umbrella name?
I guess it is a badly executed name change. For me it looks like the old version was called "nuvola player". Now the whole project should be "Nuvola Apps", with a "Nuvola Apps Runtime" (nuvolaruntime / nuvola-runtime) and apps like "EXAMPLE App for Nuvola" (nuvola-app-...)
Last edited by progandy (2017-09-25 20:29:57)
| alias CUTF='LANG=en_XX.UTF-8@POSIX ' |
laramy2020 wrote:So nuvolaruntime is the engine, and nuvola-apps is the code that nuvolaruntime executes. Making nuvolaplayer the umbrella name?
I guess it is a badly executed name change. For me it looks like the old version was called "nuvola player". Now the whole project should be "Nuvola Apps", with a "Nuvola Apps Runtime" (nuvolaruntime / nuvola-runtime) and apps like "EXAMPLE App for Nuvola" (nuvola-app-...)
I think I will upload as nuvolaruntime. and do what I can to make nuvola apps/nuvola/nuvolaplayer searchable for the runtime. The nuvola apps are still named nuvola-app-name-of-service. So those should be fine.
The AUR supports keywords for packages, so you could add the alternative names there.
| alias CUTF='LANG=en_XX.UTF-8@POSIX ' |
Thanks for the info and welcoming support.
I have uploaded what i can to the aur. Will be preforming orphan requests on the others today.
Insted of orphan requesting all nuvola-app-* packages. I will be requesting maintainer access first. As a lot of nuvola-app packages have different submitters/maintainers
I dd orphan request the diorite lib. As the newest one is needed for the runtime to work. the one in the aur is 0.2.1 (first release) while the latest is 4.7.0 (13th release).
Offline … 19557.html
As for the searchability, looks good to me. And the use of provides/conflicts means there will be a seamless upgrade path.
Managing AUR repos The Right Way -- aurpublish (now a standalone tool)
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