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#1 2017-11-04 00:31:11

Registered: 2013-02-06
Posts: 7

installing on mbp 2016

I'm trying to install on a mbp2016. I put the latest install iso on a usb flash drive and see it from the EFI menu when pushing option as described below. After selecting Arch, I've also tried holding Alt, which I read someone mention elsewhere. Either way I'm stuck with a blank screen, and attaching an external monitor didn't yield any results either.

Then is it possible to install on mbp2016? So far I haven't been able to see anything from the monitor. I've also posted on that gist. … c6a92f9cd7

Trying this on ArchLinux here. I created a bootable usb drive using the most recent .iso and hit option at boot and see the option to EFI boot. Then I look and see Arch Linux archisso_x86_64 UEFI CD as the first option above UEFI Shell, EFI Default Loader, mac OS....

I think it's kernel 4.13 . But I get a blank screen. Usb is connected via apple usb / VGA adapter. Not sure how to pass kernel params, maybe from the shell?


#2 2017-11-04 00:49:17

From: .nz
Registered: 2009-05-09
Posts: 30,426

Re: installing on mbp 2016

Arch + dwm   •   Mercurial repos  •   Surfraw

Registered Linux User #482438


#3 2017-11-07 18:04:54

Registered: 2013-02-06
Posts: 7

Re: installing on mbp 2016

Thanks. I'm actually not sure what parameters I should set since other posts imply it just works. My advice to anyone don't buy a MacBook if you don't care about macOS. Mine was provided, but what a hassle. Anyhow no luck booting it.


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