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#1 2006-07-12 10:10:07

Registered: 2005-09-13
Posts: 21

[webcam] Quickcam pro 5000 not found


I love linux, and especially archlinux and gentoo, but there are some problems that make me reboot under windows quite often sad

Here, i'll talk about my webcam (and you'll probably see other topics for the other problems  :cry: ).

I have a logitech quickcam pro 5000, and I don't manage to make it work at all ! I don't seem to be able to detect the webcam ..

Here's my config:
kernel-beyond 2.6.17
nforce-beyond (I have a nforce 4 with Athlon64 3200+)
installed pwc, and modprobed it

Don't know what else you need to know.

Tout ce que je suis n'est que cause
Tout ce que je suis n'est que conséquence
Pourquoi s'attacher à toutes ces choses
Pourquoi continuer dans la souffrance ?

Shiki Soku Ze Ku, Ku Soku Ze Shiki


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