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What's your favorite DE/WM
Fav DE = Xfce4
what are you looking for in a panel, i.e. system tray,clock, taskbar, launcher...
taskbar, clock and maybe a pager
// Kris
"Penquins, Penquins, über alles!"
magnum_opus wrote:what are you looking for in a panel, i.e. system tray,clock, taskbar, launcher...
taskbar, clock and maybe a pager
pypanel, fbpanel, xfce's panel, gnome's panel
Kris wrote:magnum_opus wrote:what are you looking for in a panel, i.e. system tray,clock, taskbar, launcher...
taskbar, clock and maybe a pager
pypanel, fbpanel, xfce's panel, gnome's panel
How do I install pypanel? It's not in the repo
// Kris
"Penquins, Penquins, über alles!"
allucid wrote:Kris wrote:taskbar, clock and maybe a pager
pypanel, fbpanel, xfce's panel, gnome's panel
How do I install pypanel? It's not in the repo
Uncomment the [community] repo in /etc/pacman.conf, and "pacman -Sy pypanel"
Right now I'm using PekWM + Gnome... Nice, although they play a little weirdly together (for example, you're stuck one of those four-arrow "window moving" cursors on startup for about 15 seconds, and it stays around if you don't bring up the PekWM menu). I do have to say that using a window manager other than Metacity vastly improves application startup speeds, for some reason.
forget that, i'm back to openbox. See here for details:
@ Gullible Jones
Hey i was using that combo to. But the gnome taskbar wasn't bring the windows to the forground. How did you set it up??
Pekwm Rulez,
I dunno, I just switched back to OBGnome.
(This new version of Gnome doesn't play nice with alternative window managers, it seems they gave half the keybinding stuff to Metacity and half to the settings daemon. I can call up Nautilus with ctrl-alt-space, but not a terminal with ctrl-alt-return or the screensaver with ctrl-alt-l...)
I've been using KDE for a while now (since the 3.4RC series) and it seems to be serving me quite well. Has a lot of these nice but not so visible features, which you come across when you start investigating it.
The only problems I have with KDE concern its graphics - I can't find many good and complete icon themes (if you know some, please tell me), and also there's a lot of flickering, which is caused from Qt as far as I know. So I have high hopes for KDE 4.
sweiss @
Yeah, I also had problems with icon-themes... I allways use NuoveXT in KDE, it's beautifull, but it missing some icons (Ex. Konversation)
// Kris
"Penquins, Penquins, über alles!"
Fluxbox here.
I used blackbox before, but the lack of xinerama support became too annoying. Fluxbox does everything I want, and it does it good.
My turn!
I see a couple people here are RP fans - awesome. I have one or two gripes when it comes to shitty apps, but in general I have been using RP for 1.5 years now. I can't use anything else anymore....
But all-in-all, my favorite window manager of all time is GNU Screen.
Since the first time on a Linux machine till last month, I was a gnome lover, Now am using wmii, I tried RP and ION, i didn't like them both, wmii has some annoying bugs like windows flying around when a closing a client on the right coloumn...
Oh and as phrakture said, GNU Screen is my Favorite too
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yes... i'm with gandalf and phrak about screen...
those who don't know it are severely deprived
I've always used KDE. When I first tried Linux I thought that Gnome was the better looking of all the DE but when I saw it for myself I didn't like completely. There is always a feeling of desktop-penandpaper on it, can't explain exactly, I preferred Kde because it looked more "modern" to me, and it does still now.
Another very good one is OpenBox, but I can't live without konqueror as file manager and if I have to load konqueror whenever I login then....why don't load the whole kde? Openbox is nice, fast and "modern" but for me there isn't a real alternative to konqueror as file manager (don't say terminal or mc )
To get something done, a committee should consist of no more than three persons, two of them absent.
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onearm: Thunar does the job for me, without the bloat. ;-)
I am a KDE guy, although I keep gnome and fluxbox installed for certian tasks (and demonstration purposes) I try to show people the versitility of Linux
I'm a gnome-lovers from ximian-gnome 1.4...beautiful day...
Now I use Gnome on the laptop and e17 on the desktop
I removed my sig, cause i select the flag, the flag often the target of enemy.
SAR brain-tumor
Forgive my ignorance, but why don't you use Gnome from extra?
user wrote:gnome-
Forgive my ignorance, but why don't you use Gnome from extra?
1. i don't like gnome in /opt/* (i did rm -rf /opt few month ago)
2. i like /home/<user_account>/*
3. less problem, more control to me.
4. gnome upgrade timing is mine, not arch repo.
5. i can enjoy it(aka my own), in arch repo, i can only get some tension.
6. a little different config option (--configure --enable --disable-stuff)
7. i have no worry about dependency of gnome, and it's update-ness.
cons: installing garnome is time-consuming job(5~6 hours if it goes well)..
I removed my sig, cause i select the flag, the flag often the target of enemy.
SAR brain-tumor
onearm: Thunar does the job for me, without the bloat. ;-)
Too much Gnome-like for my tastes :?
But it's a good one, I have to agree
To get something done, a committee should consist of no more than three persons, two of them absent.
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Openbox is awesome.
I use it with gnome. Its sorta like OBGnome. That way I can use little things I love about Gnome in my OB setup.
However now that I have a newer and faster laptop I might just use Gnome.
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