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#1 2017-12-05 06:59:37

Registered: 2017-03-14
Posts: 12

Boot freeze with linux 4.13 and 4.14


Since linux 4.13 my destkop PC freezes during the boot.

This appears randomly, sometime I see the login prompt but generaly it freezes before.

The screen is froozen but the power button still works.

4.12 log - 4.14 log

System informations:

System:    Host: handy Kernel: 4.12.8-2-ARCH x86_64 bits: 64 Desktop: i3 Distro: Arch Linux
CPU:       Quad core Intel Core i7-3770K (-HT-MCP-) speed/max: 1780/3900 MHz
Graphics:  Card: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD/ATI] Pitcairn XT [Radeon HD 7870 GHz Edition]
           Display Server: X.Org 1.19.5 drivers: amdgpu (unloaded: modesetting)
           Resolution: 1680x1050@59.88hz, 1680x1050@59.95hz
           OpenGL: renderer: AMD Radeon HD 7800 Series (AMD PITCAIRN / DRM 3.15.0 / 4.12.8-2-ARCH, LLVM 5.0.0)
           version: 4.5 Mesa 17.2.6
Drives:    HDD Total Size: 6061.2GB (27.4% used)
Partition: ID-1: / size: 56G used: 31G (57%) fs: btrfs dev: /dev/sdc1
           ID-2: /home size: 2.8T used: 1.5T (55%) fs: btrfs dev: /dev/dm-2
Info:      Processes: 296 Uptime: 29 min Memory: 2105.6/15994.6MB Client: Shell (bash) inxi: 2.3.52


#2 2017-12-05 14:32:56

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 61,147

Re: Boot freeze with linux 4.13 and 4.14

Can you still ping the system resp. ssh into it?
Do you boot a graphical or the multi-user target?


#3 2017-12-06 09:33:26

Registered: 2017-03-14
Posts: 12

Re: Boot freeze with linux 4.13 and 4.14

seth wrote:

Can you still ping the system resp. ssh into it?

ssh works fine.

seth wrote:

Do you boot a graphical or the multi-user target?

graphical but I also tried multi-user and the result is the same.


#4 2017-12-06 11:22:27

Registered: 2012-09-02
Posts: 886

Re: Boot freeze with linux 4.13 and 4.14

Did you set "amdgpu.si_support=1 radeon.si_support=0"?


#5 2017-12-06 11:56:28

Registered: 2017-03-14
Posts: 12

Re: Boot freeze with linux 4.13 and 4.14

Morn wrote:

Did you set "amdgpu.si_support=1 radeon.si_support=0"?

No, but it’s work better with these options. Thank you!


#6 2017-12-06 12:37:31

Registered: 2012-09-02
Posts: 886

Re: Boot freeze with linux 4.13 and 4.14

Sanpi wrote:
Morn wrote:

Did you set "amdgpu.si_support=1 radeon.si_support=0"?

No, but it’s work better with these options. Thank you!

You're welcome! I think we amdgpu users should have been warned about the need for new kernel parameters on the Arch main page; a tiny notice in the Wiki is easy to overlook. And who checks the Wiki every time there is a kernel upgrade?


#7 2017-12-06 17:07:52

From: Davis, CA
Registered: 2013-05-11
Posts: 163

Re: Boot freeze with linux 4.13 and 4.14

Morn wrote:
Sanpi wrote:
Morn wrote:

Did you set "amdgpu.si_support=1 radeon.si_support=0"?

No, but it’s work better with these options. Thank you!

You're welcome! I think we amdgpu users should have been warned about the need for new kernel parameters on the Arch main page; a tiny notice in the Wiki is easy to overlook. And who checks the Wiki every time there is a kernel upgrade?

This is an experimental feature that is opt-in only. You accept the responsibility for issues that may arise or changes that need to be kept up on once you make the choice to enable it. If you don't want to check the wiki or keep up on changes, stick to the stock kernel options, as those are the only one officially supported by archlinux, and the only ones to make it to the front page

I don't really know what I'm doing.


#8 2017-12-06 17:33:05

Registered: 2014-03-06
Posts: 18,294

Re: Boot freeze with linux 4.13 and 4.14

@brittyazel without "amdgpu.si_support=1 radeon.si_support=0" would be the supported configuration that results in the blank screen in this case?


#9 2017-12-06 17:45:06

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 61,147

Re: Boot freeze with linux 4.13 and 4.14

@brittyazel see … 29_support

Also, since kernel 4.13, adding the amdgpu.si_support=1 radeon.si_support=0 or amdgpu.cik_support=1 radeon.cik_support=0 kernel parameter is required. Otherwise, AMDGPU will not start and you will end up with either radeon being used instead or the display being frozen during the boot.

Though it slightly puzzles me why amdgpu was used for the OP in the 4.12 kernel w/o those parameters (radeon blacklisted?)


#10 2017-12-06 20:54:12

Registered: 2012-09-02
Posts: 886

Re: Boot freeze with linux 4.13 and 4.14

@brittyazel The radeon driver is unusably bad with these cards if you are doing any serious 3-D work or gaming. Amdgpu or catalyst are the only viable options.

So maybe the Arch devs should get with the times and realize that everyone who can use amdgpu with their card, probably already does. Radeon is dead as a doornail and does not work properly.


#11 2017-12-06 21:36:04

From: Davis, CA
Registered: 2013-05-11
Posts: 163

Re: Boot freeze with linux 4.13 and 4.14

Morn wrote:

@brittyazel The radeon driver is unusably bad with these cards if you are doing any serious 3-D work or gaming. Amdgpu or catalyst are the only viable options.

So maybe the Arch devs should get with the times and realize that everyone who can use amdgpu with their card, probably already does. Radeon is dead as a doornail and does not work properly.

No argument from me. I also agree that AMDGPU is basically a necessity. However, it is not up to archlinux devs to determine if a driver is experimental or not, that is up to the kernel driver devs. The Archlinux devs already are doing their part by enabling the flags in the kernel to compile these drivers for us. Otherwise we would all have to compile our own kernels for si and cik AMDGPU support.

My only point was that regardless of it's necessity, it is considered experimental and subject to active change. It's up to the user to keep up with the changes until the driver is promoted to stable status.

Last edited by brittyazel (2017-12-06 21:37:20)

I don't really know what I'm doing.


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