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#1 2017-12-09 06:52:09

Registered: 2011-07-23
Posts: 14

openvz- FATAL: kernel too old.... Anyone still trying to use openvz?

I recently did an -Syu on a openvz vps that has been stable for quite some time; The result was error messages spouting "FATAL: kernel too old" (This is on an INIZ openvz vps)

Obviously some component that was upgraded isn't happy with the old kernel openvz still runs on. I'm have some hunch that it's an upgrade of glibc thats causing the fault.

I am starting to think that openvz might be a bit too old for modern uses and it would be time to considering moving to a different service, even if doing so would be more expensive.

That said, I've googled around and I don't see anyone else talking about this issue. I feel reluctant to abandon ship without any knowledge or documentation about what exactly went wrong here.
Has anyone else hit this issue? Do you know what caused the problem? Is it something that can be fixed with a kernel patch? Or did everyone jump ship off openvz by now?

I guess before I reinstall my vps from scratch it'd be nice to double check that I don't just need to push INIZ to upgrade to a new patch of openvz kernel
.... Except I don't really have any information for you. I'm not sure which kernel it was running and I don't know what was upgraded in the recent -Syu;


#2 2017-12-09 09:08:24

Registered: 2014-03-06
Posts: 17,869

Re: openvz- FATAL: kernel too old.... Anyone still trying to use openvz?


#3 2017-12-09 10:34:10

Registered: 2011-07-23
Posts: 14

Re: openvz- FATAL: kernel too old.... Anyone still trying to use openvz?

That does seem to be the culprit. Thanks!

Based on that bug the only possible fix would be to use a patched (compiled with enable2.26) or old glibc. I.. think that would mean rebuiling all packages dependent on glibc.
Seems like arch is dead on openvz now without an alternative build server just for this.

Another mention here:


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