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I'm trying to install Arch on an Intel NUC, specifically the NUC7i5BNK. (These are Intel's new-ish tiny computers, a bit like a Raspberry Pi.) When I boot from a USB with the Arch installation image on it, Arch gets some way into booting and then (usually) gives some kind of error message to do with SQUASHFS. Obviously, I can't copy and paste these, but the errors are something like:
[ XXXX] SQUASHFS error: squashfs_read_data failed to read block XXXX
[ XXXX] SQUASHFS error: Unable to read data cache entry [XXXX]
Where the XXXXs are numbers and hex codes that are different each time.
What's weird about this is that the errors are a bit random. They seem to occur at different points in the boot process each time, and how badly the boot is affected seems to vary: sometimes it leads to a completely crashed blank screen, sometimes I get a half-working environment but with certain files and executables inaccessible, and once or twice it even seems to have booted completely successfully. But I didn't manage to install it correctly those times (I think I forgot to install a bootloader!), and I haven't got it to boot successfully again, in spite of trying many times.
The image on the USB stick is OK because it boots fine on another machine. And I can boot another distro's live image (I tried Puppy Linux) on the NUC. So it seems to be the specific combination of Arch and the NUC that is the problem, though I've no idea why.
I also ran the memtest utility that comes with the Arch live image and it says my memory is OK, so I don't think it's that, either.
Any thoughts? Thanks so much!
Just out of curiosity, have you checked this?
It states at the top of the page issues with regard to certain BIOS versions. Have you tried updating or using an older BIOS version?
I did update the BIOS but it didn't seem to make any difference.
I did eventually resolve this issue just by sheer bloody-minded persistence. The problems with the installation were a bit random, and seemed to come at different points each time I tried it, which motivated me to keep trying to see whether at some point it would get through the whole process without a problem, and--eventually, after about thirty or so attempts--it did.
Now that Arch is installed, it all seems to be working fine, and I have no idea what was causing the problems with the installation.
Even though I got past the problem, I won't mark this thread as solved, because I didn't really figure out how to solve it in any useful way.